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Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99       (Ends Oct 25)
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When the Hits Just Keep On Comin’

There are small hits: The car won’t start. You lose something valuable. It’s raining on your five-hundred-person outdoor event. And there are big hits: She’s diagnosed with cancer. You’re being laid off. They’re getting divorced. Regardless of magnitude, each trial causes us to ask, “Lord, do you really care?” Tony Evans bases his resounding, “Yes, He does!” on a thorough analysis of John 11. While interacting with Martha and Mary, who were reeling from news of their brother’s death, Jesus’ words and actions have much to say to us today. Before, during, or after you’re assaulted by doubt, pain, confusion, disappointment, or grief, this powerful book will help you zero in on Christ to ensure that no crisis of any kind will ever shipwreck your faith.

“I Need a Miracle.”
You’re in over your head. The hits just keep coming. Maybe you could handle this if you knew God cared. But right now? Well…you’re not really sure.


Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: FREE       (Ends June 23)
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In This Supercharged Atmosphere…
Do you struggle to love those whose opinions differ from yours?
Whether it’s the coworker talking politics, the opinionated uncle at the other end of the holiday table, or the fellow believer sitting in your pew, it can be hard to grit your teeth and get along—much less show love! And you’re not the only one struggling. Our nation, our churches, and even our families are all experiencing disastrous separation and discord.
But here’s the good news: Division is never the last word for those who are in Christ Jesus. In this collection of soul-searching prayers and devotions, you’ll be empowered to take up the armor of God, ground your words in Scripture, and pray for the unity that comes through a shared kingdom vision.
Nothing gets better until we come together. Join bestselling author and teacher Dr.Tony Evans and discover how the Spirit moves when God’s people pray.

Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $2.99       (May 28-29)
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God Has Something Great in Store for You!
“We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” ROMANS 8:28

You’ve heard that “all things work together for good” countless times. So why do you still feel so unfulfilled?

Taken in its full context, Romans 8:28 contains a beautiful promise for you. The key to making this real is to love God and live life according to His purpose, not yours. When you surrender your hopes, dreams, and plans to God and truly let Him lead you, He will cause everything in your life—the good, the bad, and the bittersweet—to work toward His ultimate plan for you.

Let these heartfelt devotions from Dr. Tony Evans draw you closer to God, encourage you to submit to His will, and trust Him to shape your God-appointed destiny. Discover the unparalleled joy of living a life of purpose through Jesus Christ!


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Book details:

Kregel: The Tabernacle–Shadows of the Messiah: Its Sacrifices, Services, and Priesthood by David M. Levy vs. Numbers in the Bible: God’s Unique Design in Biblical Numbers by Robert D. Johnston

Intervarsity Press: A Week in the Life of a Greco-Roman Woman (A Week in the Life Series) by Holly Beers (vs.) A Week in the Life of Rome (A Week in the Life Series) by James L. Papandrea

New Leaf: Secrets of the Sixth Edition by Randall Hedtke vs. Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species by Nathaniel T Jeanson

Good Book Company: The Dignity Revolution: Reclaiming God’s Rich Vision for Humanity by Daniel Darling vs. Perfect Sinners: See yourself as God sees you by Matt Fuller

Harvest House: Just One Word: 90 Devotions to Invite Jesus In by Susie Crosby vs. Called for a Purpose: Daily Devotions to Help You Pursue God’s Plan by Tony Evans

Christian Focus: Minority Report by Carl R. Trueman vs. The Wages of Spin by Carl R Trueman

Reformation Heritage: In Remembrance of Him: Profiting from the Lord’s Supper by Guilelmus Saldenus and Wilhemus a Brakel vs. Essential Truths in the Heart of a Christian by Wilhelmus Schortinghuis

Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: FREE       (Ends April 24)
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If you want to know the temperature of your spiritual life, look at the thermostat setting on your prayer life.

Prayer is the most misunderstood and neglected aspect of Christian life. It has been estimated that most Christians pray three to five minutes a day. Compare that to the time many spend complaining, and you’ll gain insight into the spiritual and emotional condition of our day.

Yet God has constructed the world in such a way that there is much He won’t do in a Christian’s life apart from prayer. Prayer, when combined with faith, can accomplish great things.

In this practical and comprehensive overview of prayer, Tony Evans covers a variety of topics, including:

Principles of productive prayer
The power of prayer and praise
Fasting and prayer
Prayer and God’s purposes
Tony’s expositions of various passages on prayer will help you realize its critical importance and encourage you to make it a dominant mark of your life.


Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99        (Ends Jan 19)
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Inside Out Transformation

You are who you are, but not for long. People may do all they can to change on the outside, but lasting, genuine change starts on the inside. The true miracle from God, the transformation He wants to make in you today, beckons. Follow pastor Tony Evans as he digs into Scripture to equip you with tools for accelerating this miracle in your life. The cycle of recurring mistakes can be broken as you let trials and temptations develop your character. And if becoming like Christ sounds too lofty or unrealistic for you, think again. Because the road to Christlikeness has only one requirement: a willing heart. You must desire the change and seek the transformation. Get ready; it’s time for a whole new you!

You Can Be More…
You Can Be Different

God has a guaranteed transformation in store for you. And it doesn’t require nonstop religious activity or willpower made of steel. All it takes is your willing heart.


Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99        (Dec 18-19)
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Everything you need to know about Scripture

The Wonder of the Word gives you a complete survey of the Bible and shows you how Scripture produces power in someone’s life. It is the second book in the Kingdom Pastor’s Library from Tony Evans and will reinvigorate your love for Scripture. Dr. Evans explores the nature and benefits of God’s Word, as well as how to sow and grow the seed. It will also cover important topic such as:

The revelation of Scripture
The inspiration of Scripture
The illumination of Scripture
The interpretation of Scripture
The canonicity of Scripture
Learn the essentials of Scripture from the gifted, veteran pastor, Tony Evans.

The Kingdom Pastor’s Library is a series of books that bring you a concise, complete pastoral philosophy and training from Tony Evans.

Faithful. Powerful. Practical. Become a Kingdom Pastor today.

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