
New Design: We Need Your Feedback

New Layout Coming

We’ve begun to work on a new layout for Gospel eBooks. For the last 5 years we’ve kept the same design with only slight modifications. Before we get too far into the process we want to get your feedback on how you think Gospel eBooks could be improved structurally/design wise.

The major change will be the new design will be mobile friendly/responsive. But what else should be changed ? Leave us your feedback below in the comments section.


  1. The current post layout displays very badly when you try to view the posts in a blog reader like Feedly.

    • Hey @disqus_GZIqfVkudR:disqus , any chance I could see a screenshot? [email protected] or you could attach it to a reply. I don’t have Feedly so I’d love to see what you’re seeing.

    • This is on a laptop with a fairly standard size screen. There’s no working links in the posts

    • Kurt Michaelson Says: December 5, 2015 at 7:38 am

      I agree with the dissatisfaction of the layout view using Feedly. I see it this way too, but I’m not going to purchase the book via Feedly. The slight frustration is when you can’t see all of the books and you have to go to the website and view the post, then if interested in purchasing the book, click and follow the link to Amazon.

    • On an iPhone, if there’s a lot of books in the post, it only displays the ones in the left column.

    • Posts with only one book have okay formatting, but also lack the links to purchase the book

    • Hi @disqus_GZIqfVkudR:disqus , unfortunately there’s nothing we can do about the links not being present. We strip them out because Amazon’s policy states that those who are participants in their affiliate program cannot use links to Amazon in RSS feeds (like Feedly) or e-mail. We realize it’s an extra step but we must comply with their policy. Sorry for the inconvenience :(

      I’ll make sure to look at how the new posts show up in Feedly. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  2. I am old enough to be fairly techno-phobic, so change is rarely welcome. The site works just fine for me. When sites change they often become much harder for me to use (see archive.org). So if you change, could you include an easy to find option that lets folks like me use this nice, old, comfortable version? Thanks.

    • I’m really glad to hear you find this site user friendly @JOB2001:disqus

      We don’t plan to make radical changes so I believe you’ll find it quite similar. However, we did need to become mobile friendly hence the need for change. I’ll keep your comments in mind.

  3. Freddy Lam Says: December 5, 2015 at 7:22 am

    As a Canadian purchaser, I find the little flag a bit hard to press and purchase. Also, it loads too many books on one page at the same time, so perhaps the book can be sorted or organized in some way. Just two suggestions.

    • I’ll contemplate removing a few of the rarely used flags in favor of making some of the others bigger. I can’t promise it, but I will test it out to see if it works so thanks for bringing it to my attention.

      Regarding your second suggestion, I’ll need more information. On what page? On mobile/desktop? Can you provide an example? Is there a problem with the display or is it how you think we intended it and are suggesting change?

    • Freddy Lam Says: December 5, 2015 at 10:41 am

      This is the experience on an iPhone 6 on Opera (it looks the same on Safari as well). A bit too many books with small flags, and the load time for book picture is a bit long. Also, I wonder if you need the ebook grab bag picture at all, or maybe replace it with a smaller, fast loading book company logo/corporate identity. Just some friendly suggestions.

    • This will improve with the new layout. The reason it displays like this is because it’s not responsive/mobile friendly. This is the main reason for us re-doing the layout. Thanks for the picture/clarification.

    • Freddy Lam Says: December 6, 2015 at 12:29 pm

      Awesome, looking forward to it.

  4. Kim Vivlamore Waguespack Says: December 5, 2015 at 11:15 am

    Please do something different with the links for the books. You used to have a link with each book, and then you switched to putting all the books from each publisher in a single link. I understand doing the latter probably saves your web people time when building the email. However, if you are not going to do individual book links, please put the publisher link at the END of the listing for that publisher. If I see a book I am interested in, I would rather click at the end of the listing than to have to scroll backwards and see all the books again before I get back to the link at the top of the listing. Or maybe just give us the links to the deals and don’t even bother with photos because when we click the link we are seeing all the books with individual links anyway. It seems like a lot of unnecessary steps to me, so streamlining it so I am clicking less will make me happier. Thanks.

  5. Hi there – is there any reason that the book covers can’t be clickable?

    • Hi Muskets, are you referring to the website or to the e-mail?

    • The website – I keep up with you guys through my rss reader, so having the Amazon links in the feed would be the best, but I understand that you can’t link straight to Amazon because of their terms.

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