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Author(s): Rusty Rustenbach
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $3.99        (Ends Mar 31)
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Inner healing is an important part of the Gospel message. You can supernaturally experience healing by exposing the hidden lies that keep you in bondage. This workbook study presents a framework within which you can learn to pray, listen, and receive God’s healing in a progressive step-by-step process. Its practical instruction, examples, and personal stories can empower you to deliberately listen to God in ways that bring deep nurture, assurance, and inner healing. Jesus said, “The truth will set you free.” Take Him at His word and experience inner healing. Includes questions for discussion and personal reflection.

Author(s): Amy Julia Becker
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $3.99        (Ends Feb 29)
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A Gentle Invitation into the Challenging Topic of Privilege
Gently addressing the challenging topics of privilege and race, power and inequality, White Picket Fences is a memoir of Amy Julia Becker’s growing awareness of the unequal benefits (and secret harm) she received by virtue of her white skin, Protestant heritage, education, and able body.

Through telling her own story, Amy Julia Becker shares her process to acknowledge and examine the injustice, oppression, and silence that has characterized American history and her own life. These forces of division, social power, and unequal opportunities are still active and relevant to the church, education system, and even the books we give our children to read today. She reflects on her upper-middle-class childhood both in the American South and later New England, her own struggles with perfectionism, and raising a child with a disability, in light of privilege.


Author(s): Ben Sciacca
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $2.99        (Ends Feb 29)
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A fateful encounter late at night at a gas station in the hood brings together a white man from the suburbs and a young black man from the neighborhood. Stuck with each other for the night, they deal with their core prejudices, the walls that keep them from each other, and the discovery of their God-given humanity in one another.

When talking about race, it helps to have something specific to talk about―a story we can all wrap our heads around. In Meals from Mars, Ben Sciacca provides that story: two men from different worlds forced by circumstance to see and hear and consider one another. It is a novel that demonstrates the social challenges and relational potential for racial reconciliation.


Author(s): Robert Gelinas
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $3.99        (Ends Feb 29)
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Jesus is alive! So why do we follow him like he’s not?

Sometime during the centuries between Jesus’ time on earth and ours, we started to believe that living vicariously through the ancient disciples was the closest we could ever get to being discipled by Jesus. But Jesus promised to never leave us or forsake us. He is alive, and because of his great love for each of us, Jesus is ready, willing, and able to do for us what he did for the twelve.

Robert Gelinas dives into the Bible to show us the Jesus of the gospels, and the Jesus who is alive and yearning to disciple each one of us today.

Isn’t it time we allowed ourselves to be discipled by Jesus?


Author(s): Efrem Smith
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $2.99        (Ends Feb 29)
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The Christian life is actually a kind of death. We die to ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus. Dying in Christ, however, is an opportunity—to experience the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit as we spread the Good News of a God who loves us enough to save us and remake us in his image.

Efrem Smith helps us see that Christian discipleship is a counterintuitive life. In a world turned upside down by sin, God carefully and lovingly strips us of worldly values and turns us right-side-up as good citizens and ambassadors of his Kingdom.


Author(s): Paul E. Miller
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $2.51        (Ends Feb 29)
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Who Is Jesus? His name has recognized the world over. Christians claim to follow Him. Muslims honor Him as a prophet. And many Jewish rabbis regard him as a great teacher. Everyone knows about Jesus, but how many of us fully understand what He was like as a person?

In Love Walked among Us, Paul Miller invites us to get to know Jesus, to observe his life and His love as they unfold in the Gospel narratives. The book investigates such questions as How do you love someone when you get no love in return, only withdrawal or ingratitude? How do you love without being trapped or used by another person? How do you love when you have your own problems? When do you take care of yourself? When you are compassionate, people use you, but when you are honest, people get angry—so how do you love with both compassion and honesty? In every way, Jesus’ life exemplifies the full potential of what we were intended to be. And the better we know Him, the more we will be drawn to follow His perfect example.


Author(s): Jessie Minassian
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

What is it about girls that make us want to be with a guy so badly we can’t stand it? Are those crazy emotions normal? Are they okay? Is there a better way? Seriously—is it even possible to get to marriage without having your life shattered by a member of the opposite sex? And what kind of man should you want to marry anyway?

Through the pages of Crushed, readers will learn the truth from God’s Word about who we are, why our hearts are so precious, how to navigate relationships, and what a healthy, God-centered romance might look like.


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