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Fiction (Female) Header

In this grab bag, we have 5 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends June 25

Ends June 30

Ends June 30

Ends July 2

Ends June 27

Author(s): Van Moody
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       (June 21 Only)
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The key to the life you want is already within your grasp. Join bestselling author Van Moody as he helps you learn the 3 keys necessary to discover your life’s purpose and the satisfying fulfillment you’re longing for.

One question lies behind every struggle we face: How do I deal with myself? Behind all our stumbles, behind each of our missteps, behind every one of our failings lies an inability to handle what Moody calls the “I-Factor.” More than self-worth or self-respect, beyond even character and perception of purpose, the I-Factor is about managing yourself–your whole life–well. In this inspiring book, Moody reveals how to get hold of your I-Factor and finally get out of your own way.

In The I-Factor, Moody identifies three dynamics essential to winning the battle of the I-Factor:


Author(s): Kevin Deyoung
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $3.79       Buy Now!

Countercultural Yet Biblical Advice for High School and College Students, Ideal for Graduation and Birthday Gifts

Most speeches addressed to high school and college students follow a similar theme: march to the beat of your own drum. This may sound encouraging on the surface, but Scripture exhorts believers to submit their lives to the will of God, not their own desires. Christian students need gospel-centered truth to guide them on their journey toward independence.

In this collection of inspiring sermons and graduation speeches, Kevin DeYoung delivers a motivational, biblical call to young people: serve God faithfully—and if necessary, counter-culturally—in the next season of your life. Do Not Be True to Yourself includes practical advice for cultivating a Christ-centered worldview in every area of adult life, including relationships, work, church participation, and spiritual growth, making it a transformational resource for mentoring students.


Author(s): Jeremy Gardiner
Publisher: Head Covering Movement
Price: $3.99       (Ends June 23)
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Have you ever wondered why some women cover their heads in church, while men remove their hats? Have you thought about what this practice means and where it came from? It’s not something that was picked up from the surrounding culture. Instead, it comes directly from 1 Corinthians 11 (in the Bible) where this practice is explained in surprising depth. In fifteen consecutive verses, the Apostle Paul explains and defends the practice of head covering. He appeals to apostolic tradition, to the created roles of men and women, to angels, to nature, and to the church’s exclusive position on this topic.

Though head covering was practiced by the majority of Christians throughout Church history, it is now practiced only by a small minority. However, today many Christians are rediscovering this ancient practice, fueling a resurgence of head covering during church gatherings.

From the founder of the Head Covering Movement comes “Head Covering: A Forgotten Christian Practice for Modern Times.” In this book, Jeremy Gardiner will walk you through the Scriptures so you will see how this symbol beautifully depicts the created differences between men and women. You’ll hear the history of head covering, showing that it wasn’t until the feminist revolution that this practice fell out of favor in the Western church. The most popular objections (the cultural view, the long hair view, and charges of legalism) are all answered in-depth. Finally, the book addresses practical questions regarding how this is to be carried out.


Author(s): J.T. English & Jen Wilkin
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 20 Only)
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2024 Christian Book Award winner, Christian Living category

The Gospel Coalition 2024 Book Awards, Popular Theology, Award of Distinction

WORLD 2023 Books of the Year, Honorable Mention

Theology can be intimidating. Perhaps questions like these have kept you from engaging with it: “What is theology?” “Who does theology?” “What happens if I get something wrong?”

Theology can be intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be. Whether conversations about theology have felt out of reach, over your head, or irrelevant, consider this book an invitation to the dialogue.


Author(s): Ron Rhodes
Publisher: Harvest Prophecy
Price: $1.99       (Ends June 25)
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“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.”
—Revelation 1:3 (ESV)
From bestselling author Ron Rhodes comes 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy: an engaging and accessible survey of what God has made known about our future through His Word. Get ready to understand—or rediscover—how prophetic Scripture impacts your life today!

With helpful question-and-answer sections and insightful outlines of key takeaways, Ron has designed this study to help you retain the big-picture truths of Bible prophecy. You will
gain fluency in Bible prophecy vocabulary, learning terms like rapture, millennial kingdom, and eternal state
identify the chronology of prophetic events, from what has already occurred to what is still to come
get to know the prominent personalities of the end times, including the two witnesses, the antichrist, and the false prophet
Approach every part of God’s Word with confidence and clarity! 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy will encourage you to grow in faith as you gain an accurate understanding of God’s soon-to-be-fulfilled promises.

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