
Daily E-Book Deals: August 28, 2021

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Author(s): T.E. Bird
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

In an engaging, conversational style, T.E. Bird takes you on a journey from exploring Christianity to living life to the fullest with a glorious eternity in your future. Whether you are uncertain about faith or have been a life-long Christian, this book was prayerfully written for you.

T.E. Bird tackles tough questions on whether God still performs miracles and answers prayers. You will discover who Jesus claimed to be and what He did. You will explore fascinating evidence and archaeological discoveries that corroborate the Bible. You will be amazed by the depth of God’s love and how He wants a personal relationship with each of us.

Are You Ready For Heaven will inspire you to live with new purpose and meaning because the best is yet to come!


Author(s): David R. Mains
Publisher: Morgan James Faith
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Very little communication takes place between most pastors/priests and their congregants regarding the weekly sermon/homily. This lack of constructive dialogue has resulted in Sunday messages that are not only out-of-touch with where parishioners are living, but for the most part what’s said isn’t remembered much beyond the church parking lot.
Dr. Mains contends that people in the pew can best judge when a sermon is helpful to them and when it isn’t. So why not include them in the process of both preparing and evaluating sermons? Not preaching the sermons. . . . .but again, preparing and evaluating them. He makes these changes sound so simple and practical that you can’t help but wonder, “Why weren’t these ideas implemented years ago?”

Most people in the pew don’t realize how integral they are to finding a solution to this problem. But the pulpit/pew combination can be an incredibly powerful team, so let’s begin to work together to help solve this mystery of what’s happening to sermons.

This is not a negative book or one that only points out problems. Instead, it’s a positive, practical and encouraging read that should fill you with hope for not only your local congregation, but churches everywhere.


Author(s): Margaret Phillips
Publisher: Morgan James Faith
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Married couples are an at-risk population. Thousands have been shipwrecked and did not survive. Of those that survived, not all are thriving by any means. Experts are now predicting a coming tsunami. The Marriage Arkis a definitive blueprint that can equip couples to build a vessel or examine their existing vessel that is capable of enduring high winds and lashing waves. Through the story of Noah, enduring principles are found that provide vital elements for an intimate and lasting marriage. The tools for building the marriage ark, the pitch that holds the planks together, building intimacy in stressful times and conditions, and learning to appreciate the differences in our maleness and femaleness are a few of the topics addressed.

Author(s): Philip Yancey
Publisher: Faithwords
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Journalist and spiritual seeker Philip Yancey has always struggled with the most basic questions of the Christian faith. The question he tackles in What Good Is God? concerns the practical value of belief in God. His search for the answer to this question took him to some amazing settings around the world: Mumbai, India when the firing started during the terrorist attacks; at the motel where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated; on the Virginia Tech campus soon after the massacre; an AA convention; and even to a conference for women in prostitution. At each of the ten places he visited, his preparation for the visit and exactly what he said to the people he met each provided evidence that faith really does work when what we believe is severely tested. What Good Is God? tells the story of Philip’s journey — the background, the preparation, the presentations themselves. Here is a story of grace for armchair travelers, spiritual seekers, and those in desperate need of assurance that their faith really matters.

Author(s): Bill Bright
Publisher: Morgan James Faith
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

We can trace all our human problems to our view of God.
In one of his greatest contributions to the Body of Christ, Bill Bright addresses questions that Christians of all paths ask. These questions include:

Do your experiences shape how you see God? or Does your view of God shape how you see your experiences?
Do you experience daily the joy and peace Jesus promised all his followers? or Are you stuck on an emotional rollercoaster driven by today’s events?”
God, Who Are You Anyway teaches Christians how to deepen their view of God. Readers learn to see problems as opportunities to see God work.


Author(s): René Banglesdorf
Publisher: Morgan James Faith
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Stand Up addresses the growing need for women to enter the narrative of how American culture is presently being shaped and leave their mark on a world screaming for relevance, excellence, and truth.
Divisiveness and double standards have overrun our culture. If everyone stands up and models decency, courage, and good manners, communities and families will flourish. Stand Up is a battle cry for women to take a posture of readiness and action, determine their purpose, plan for successes, and overcome the loneliness that threatens this silent majority. René Banglesdorf, an entrepreneur, encourages women to exemplify good behavior in the areas of temptation, forgiveness, and hypocrisy—three areas that threaten especially Christian women’s credibility in a searching world. Stand Up explains how women who want to leave a legacy can repurpose their fears, recover from failures, get what they want out of life, and press on to fulfill their destiny. The unique perspective from a female executive in a 99-percent-male-dominated role—who spent many of her career-development years as a stay-at-home mom—compels women of all ages to believe the best can be ahead of them if they indeed stand up, stand out, and stand firm in their beliefs.

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