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Author(s): Jane Kirkpatrick
Publisher: Waterbrook Press
Price: $2.99        (Ends Mar 1)
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One woman, an impossible dream, and the faith it took to see it through, inspired by the life of Hulda Klager

German immigrant and farm wife Hulda Klager possesses only an eighth-grade education—and a burning desire to create something beautiful. What begins as a hobby to create an easy-peeling apple for her pies becomes Hulda’s driving purpose: a time-consuming interest in plant hybridization that puts her at odds with family and community, as she challenges the early twentieth-century expectations for a simple housewife.

Through the years, seasonal floods continually threaten to erase her Woodland, Washington garden and a series of family tragedies cause even Hulda to question her focus. In a time of practicality, can one person’s simple gifts of beauty make a difference?

Based on the life of Hulda Klager, Where Lilacs Still Bloom is a story of triumph over an impossible dream and the power of a generous heart.

“Beauty matters… it does. God gave us flowers for a reason. Flowers remind us to put away fear, to stop our rushing and running and worrying about this and that, and for a moment, have a piece of paradise right here on earth.”

Author(s): Judah Smith
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99        (Feb 20-22)
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Judah Smith, New York Times bestselling author of Jesus Is ______, explores what it looks like to cultivate a healthy soul in the midst of a busy life and points readers to the soul’s only true home and place of rest and fulfillment: God.

“How’s your soul?”

It may seem like an odd question, but it’s what pastor and bestselling author Judah Smith chooses to ask his friends, rather than “How are you?” It’s a way to look past the externals and consider what’s going on inside, in that essential part of us that is often overlooked in the struggle to make our way through everyday life.

In the rush of living moment to moment, many of us find ourselves simply surviving, struggling daily with frustration, restlessness, boredom, and ever-fleeting joy. But if we would pause, we’d find that the things that matter most in life, what we are searching for in our busyness—stability, peace, hope, love—are rooted in the health of what Judah calls the “inside you.”


Author(s): Bruce W. Martin
Publisher: Revell
Price: $1.99        (Feb 20-26)
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With sincere sympathy and ready encouragement, Bruce W. Martin takes hurting readers through a grieving process that helps them reconcile their deep suffering with their beliefs about a good God. He helps them find deep meaning in the midst of tragedy so that they can enjoy a deeper intimacy with God and others.

A unique and compassionate take on the age-old questioning of suffering, this book is perfect for readers who have experienced life-shattering pain, such as divorce, the loss of loved ones, bankruptcy, cancer, addiction, and even violent crimes, giving them real answers to their toughest questions and helping them move forward in life after tragedy.


Vote Now (You Choose The Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: Welcome to the Family: Understanding Your New Relationship to God and Others by R. Larry Moyer vs. Simply by Grace: An Introduction to God’s Life-Changing Gift by Charles C. Bing

Intervarsity Press: What Does Your Soul Love?: Eight Questions That Reveal God’s Work in You by Gem Fadling & Alan Fadling vs. Renew Your Life: Discovering the Wellspring of God’s Energy by Kai Mark Nilsen

New Leaf: Is The Big Bang Biblical? by John Morris vs. The Beginning of the World by Dr. Henry Morris

Good Book Company: The Book Your Pastor Wishes You Would Read: (But is Too Embarrassed to Ask) by Christopher Ash vs. Why Bother with Church? by Sam Allberry

Christian Focus: Francis & Edith Schaeffer: Taking on the World (Trailblazers) by Rachel Lane vs. John Chrysostom: The Preacher in the Emperor’s Court (Trailblazer) by Dayspring MacLeod

Reformation Heritage: A Portrait of Paul by Rob Ventura & Jeremy Walker vs. The Deacon: Biblical Foundations for Today’s Ministry of Mercy by Cornelis Van Dam

Author(s): Daniel Strange
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99        (Feb 19-20)
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Whether it’s TV boxsets, Instagram stories or historical novels, we all consume culture. So it’s important that we are neither bewitched by it—buying into everything it tells us—or bewildered by it—lashing out in judgement or retreating into a Christian bubble.

Dan Strange encourages Christians to engage with everything they watch, read and play in a positive and discerning way. He also teaches Christians how to think and speak about culture in a way that plugs in to a bigger and better reality—the story of King Jesus and his cosmic plan for the world.

It’s possible to watch TV and read novels and play video games in a way that actually feeds our faith, rather than withers it. It’s even possible for you—yes, you—to be that person who starts off talking to a mate about last night’s football and ends up talking about Jesus.

So be equipped to engage with culture and use it for God.


Author(s): Henry M. Morris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99        (Feb 19-20)
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The Remarkable Book of Job is a highly recommended Bible study resource offering significant insights not found anywhere else. Dr. Henry Morris, a professional scientist, and prolific author dedicated to defending the Bible as God’s inerrant Word reveals Job’s God-centered message, which has often been bypassed by writers seeking answers to man-centered problems.

Why does God who is omnipotent (able to prevent suffering) and merciful (willing to prevent suffering) allow suffering, particularly in the lives of those who have done nothing to deserve it? According to Morris, this question is actually not answered in the Book of Job. Instead, the Book of Job persuasively communicates the power and sovereignty of the Almighty God and truly confirms his role as Creator.

Bible study leaders are using The Remarkable Record of Job to:

– Teach God’s profound dominion over the world
– Magnify the inerrancy of the Bible, especially the Genesis record of creation


Author(s): Elmer Towns
Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers
Price: $0.99        (Ends Feb 20)
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Hello . . . My name is Jesus. There are many ways to learn about Me. You can study how I lived, or My miracles, or My sermons, or the way I talk to people. You can see My full deity in the things I said, and you can also see my full humanity in the gospels.

But I want to tell you about all My names, offices, titles, and pic­tures of Me in scripture. Each one gives a glimpse of who I am and what I do. When you put all of them together, you begin to grasp who I, the Son of God, am.

Why are there so many names about Me? Because I am God. My many names reflect My many qualities, even then there are many things about me you will never know. Remember, as God I am eternal . . . omniscient . . . omnipresent . . . and omnipotent. These are qualities that humans can’t comprehend . . . measure . . . or fully understand.

You can never completely know Me because you don’t have a divine mind to know all things. Only the Father and the Holy Spirit know Me completely and understand every aspect of my life.
There are over 700 names-references to Me in scripture. Some of these are names I gave Myself, some are names given to Me by the Father, or the Holy Spirit. Other names are given to Me by humans who spoke under divine inspiration and/or direction by the Father or Holy Spirit. They spoke so people would know things about Me that were previously unknown.


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