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helping your church live streamAuthor(s): Paul Richards
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Finally, a complete guide to live streaming is ready for your church media team with an included online learning course on UDEMY.com! Inside this book, you will find insights for ministry leaders who are considering the use of live streaming as an outreach tool for their church. This book will help church leaders understand how they can leverage the power of live streaming as a visual bridge connecting your church to the world. This book will provide perspective on best practices for live streaming church services and helpful reflections on real-life case studies from churches and pastors who are happily filling their pews with new members each week. Learn how to set up a digital donations strategy and enable your social media accounts to accept donations directly through YouTube and Facebook. This book will include actionable checklists for ministry leaders considering live streaming at their organization. It should become clear to you how your church can use live streaming and social media to reach new members and extend your reach to shut-ins. This book is accompanied by an online training course for technology directors and volunteers alike who may become the next “champions” of your live streaming program. Our online training course also includes a PowerPoint presentation template you can use to present the benefits of live streaming to your church leadership. At the end of this book, you will find a glossary of terms that will help you and your team familiarize yourselves with the type of technological vocabulary frequently used in live streaming. For many pastors, learning this type of information is like learning a new language. If you are interested in learning about church media and live streaming this book will be a walk an in the park. Feel free to download the audio version of this book and literally take a walk in the park as you listen.

Finally, this book was written to inspire readers to use modern tools to tell their organizations unique story about their faith. At the end of the day, live streaming is a storytelling tool helping organizations reach those who may need guidance, education, or simply a nudge in the right direction. Social media has become a medium for empowering individuals to like and share the things they believe in. We live in a world that is more connected than ever before. Understanding that everyone on earth is connected in some way, within six degrees of separation, will be an important stepping stone in our thinking about social media. Your church now has the power to reach people in large connected networks which include groups of family members and friends. These are the people that are most important and most influential in lives of your church’s current members and their extended online network.One of the main reasons why western religion has succeeded so greatly to this day is because it has always taken advantage of emerging technologies… The medium isn’t the message; it’s the medium that you use to communicate the message. In the 1500s, we saw the printing press emerge, and bibles were being printed for the first time in history. We saw an explosion of what was being made available in written form, with new translations that were suddenly available all over the world… Over the past one hundred years, we have churches moving on to the radio with the early evangelical churches that have now moved into TV and televangelism… and now today we are moving into a new form of communication, where you can distribute your message on digital platforms using social media. The churches that are the most successful and most resonate with people are the ones delivering their message in the places that people are listening. Those who are producing content in a form that is consumable and makes sense in the day and age that we live in, we be to prosper from the fruits of new communication pathways.

hearing the spiritAuthor(s): Christopher Ash
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jan 12-13)
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How does the Spirit relate to the Bible? This book is for those who are ‘thirsty for a deeper experience of the Spirit of God’. There is much confusion about how Jesus relates to the Holy Spirit, how Jesus the Eternal Word relates to the Bible. People say, ‘You have too much Bible and not enough of the Spirit’ or it “It all very well talking about the Spirit but where’s the Bible?’ Whatever our background, we tend to fall back on untested prejudices or worry about unexamined doubts. This careful biblical argument, drawing mainly from John’s gospel, helps us to see the answers to these questions in a firmly Trinitarian understanding. Hearing the Spirit is the way we know the father through the Spirit. By asking where the Bible fits in this process, this helps us listen more deeply to the words of God.

Christopher Ash is an ordained minister in the Anglican Church and Director of the Cornhill Training Course, a one-year course designed to provide Bible-handling and practical ministry skills to those exploring their future role in Christian work.

“This book explores how Jesus continues to make the Father known today. More precisely, it explores the relationship between the past, ‘I have made known’ and the present and future, ‘I will continue to make known’. It is a wonderful and vital subject. The answer is going to focus on the work of God the Holy Spirit and the purpose and function of the Bible. In contemporary jargon, you might say this book was about the sometimes controversial topic of ‘Word and Spirit’.”
Christopher Ash ~ Director, Cornhill Training Course, London

Author(s): Joel R. Beeke & James A. La Belle
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Jan 19-20)
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The Puritans believed that godly marriages were foundational for the future life of families, churches, and nations. Therefore, they wrote prolifically on the subject of marriage, seeking to bring biblical reformation to this subject in a comprehensive way. Martin Luther, John Calvin, and other previous Reformers had begun this task, but the Puritans took it much further, writing a number of detailed treatises on how to live as godly spouses. Out of the wealth of material available to us from the seventeenth century, Joel R. Beeke and James A. La Belle have gathered together insights from the past and summarized them in a contemporary form in order to encourage modern day coupled to glorify God in marriage. 

Table of Contents:
The Institution and Honor of Marriage
The Purposes and Benefits of Marriage
Securing a Good Entrance into Marriage
Preserving the Honor of Marriage
The Mutual Duties of Love and Chastity
The Mutual Duties of Help and Peace
The Wife’s Duties in Marriage
The Husband’s Duty of Love
The Husband’s Duty of Authority
Concluding Counsel 
Appendix: George Swinnock’s Prayers for Husbands and Wives (more…)

Author(s): Beverly Lewis
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Price: $1.99       (Ends Jan 31)
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The bestselling story of Katie Lapp, who longs for things forbidden to a young Amish woman. But an unexpected discovery reveals her true past.

Author(s): by Charles Spurgeon
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price:  $2.99       Buy Now!

This is a superb summary from the ‘Prince of Preachers’ detailing who the gospel and the church’s foes are today. His words are as important now as they were a hundred years ago. Every Christian leader, teacher, and parent should read this book.

Make Love, Make WarAuthor(s): Brian Doerksen
Publisher: David C. Cook
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Worship elevates us into God’s presence, renews our spirits, and expresses our deepest love for our Savior. Yet worship can also be a call to arms, a battle cry, a salvo in an ancient spiritual struggle.

Acclaimed songwriter Brian Doerksen believes that God is calling us to both love and to battle. To spread peace and wage spiritual warfare. We do this through how we live, how we serve Him, and how we protect and fight for what matters most. For Brian, music was his answer to this provocative call.

Now Brian shares the stories and inspirations behind some of today’s most acclaimed songs of worship, including “Come, Now is the Time to Worship,” “Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing),” and “With All My Affection.” Brian shares rich truths and insights that informed twelve of his greatest songs, and offers special tips for aspiring songwriters. Readers will be encouraged to wage spiritual war and share His love through a life of radical worship.

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