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Author(s): Timothy Keller & Richard Coekin
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (Jan 13-14)
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Find guidance to navigate the storms of life with these insightful devotionals by Timothy Keller and Richard Coekin.

Carefully-crafted questions, insightful explanations and helpful prompts to apply God’s word to your life, will take you to the heart of God’s word and then push God’s word deep into your heart.

These 90 devotionals in Galatians, Judges and Ephesians, taken from the Explore Quarterly range, are a great way to start reading the Bible. If you already spend time each day in God’s word, this book will take you deeper in to the riches of Scripture, drawing you closer to the Lord and gaining fresh appreciation for His love for us in Christ.


Author(s): Mathew P. John
Publisher: David C. Cook
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

We live in the age of religious pluralism where all religions are considered the same and different paths lead to the same spiritual destination. It is important for Christians to learn how to affirm Jesus Christ as the only way to God—while also paying due respect to people of other faiths and worldviews.

In The Unknown God: A Journey with Jesus from East to West, Mathew P. John explores the redemptive revelations lurking in the darkness outside the boundaries of Christian tradition. In this spiritual journey through six major world religions, readers encounter a variety of symbols that point to the Jesus of the Bible. From Hindu avatars and Buddhist bodhisattvas, to Sikh gurus and Muslim prophets, and the Jewish messiah, consider how different religions attempt to answer the deep longing for a savior ingrained in the collective conscience of humanity.


Author(s): Mickey Robinson
Publisher: Chosen Books
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Our world is full of fear: fear of death, public speaking, flying, drowning, failure, rejection, snakes, needles, heights, darkness, enclosed places, and countless more. Satan uses fear to steal joy, kill opportunity, and destroy hope. God has an antidote: supernatural courage.

Our favorite Bible heroes achieved results greater than their natural abilities because of bravery that came only from God. Followers of Jesus throughout history have had the Holy Spirit come upon them to achieve supernatural outcomes. In Supernatural Courage, Robinson uses biblical examples, interviews, and testimonies, along with Bible promises, prayers, and activations to impart spiritual bravery for strength to live a life beyond what’s normal.

These pages will help activate supernatural courage in your life so that you can hope–and then persevere through overwhelming challenges, stand against intimidation, believe for the impossible, forgive amid injustice, use spiritual gifts for spiritual victories, and finish the race God has given you.


Author(s): Brad Hambrick
Publisher: Cruciform Press
Price: $2.99       (Jan 12-13)
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Conversations among friends accomplish more than debates between opponents…

Conversations on controversial issues do not to go well when the dialogue happens community-to-community or figurehead-to-figurehead. Whether it’s race, religion, or politics, groups don’t talk well with groups. Too much is at stake when we feel like our words and actions speak for the collective whole. Platforms and podiums will never accomplish what can only be done around dinner tables and in living rooms.

Two individuals from those respective groups are much more likely to forge a good relationship, influencing one another in various ways. Unfortunately, an individual who listens well is often viewed by his or her collective compatriots as engaging in compromise; at the group level, representing each side fairly feels too much like agreement.

That is why the aim of this book is friendship. Friendship is the level at which influence can be had, because the dialogue does not seek to represent an agenda but to understand a person. Friendship is what protects good points from becoming gotcha moments.


Author(s): Enoch Burke
Publisher: Burke Publishing
Price: FREE       (Ends Jan 15)
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By the author of The Hedonism and Homosexuality of John Piper and Sam Allberry

Martin Luther once said, “There is great danger in speaking of the things of God in a different manner and in different terms than God Himself employs.”

This book takes a scriptural look at John Piper, whose influence over the church in the past three decades has been immense. The author is a young Chistian who once read Piper’s works and was captivated by the popularity and success of the movement which Piper is the undisputed father of, New Calvinism.

Piper’s greatest impact has been on the beliefs and actions of Christian youth. Famed for his support of the well-known Passion Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, Piper’s philosophical doctrine of Christian hedonism (seeking pleasure in God) has enamoured hundreds of thousands of young people. His teaching has led to new attitudes on Christian holiness, sexual sin and Christian witness in the public square.


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