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Author(s): Jon Erwin & William Doyle
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       (Apr 5 Only)
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Beyond Valor is one soldier’s extraordinary tale of bravery, heroism, faith, and devotion.

“Amazing…A thrilling and poignant story of patriotism that all Americans can be stirred, moved, and encouraged by.” — Gary Sinise

On April 12, 1945, a fleet of American B-29 bombers flew toward Japan. Their mission was simple: stop World War II by burning the cities, factories, and military bases of the Japanese em­pire, thereby forcing an unconditional surren­der. Yet the mission did not go as planned. On board one of the B-29s, the City of Los Angeles, a phosphorus bomb detonated inside the plane. Staff Sergeant Henry E. “Red” Erwin absorbed the blast of burning phosphorus yet managed to throw overboard the still-flaming bomb, be­fore collapsing from the third-degree burns over much of his body.

Breaking protocol, the plane diverted to a military hospital at Iwo Jima. President Truman quickly ordered that Erwin be awarded the Medal of Honor, the highest honor of the American military, before the young airman died of his wounds. There was just one problem: no Medals of Honor were available in the entire Pacific theater. General Curtis LeMay dispatched a squad of airmen on a 1,000-mile mission to smash their way into a display case and steal a medal to give to Erwin before time ran out.


Author(s): C. S. Lewis
Publisher: HarperOne
Price: $1.99       (Ends April 18)
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A repackaged edition of the revered author’s collection of four poems: “Dymer,” “Launcelot,” “The Nameless Isle,” and “The Queen of Drum.”

C. S. Lewis—the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics—was also a talented poet. In this collection of four longer works of verse, Lewis displays his deep love for medieval and Renaissance poetry and themes, influences that shaped—and resonate through—his fiction.


Author(s): Hannah Anderson
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Who are you, really?

In an uncertain world, we crave the security of knowing exactly who we are and where we belong. But too often as women, we try to find this safety in our roles and relationships, our professional accomplishments, or our picture-perfect homes. And as we do, our souls shrink smaller and smaller. It’s because these things aren’t made to hold us.

In Made for More, Hannah Anderson invites you to re-imagine yourself, not simply as a set of roles and categories, but as a person destined to live in the fullness of God Himself.

Starting with our first identity as image bearers, Hannah shows how Jesus Christ makes us people who can reflect His nature through our unique callings. She also explores how these deeper truths affect the practical realities that we face as women—how does being an image bearer shape our pursuit of education, our work, and even our desire for holistic lives?

Because you are made in God’s image, you will only ever know yourself—only ever be yourself—as you find your identity in Him. Find it now.


Author(s): Evangeline Kelly
Publisher: N/A
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Competing for a date with a handsome billionaire goes against everything she believes in, but she has no choice.

Five years ago, when Karlie Spencer found out her parents died in a plane crash, she quit college and rushed home to care for her two siblings. They became her priority, leaving no time for a relationship.

After losing her job, she auditions for a dating reality show and saw it only as a means of income until she found other work. She didn’t count on falling for the billionaire bachelor, but when she looked beyond his arrogant demeanor, she saw a lonely man, hiding from pain.

A horrible accident haunted Drake Arnold, making him look to the show as a distraction from thoughts that plagued him. He had no intention of getting into a real relationship with anyone, but then he met Karlie. It wasn’t until his feelings ran deep that he suddenly realized…she might not be able to accept his past.

Can he push through the pain to find a future with Karlie? Or will they both walk away at the end, knowing it was never meant to go anywhere?

*This is a contemporary Christian story with strong Biblical themes and Bible references.

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