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Author(s): Michael J. McClymond
Publisher: Eerdmans
Price: $4.00       Buy Now!

Familiar Stranger by Michael McClymond is a very readable introduction to that elusive figure known as “the historical Jesus” — his life, his world, his sayings and doings, accounts of his death and resurrection, and his followers’ efforts to understand him.

Three features set Familiar Stranger apart from the many other available books on Jesus. First, it’s targeted to general readers but doesn’t dumb down in its attempt to inform them. Second, it’s ideologically balanced, exhibiting a refreshing lack of agenda or ulterior motive beyond the desire to genuinely present what we can and cannot know about Jesus today. Third, it brings together the two most fruitful models for understanding Jesus and his mission — Jesus the “moral sage” and Jesus the “eschatological prophet.” The result is a truly well-rounded picture of Jesus.

Marked by concision, clarity, and thoroughness, McClymond’s Familiar Stranger is ideal for classrooms, study groups, and individuals in search of an up-to-date, trustworthy guide to the historical Jesus. Readers familiar with Jesus may well find him becoming stranger to them through these pages, and, conversely, those to whom Jesus is a stranger may well discover a growing familiarity with him.


Author(s): Tim Stevens
Publisher: Shiloh Run Press
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

What does it mean to be Marked by Love?

The more I peel away the rules and expectations and exhausting obligations, the more I find the love of Jesus. These things don’t peel away easily—more like a price tag that you pick off in a million tiny pieces. But with every scrap removed there is exposed a treasure of love that was there the whole time—disguised and hidden by religion. — Tim Stevens
Jesus said the one thing that would set his disciples apart from other …they would be known by their love for each other. No tattoo. No uniform. No team colors or logos or code words. The one thing that would mark the followers of Jesus—love.

Consider. . .
How would I treat someone who I disagree with in a political discussion if I ran everything I said through a filter of love?
How would I treat the family member who drives me crazy if I were marked by love?
What would be different about my social media posts or comments if I really loved the people I was responding to or writing about?
How would I talk about or act toward the LGBTQ community if I was actually following in Jesus’ steps?
This is real life stuff.


Author(s): Tyler Ward
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

It didn’t take long for Tyler to realize he had no idea how to be married.

When Tyler and Analee got married, they read marriage books, learned about each other’s personality and habits, and exhausted three-step relational formulas. Yet a year and a half after their wedding, they had fallen into a pattern of fighting and unhappiness.

Tyler knew that he and his wife needed more than formulas and counseling sessions. They needed a vision for marriage that extended beyond just finding happiness and falling in love. They wanted a vision that dealt with the realities of life and gave them a picture of marriage worth fighting for.

As a business professional who helps companies “rebrand” when their image doesn’t match up with their identity, Tyler realized that marriage has an image that doesn’t match up to what God designed it to be.

Marriage Rebranded will help you replace four modern misconceptions about marriage with more timeless perspectives enlightened by biblical, personal, and historical studies.

We need to rethink our modern brand of matrimony. It’s time for us to develop a new vision for marriage—a vision that’s worth fighting for.


Author(s): John Stott
Publisher: Eerdmans
Price: $1.60       Buy Now!

In this book world-renowned scholar and preacher John Stott clearly defines both the fundamental claims of Christianity and the proper outworkings of those basic beliefs in the daily lives of believers. Stott’s Basic Christianity is a sound, sensible guide for anyone seeking an intellectually satisfying presentation of the Christian faith.

Named one of the Top 100 Books of the Millennium by World magazine and listed among Christianity Today’s Top 100 Books of the 20th Century, Basic Christianity has impacted countless readers worldwide.

“Anything John Stott says is worth listening to. Anything he writes is worth reading. Basic Christianity is not only a classic must-read for every believer; it is truly a blessing preserved on the written page for the enrichment of this generation and those to come.”
— Anne Graham Lotz


Author(s): Liz Curtis Higgs
Publisher: Waterbrook Press
Price: $1.99       (Ends Aug 9)
Buy Now!

“Let’s go, shall we? Just the two of us?”
“I consider Galloway the country’s best-kept secret: a place where time holds its breath, where ancient ruins dot the countryside in moss-covered splendor, where the natives are friendly and tourists are few, only because they don’t know what they’re missing.
“So, ten days in bonny Scotland. You’ll join me, aye?”
–from My Heart’s in the Lowlands

Best-selling novelist Liz Curtis Higgs invites you to take an entertaining journey through the South West of Scotland, known as Dumfries and Galloway. Without crossing the pond, changing time zones, or driving on the left side of the road, you’ll explore quaint villages and crumbling castles, old bookshops, and charming tearooms in the delightful company of a guide whose love for this quiet nook of Scotland illuminates every page.


Vote Now (You Choose The Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: 40 Questions About Salvation by Matthew Barrett vs. 40 Questions About Heaven and Hell by Alan W. Gomes

Intervarsity Press: Including the Stranger: Foreigners in the Former Prophets by David G. Firth vs. Canon, Covenant and Christology: Rethinking Jesus and the Scriptures of Israel by Matthew Barrett

Cruciform Press: Smooth Stones: Bringing Down the Giant Questions of Apologetics by Joe Coffey vs. Contend: Defending the Faith in a Fallen World by Aaron Armstrong

New Leaf: As It Is Written: The Genesis Account Literal or Literary? by Kenneth Gentry Jr. vs. The Six Days of Genesis by Paul F. Taylor

Good Book Company: Do Miracles Happen Today?: And Other Questions about Signs, Wonders and Mighty Works by Tim Chester vs. How Can I Be Sure?: And Other Questions about Doubt, Assurance and the Bible by John Stevens

Crossway: Defending Your Faith: An Introduction by R.C. Sproul vs. Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion by Rebecca McLaughlin

Christian Focus: Kingdom Citizenship: Understanding God, His Plan, and Our Place in it by Kris Brossett vs. Towards Spiritual Maturity by William Still

Author(s): John Stott
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

What does the Bible say about same-sex relationships? How should Christians think about this divisive and heartfelt issue? And what of those who are caught in the crossfire: the brothers and sisters who experience same-sex attraction, but are committed to being faithful to the teaching of scripture and resisting it?

In this revised, updated, and extended edition of the classic chapter from Issues Facing Christians Today, the late John Stott lays out the biblical position on same-sex relationships with care, wisdom, and compassion.

In addition to Dr. Stott’s timeless Biblical wisdom, there are forewords by Dr. John Sentamu, (the Archbishop of York) and Dr. Mark Labberton (President of Fuller Theological Seminary), a helpful preface by the editor, Sean Doherty, testimonies from same-sex attracted Christians and questions for reflection and discussion.


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