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Kingdom callingAuthor(s): Amy L. Sherman
Publisher: IVP Books
Price: $4.99       (Ends Aug 29)
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A 2013 Christianity Today Book Award winner

Imagine the scenarios:

a CEO successfully negotiates a corporate merger, avoiding hundreds of layoffs in the process
an artist completes a mosaic for public display at a bank, showcasing neighborhood heroes
a contractor creates a work-release program in cooperation with a local prison, growing the business and seeing countless former inmates turn their lives around
a high-school principal graduates 20 percent more students than the previous year, and the school’s average scores go up by a similar percentage

Now imagine a parade in the streets for each event. That’s the vision of Proverbs 11:10, in which the tsaddiqim―the people who see everything they have as gifts from God to be stewarded for his purposes―pursue their vocation with an eye to the greater good. (more…)

Courage and CallingAuthor(s): Gordon T. Smith
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $4.99       (Ends Aug 29)
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God calls us first to himself, to know and follow him, and also to a specific life purpose, a particular reason for being. This second call or “vocation” has implications not only for our work or occupation, but also includes our giftedness, our weaknesses, our life in community and what we do day to day. In this book Gordon Smith invites you to discover your vocation by listening to God and becoming a coworker with him.

What is my calling?
How do I live it out in the midst of difficult relationships or moral challenges?
Will my vocation change as I enter a new stage of life?
With competing needs and demands, how can I craft a balanced way of living?

Smith addresses these questions and many more in the pages of this book. This new edition has been revised and updated throughout with two expanded chapters and a new chapter on four specific areas of calling.

Here is rich insight for all who long for the ears to hear and the courage to follow God’s call.

52 Uncommon DatesAuthor(s): Randy Southern
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $1.59       (Ends Aug 31)
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Fun, creative, and spiritually engaging—these are no ordinary dates!

Have you ever tried a photography date? A water date? What about a second first date?

52 Uncommon Dates is more than a book. . . it’s an experience! Each date will set the scene for you and walk you through making it happen. Learn how to practically speak each other’s love language, incorporate prayer in ways that are natural and relevant to real life, and finish strong with questions that help keep conversation alive. You can even dig deeper to discover Bible passages that fit the theme of each date.

Ignite prayerful and playful connections in ways that deepen the relational, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your relationship, one date at a time.

Mapping Your Academic careerAuthor(s): Gary M. Burge
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $4.99       (Aug 23-29)
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Nijay Gupta’s Best Academic NT Books of 2015, Honorable Mention, Academia

You’re finishing your first year of teaching. It’s been exciting and gratifying, but there’ve been some wobbly episodes too. How will you carve out a space to flourish?

You’re feeling secure in mid-career, with some accomplishments to be proud of. But what should success really look like?

You’re nearing the end of your career, and sometimes apprehensive about the blank slate of retirement. What might it look like to finish well?

In Mapping Your Academic Career Gary Burge speaks from decades of teaching, writing and mentoring. Along the way he has experienced and observed the challenges and tensions, the successes and failures of the academic pilgrimage. Now, with discerning wisdom and apt examples, he hosts the conversation he wishes he’d had when he started out as a college professor, identifying three cohorts or stages in the academic career and exploring the challenges, pitfalls and triumphs of each. Wherever you are in your teaching life, this is a book that will reward reading, reflection and discussion.

EmotionsAuthor(s): Charles F. Stanley
Publisher: Howard Books
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

In this powerful and inspiring book, New York Times bestselling author and trusted pastor Dr. Charles Stanley shares practical guidance and encouragement on a topic that touches every person on earth—emotions. Revealing God’s original purpose for emotions and wisely exposing the root of all negative emotions, Dr. Stanley touches the hearts of readers as he teaches them how to find joy and fulfillment in the God-given gift of emotions.

Songs from the HeartAuthor(s): Tim Riordan
Publisher: GreenTree Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Meeting with God in Psalms will change your life!

Do you need encouragement or hope? Have you longed to know God, study the Bible, and experience God’s presence? In Songs from the Heart, Dr. Tim Riordan has provided a rich resource, based upon the Psalms, to encourage your spiritual journey and help the Psalms come to life in your heart. You will enjoy Dr. Riordan’s easy to read style and personal stories as he guides you through a Bible study that will help you find personal application of God’s Word. Songs from the Heart can be viewed as a daily devotional through selected Psalms or as a resource to help you engage in Bible study. It will be a tool to enrich your spiritual life, to strengthen your prayer life, and to challenge you to meet with God in worship. Join Dr. Riordan as he carefully leads you through an overview of this beloved Bible book and then directs you through a more detailed study of thirty different Psalms.

“Songs from the Heart” was chosen by the Christian Small Publishers Association as the 2016 Book of the Year in the categories of Bible Study and Theology.

Life is a VaporAuthor(s): John Piper
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99       (Ends Sept 2)
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“You do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14).

Living knowing that your life is a vapor is different than just living. Things here are passing away. You’ve got to hold on to what will stand. Savor what matters. This collection of thirty-one articles is full of that heart-longing after Christ that distinguishes Piper’s preaching ministry. Readers will feel as though they have stumbled into a garden as they enter these pages. The Scripture cuts, Christ is exalted in God, and we worship Him.

Life Is Short. Eternity Is Long. Live Like It.

You will exist forever. You and God are both in the universe to stay—either as friends on His terms, or enemies on yours—which it will be is proven in this life. And this life is a vapor. Two seconds, and we will be gone.

In these thirty-one meditations, John Piper will connect you to a fresh understanding of God and a renewed relationship with Him. You’ll find your faith stirred to make every day count for Christ when you consider life as a vapor.

Story Behind the Book

Time is precious. We are fragile. Life is short. Eternity is long. Every minute counts. Oh, to be a faithful steward of the breath God has given me. Three texts resound in my ears: “Redeem the time” (Ephesians 5:16 ); “It is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy” (1 Corinthians 4:2); “His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me” (1 Corinthians 15:10 ).

Surely God means for our minutes on earth to count for something significant. Paul said, “In the day of Christ I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain” (Philippians 2:16). In the same way, I have good hope from the Lord that my “labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58 ).

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