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You Choose The Sale

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. Come back every Monday for new polls.

Each deal comes live on a different day of the week and is available for $2.99 for 48 hours only.

The Vanished (Kregel Publications)
The Shape of Christian History (Intervarsity Press)
Sanctified by the Spirit (Reformation Heritage)
Flood of Evidence (New Leaf Publishing)
Time for Every Thing? (The Good Book Company)
Delighting in the Old Testament (Crossway Books)
Stump Kingdom (Christian Focus Publications)

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsUpside-Down Devotion: Extreme Action for a Remarkable God by Taylor Field (vs.) Upside-Down Results: God Tags People for His Purposes by Susan Field

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsSetting Our Affections upon Glory: Nine Sermons on the Gospel and the Church by Martyn Lloyd-Jones (vs) The Sermons of George Whitefield: Volumes 1 & 2 edited by Lee Gatiss

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsDo These Jeans Make Me Look Fat?: Breaking the Cultural Mirror by Jocelyn Hamsher (vs.) Can You Tell This is a Knock-Off?: Finding Your True Identity in Christ by Missy Horsfall & Jocelyn Hamsher


Line Separator 500

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Book detailsBuddy Davis’ Cool Critters of the Ice Age by Buddy & Kay Davis (vs.) Passport to the World by Craig Froman

You Choose The Sale

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. Come back every Monday for new polls.

Each deal comes live on a different day of the week and is available for $2.99 for 48 hours only.

The Vanished (Kregel Publications)
The Shape of Christian History (Intervarsity Press)
Sanctified by the Spirit (Reformation Heritage)
Flood of Evidence (New Leaf Publishing)
Time for Every Thing? (The Good Book Company)
Delighting in the Old Testament (Crossway Books)
Stump Kingdom (Christian Focus Publications)

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsThe Family God Uses: Leaving a Legacy of Influence by Tom & Kim Blackaby vs. Soul Shaping: Creating Compassionate Children by Kimberly Sowell

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsAddison Blakely: Confessions of a PK by Betsy St. Amant (vs.) Lost in Dreams (Altered Hearts Book 2) by Roger Bruner & Kristi Rae Bruner

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsSex, Dating, and Relationships: A Fresh Approach by Gerald Hiestand & Jay Thomas (vs.) Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God by C.J. Mahaney


Line Separator 500

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Book detailsThe Archaeology Book (Wonders of Creation) by David Down (vs.) The Genius of Ancient Man by Don Landis

You Choose The Sale

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. Come back every Monday for new polls.

Each deal comes live on a different day of the week and is available for $2.99 for 48 hours only.

The Vanished (Kregel Publications)
The Shape of Christian History (Intervarsity Press)
Sanctified by the Spirit (Reformation Heritage)
Flood of Evidence (New Leaf Publishing)
Time for Every Thing? (The Good Book Company)
Delighting in the Old Testament (Crossway Books)
Stump Kingdom (Christian Focus Publications)

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsBible Code Bombshell by R. Edwin Sherman (vs.) Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Volume 2  by Ken Ham, Bodie Hodge, & Tim Chaffey

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsA Servant’s Heart: 180 Encouraging Thoughts for Church Volunteers by Tiffany Ross (vs.) Better Relationships, Better Life: Encouragement and Hope for Improving EVERY Relationship by Pam Ovwigho

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsGod’s Kingdom through God’s Covenants: A Concise Biblical Theology by Peter J. Gentry & Stephen J. Wellum (vs.) God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology by James M. Hamilton Jr.


Line Separator 500

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Book detailsUpside-Down Leadership: Rethinking Influence and Success by Taylor Field vs. Real Women Leading with Proverbs 31 Values by Lisa Troyer & Dawn Yoder

It's Our 5th Birthday

Today we celebrate our 5th birthday! On Oct 19, 2010 we launched as the Twitter account @freeonkindle. A few months later we expanded to a full website under the name Gospel eBooks. We want to thank you for making Gospel eBooks your go-to place for free & discounted Christian e-books. We’re in it for the long haul!


On our fifth birthday we’d like to give away five e-books to five different people. To enter just leave a comment below with the following info: 1) let us know what e-book you’d like to read next ($10 or less) and 2) why you want to read it. We’ll hand-pick one male and one female winner and then the other three will be randomly selected. Winners will be contacted by e-mail and will receive the Kindle version of the book they mentioned. The entry deadline is tomorrow night (Tuesday) at 11:59PM (MST).


If you’d like to give us a present on our birthday, there’s a few simple non-monetary ways you could bless us. The first is, we’d really appreciate it if you’d like and follow us through social media and/or sign up for our mailing list. The second is we’d appreciate it if you’d tell someone about us (through social media, your blog etc.) These would be awesome presents to us. A sincere thank you if you do!

Line Space Separator

Can’t see where to comment? If you’re on the main page of the website click on the title of this post and then scroll to the bottom to see where to comment.

You Choose The Sale

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. Come back every Monday for new polls.

Each deal comes live on a different day of the week and is available for $2.99 for 48 hours only.

The Vanished (Kregel Publications)
The Shape of Christian History (Intervarsity Press)
Sanctified by the Spirit (Reformation Heritage)
Flood of Evidence (New Leaf Publishing)
Time for Every Thing? (The Good Book Company)
Delighting in the Old Testament (Crossway Books)
Stump Kingdom (Christian Focus Publications)

Line Separator 500

[socialpoll id=”2302031″]


Book detailsSecrets to Surrender: Living Wholeheartedly by Debby Akerman vs. Embraced by Holiness: The Path to God’s Daily Presence by Kathy Howard

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsBig Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God by Bruce A. Ware (vs.) Bonding with Your Child through Boundaries by June Hunt

Line Separator 500

[socialpoll id=”2302028″]


Book detailsDieting by Design: Inspiration, Encouragement, and Proven Strategies by Alison Simpson (vs.) Health Care You Can Live With: Discover Wholeness in Body and Spirit by Scott Morris

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsThe Electrifying Nervous System (God’s Wondrous Machine) by Lainna Callentine (vs.) Made in Heaven by Ray Comfort & Jeffrey Seto

You Choose The Sale

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. Come back every Monday for new polls.

Each deal comes live on a different day of the week and is available for $2.99 for 48 hours only.

The Vanished (Kregel Publications)
The Shape of Christian History (Intervarsity Press)
Sanctified by the Spirit (Reformation Heritage)
Flood of Evidence (New Leaf Publishing)
Time for Every Thing? (The Good Book Company)
Delighting in the Old Testament (Crossway Books)
Stump Kingdom (Christian Focus Publications)

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsSunday Morning Memories by Don Reid (vs.) The Summit by Eric Alexander

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsThe Dark Side of Islam by R. C. Sproul & Abdul Saleeb (vs.) Roman Catholic Theology and Practice by Gregg R. Allison


Line Separator 500

[socialpoll id=”2300312″]


Book detailsConfessions of Saint Augustine (Faith Classics) by Saint Augustine (vs.) Religious Affections (Faith Classics) by Jonathan Edwards

You Choose The Sale

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. Come back every Monday for new polls.

Each deal comes live on a different day of the week and is available for $2.99 for 48 hours only.

The Vanished (Kregel Publications)
The Shape of Christian History (Intervarsity Press)
Sanctified by the Spirit (Reformation Heritage)
Flood of Evidence (New Leaf Publishing)
Time for Every Thing? (The Good Book Company)
Delighting in the Old Testament (Crossway Books)
Stump Kingdom (Christian Focus Publications)

Line Separator 500

[socialpoll id=”2298744″]


Book detailsAshamed of the Gospel by John MacArthur (vs.) The Market-Driven Church by Udo W. Middelmann

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsDakota Love by Rose Ross Zediker (vs.)  The Farmer’s Daughter Romance Collection

Line Separator 500

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Book detailsA Journey Through the Life of William Wilberforce by Kevin Belmonte (vs.) The Life Story of Lester Sumrall by Lester Sumrall

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