
Daily E-Book Deals: June 3, 2024

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Author(s): Tom Gilson
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (June 3-4)
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Christian parents need to be prepared to answer the myriad challenges teens might hear in today’s increasingly pro homosexual culture. “Why shouldn’t gays get married?” “Who says gay sex is wrong?” “Does the Bible actually say there’s anything wrong with homosexuality?” “Don’t you care that kids are being bullied just for being themselves?”

To start the discussion, Gilson provides a brief history of the issues beginning with the sexual revolution of the 1960s. He explains how and why cultural attitudes have reversed on this subject in such a short timespan, leaving Christians scrambling for answers.

This is perhaps the most complicated and contentious issue Christians face in today’s culture. Most churches are poorly equipped to handle it; parents are even less prepared. The good news is that parents need not have pat answers ready before they dive into conversations with their teens and preteens on this difficult topic. Learning together—parents struggling through these issues alongside their kids and leading them to biblical answers— has relational benefits.

Answers are important, though, so manageable, nontechnical answers to common questions surrounding this issue are provided, as well as a guide to further resources.


Author(s): Thomas R. Schreiner
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (June 3-4)
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The theology of the apostle Paul is complex, set forth in numerous occasional letters, and subject to a seemingly endless variety of interpretations. How should students of Scripture engage the challenging task of discerning the shape of Paul’s thought? In Paul, Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ, Thomas R. Schreiner seeks to unearth Paul’s worldview by observing what Paul actually says in his writings and laying out the most important themes and how they are connected.

According to Schreiner, “The passion of Paul’s life, the foundation and capstone of his vision, and the animating motive of his mission was the supremacy of God in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.” While continuing to return to this foundation, Schreiner explores themes such as the inclusion of the Gentiles in God’s people, the power of sin, God’s liberating work of grace, and the unity of the church, as well as the often-neglected topics of Paul as a missionary and his apostolic sufferings.

This second edition is revised throughout and engages with more recent works on Paul. While thoroughly informed by the issues of contemporary Pauline studies, Schreiner offers an accessible account of Paul’s theology that focuses on the primary sources. Paul, Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ remains a sound, insightful, and trusted exposition of Paul’s theology that is well-geared to the needs of seminary students and working pastors.


Author(s): Mandy Shrock
Publisher: In Abundance
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Not just another date night! This book of date plans is all about reconnection and marriage transformation.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, romance fades, couples unintentionally drift apart, and spouses are left feeling more like roommates than lovers. Marriage in Abundance’s Date Plans for Married People provides a year-long journey of weekly date ideas, meaningfully crafted to reignite your passion and deepen your connection. From fostering emotional bonds to spicing it up in the bedroom, each date will leave a lasting impact.

Improving communication is at the heart of this book as each date includes thought-provoking discussion prompts about every topic, including everyday life, personal goals, relationship expectations, and spirituality. Prepare to explore new dimensions of your relationship as you talk about some subjects you may not have before discussed, resulting in a stronger bond, a deeper understanding of each other, and a shared journey of growth.

If you’re seeking to breathe life back into your marriage while having a blast, this is your ultimate guide. Step out of the rut and experience a fulfilling marriage once again.


Author(s): Paul David Tripp
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99       (June 3-4)
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Bestselling Author Paul David Tripp Helps Christians Communicate Biblically in a Culture of Outrage

Digital media and technology are altering the way people act—and react—toward each other. Criticism, outrage, and controversy dominate social engagement and unfortunately many Christians have joined in the chaos. It’s a troubling contrast to Jesus’s words in John 13:35: “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Award-winning author Paul David Tripp instructs believers to view digital media and technology through the lens of the gospel and points them toward a biblical framework for communication. Explaining how God wants the church to engage with culture and each other, Tripp encourages Christians to think wisely about their interactions and be a beacon of light in an age of toxicity.


Author(s): Ellie Holcomb
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 3 Only)
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Whether it’s a dream that isn’t coming true, a stretch of the journey that feels especially dark, or just the basic “busy and tired” each of us braves in the crazy chaos of the ordinary, have you ever faced a season where “life to the full” feels just out of reach, light seems like it it’s just over the horizon, or lies seem to crowd out the truth?

If you’re anything like Ellie Holcomb, the answer is yes. For her in these seasons, God’s Word has been a shelter, a comfort, a song, a balm, and an anchor. Ultimately, it’s been a light that has helped kick back at the darkness of the lies we so often believe. In her debut devotional, Fighting Words, you are invited to come alongside Ellie, as you ponder the power of God’s promises together and speak them into the darkest corners of your soul.


Author(s): Andrew Peterson
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 3 Only)
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From the bestselling author of The Wingfeather Saga and award-winning musician and storyteller, Andrew Peterson.
Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, WORLD Magazine each named Adorning the Dark as one of their books of the year.

Making something beautiful in a broken world can be harrowing work, and it can’t be done alone.

Over the last twenty years, Andrew Peterson has performed thousands of concerts, published four novels, released ten albums, taught college and seminary classes on writing, founded a nonprofit ministry for Christians in the arts, and executive-produced a film—all in a belief that God calls us to proclaim the gospel and the coming kingdom using whatever gifts are at our disposal. He’s stumbled along the way, made mistake after mistake, and yet has continually encountered the grace of God through an encouraging family, a Christ-centered community of artists in the church, and the power of truth, beauty, and goodness in Scripture and the arts.


Author(s): Cindy Woodsmall & Erin Woodsmall
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

Eliza holds a secret that can rewrite the past.

Eliza Bontrager and Jesse Ebersol have fallen in love and are determined to marry, despite the belief of their Amish community and respective families that there’s a hidden curse—one that only shows up when an Ebersol and Bontrager marry.

Before the ceremony on the day of the wedding, Eliza’s great-aunt Rose gives her a family heirloom quilt and tells her that she may use it to change one event in the past. Eliza appreciates the woman’s heart, but she dismisses the strange conversation while keeping the beautiful quilt.

Several years later, mourning the loss of their third child, Eliza discovers her inability to deliver a healthy baby is genetic. Remembering her great-aunt’s strange words, she decides that if she can go back in time and reject Jesse’s proposal, she can save him the heartache of a childless marriage. Her sacrifice will allow him to marry someone else and raise a family. But once she puts her plan into action, she discovers the true impact of her decision—on Jesse and so many others within their community.


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