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Kregel: Voices Behind the Veil: The World of Islam Through the Eyes of Women by Ergun Mehmet Caner vs. One Woman Against the Reich: The True Story of a Mother’s Struggle to Keep Her Family Faithful to God in a World Gone Mad by Helmut W. Ziefle
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Moody Publishers: The Wonder of the Word: Hearing the Voice of God in Scripture by Tony Evans vs. The Power of Preaching: Crafting a Creative Expository Sermon by Tony Evans
Reformation Heritage: The Christian’s Only Comfort in Life and Death: An Exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism by Theodorus VanderGroe vs. Theoretical-Practical Theology Volume 1: Prolegomena by Petrus van Mastricht

Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $1.59       (Ends Dec 3)
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Dr. Tony Evans, one of the most respected church leaders in the country, is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, a thriving congregation of 8000. In this timely, unique exploration of spiritual warfare, Dr. Evans unveils a simple yet radical truth: every struggle and conflict faced in the physical realm has its root in the spiritual realm.

With passion and clarity, Dr. Evans demystifies spiritual warfare so that readers can tackle challenges and obstacles with spiritual power—God’s authority—as they:

  • understand how the battle is fought by Satan
  • actively use the armor of God
  • find strength in prayer and sufficiency in Christ
  • win over chemical, sexual, emotional, relational, and other strongholds

Dr. Evans is compelling, down to earth, and excited for believers to experience their victory in Christ and embrace the life, hope, and purpose God has for them.


Praying Through the Names of God
Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $2.99       (Ends Oct 1)
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Through the names of God, you gain insight into God’s character—and how each name represents a facet of His being that He wants you to know and trust. For instance, when you understand that Jehovah Jireh means “the Lord your provider,” you can be assured of God’s provision for you.

In Praying Through the Names of God, Dr. Tony Evans reveals fascinating insights into some of God’s powerful names and offers you a chance to benefit personally by providing several prayers based on those names. Your prayer life will be revitalized as you connect your needs and requests with the specific characteristic of God’s name relevant to your need.

The Power of God's NamesThe Power of God’s Names
Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $3.99       (Ends Oct 1)
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In his exciting new book, bestselling author Dr. Tony Evans shows that it’s through the names of God that the nature of God is revealed to us. Who is God in His fullness? How has He expressed His riches and righteousness? How can you trust His goodness? As you get to know the names of God and understand their meaning, God’s character will become real to you in life-changing ways. You will explore the depths of God as Elohim: The All-Powerful Creator; Jehovah: The Self-Revealing One; Adonai: The Owner of All; Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Who Provides; El Shaddai: The Almighty Sufficient One; El Elion: The Most High Ruler; Jehovah Nissi: The Lord’s Banner of Victory; Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace; Jehovah Mekadesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies; Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals; Jehovah Tsikenu: The Lord My Righteousness; Jehovah Robi: The Lord My Shepherd; and Immanuel: God With Us. By studying and understanding the characteristics of God as revealed through His names, you will be better equipped to face hardship and victory, loss and provision, and all of the challenges life throws at you.

Author(s): Tony Evans & Jonathan Evans
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

A competitive athlete trains for one thing- the game. Having the skills and knowing how to play isn’t enough- you need to perform when it matters. Yet so many of those same athletes live in a spiritual offseason. They have faith. They know the Word. But they sit back and watch others take the lead. Get in the Game encourages athletes to transfer their drive and determination to the spiritual realm and shows that there is far more than a game on the line.

your comebackAuthor(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

God can turn things around for anyone—including you!

We’ve all experienced a time in life when it feels like the world is against us. Whether it’s a financial setback, a breakup, or career that’s gone off course, our first instinct is to give up and give in.

In that moment, you need a comeback. It can be hard to find solid ground in the most challenging of times—but take heart! God is the master of comebacks and orchestrated the greatest turnaround of all—through Jesus, the Savior who was crucified and came back from the grave.

Inside Your Comeback, you will find inspiration to turn your circumstances around as you learn about some of the most remarkable comeback stories of all time. You may have been knocked down, but you’re not knocked out!

30 days to overcoming strongholdsAuthor(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $3.77       Buy Now!

Emotional strongholds come in all shapes and sizes—doubt, rejection, poor self-esteem, pride, stubbornness, a victim mentality, or defeatism. Which of these are you battling? Which ones are undermining your confidence and eroding your spiritual strength?

Tearing down emotional strongholds so they no longer dominate your thoughts and actions can come only through an intentional alignment of your thoughts with God’s truth in the Bible. Join Dr. Tony Evans in examining key emotional strongholds and their corresponding biblical truths that you can declare and apply to bring victory into your life.

the power of Gods namesAuthor(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $2.99       (Ends April 30)
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Let the Power of God’s Names Transform Your Daily Life

The many names of God reveal His characteristics and contain powerful promises to you as a believer. Each of these 85 devotions introduces you to one of God’s unique names and includes a key Scripture, practical application, and encouragement to help you in your everyday life.

Discover the rich blessings waiting for you when you encounter God as…

Elohim – the Strong Creator God
You put the universe together with Your words—thank You for knowing how to put my life together as well.

Jehovah – the Relational God
You rule over all, and yet You also seek a relationship with Your creation. You are worthy of all praise and worship.

Adonai – Master Over All
Thank You for being my Lord and my Master and yet allowing me to know You intimately.

…and many more!

This beautifully designed devotional makes an ideal gift or a great addition to your own quiet time with God.

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