
Daily E-Book Deals: June 5, 2024

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Author(s): Stephen McAlpine
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (June 5-6)
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The church used to be recognized as a force for good, but this is changing rapidly. Christians are now often seen as the bad guys, losing both respect and influence.

In our post-Christian culture, how do we offer the gospel to those around us who view it as not only wrong but possibly dangerous? And how do we ensure that the secular worldview does not entice us away with its constant barrage, online and elsewhere, of messages about self-determinism?

Author Stephen McAlpine offers an analysis of how our culture ended up this way and explains key points of tension between biblical Christianity and secular culture.

He encourages Christians not to be ashamed of the gospel as it is more liberating, fulfilling and joyful than anything the world has to offer. He also offers strategies for coping in this world, with its opposing values, and for reaching out to others wisely with the truth.


Author(s): Mark Talbot
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99       (June 5-6)
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Since creation’s fall, suffering has been part of earthly life. At times, it can feel overwhelming, even for believers who trust in the Lord. The Suffering and the Christian Life series provides help and hope from Scripture for those who are suffering.

In volume 2 of this series, Mark Talbot explores Scripture’s account of the origin, spread, and eventual end of suffering, giving Christians the perspective they need to get through life’s difficult times. He encourages readers to see themselves within the Bible’s storyline (creation, rebellion, redemption, and consummation), finding the courage to endure and taking comfort that God is at work for their good.

Author(s): Various Authors
Publisher: Winged Publications
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Summer Suspicions: Ten Christian Romantic Suspense Novels

Escape into a world of love, mystery, and faith with these ten Christian romantic suspense novels. Today’s bestselling Christian fiction authors are bringing you ten page-turning, action-packed adventures filled with unforgettable characters, adrenaline-pumping mysteries, and heartwarming romance.

Summer suspicions lurk everywhere in small towns and in the countryside, as well as in the cities and on the coast. Cowboys, protectors, former military, single moms, pastors, good friends, sheriffs, missing children, hostages, fugitives, heroes, villains, and more, all in one limited-edition boxed set collection just for the summer of 2024 only.

Read all new novels by these favorite authors!


Author(s): Clarence Wagner
Publisher: New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (June 5-6)
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Packed with a wealth of information about “Eretz Israel,” the Land of Israel, 365 Fascinating Facts about Israel brings the region to life, especially for those who have never been there. From general information about climate, culture, and customs, to concise information about Middle East politics, wars, and efforts for peace, this book is the only handbook you need to understand this magnificent land. Add to your knowledge with such facts as the following:

* “Palestine” was a word coined by the Roman Empire after the time of Christ. *
* Israel today is a leading exporter of flowers, fulfilling the prophecies that the region would again bloom after God regathered the Jews from their worldwide dispersion. *
* Jerusalem is located in Judea, an area today known to many as the “West Bank.” *
* Modern Israel, over 50 years old, is barely younger then neighboring states Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. *
* The Holy Land is bordered on the west by the Mediterranean sea, and on teh right by the Jordan River. *


Author(s): Kate Bowler & Jessica Richie
Publisher: Convergent Books
Price: $1.99       (June 5 Only)
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NATIONAL BESTSELLER • Warm and witty blessings found within the struggles of our shared humanity, from the New York Times bestselling authors of Good Enough

Blessed are you, the strange duck.
You with the very intense hobbies.
Or the collection of movies or mugs or sneakers.
You with the hometown or home team that makes you very, very proud.
You, my dear, in all your intricacies . . . are a marvel.

We live in a world that demands relentless perfection. Happy marriages and easy friendships. Bucket list–level adventures and matching family photos. But what if our actual lives don’t feel very #blessed? Might our everyday existence be worthy of a blessing too? Even an average Tuesday?


Exalting Jesus in 2 Peter, Jude (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary)
James Shaddix
Publisher: Holman Reference
Price: $4.99       (June 5 Only)
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Exalting Jesus in 2 Peter and Jude is part of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series. Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ-centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books.

Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition presented as sermons and divided into chapters that conclude with a “Reflect & Discuss” section, making this series ideal for small group study, personal devotion, and even sermon preparation. It’s not academic but rather presents an easy reading, practical and friendly commentary.

The authors of Exalting Jesus in 2 Peter and Jude are Danny Akin and Jim Shaddixx

Chasing Love: Sex, Love, and Relationships in a Confused Culture
Sean McDowell
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 5 Only)
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The music we listen to, the movies we watch—they’re all telling us to keep chasing love, and that we’ll finally be happy when we find it.

The love that the world tells us to pursue is all about self, about following your heart’s desires. But what is the Christian worldview on love? When we follow Jesus, we realize that he invites us to reorient the focus of our lives, so instead of chasing love primarily for our own happiness, we are first and foremost to give love—to God and to others.

In Chasing Love, Sean McDowell will invite readers into Jesus’ radical, upside-down approach to love, and in doing so, he’ll answer some of the toughest questions we’re asking about love today:
How does Jesus speak to singleness?
What does the gospel say about LGBTQ issues?
Can sexual sin truly be forgiven?
What if I’m not happy in my marriage?

Author(s): Henry Cloud
Publisher: Harper Business
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

An expert on the psychology of leadership and the bestselling author of Integrity, Necessary Endings, and Boundaries For Leaders identifies the critical ingredient for personal and professional wellbeing.

Most leadership coaching focuses on helping leaders build their skills and knowledge and close performance gaps. These are necessary, but not sufficient. Using evidence from neuroscience and his work with leaders, Dr. Henry Cloud shows that the best performers draw on another vital resource: personal and professional relationships that fuel growth and help them surpass current limits.

Popular wisdom suggests that we should not allow others to have power over us, but the reality is that they do, for better or for worse. Consider the boss who diminishes you through cutting remarks versus one who challenges you to get better. Or the colleague who always seeks the limelight versus the one who gives you the confidence to finish a difficult project. Or the spouse who is honest and supportive versus the one who resents your success. No matter how talented, intelligent, or experienced, the greatest leaders share one commonality: the power of the others in their lives.


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