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Author(s): Nicole Unice
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $3.99       (Ends Nov 30)
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We want to experience God through the Bible. . . . We really do!

But our good intentions fall flat when reading the Bible just doesn’t seem to make that happen. What should feel dynamic and important and alive often feels confusing and boring and irrelevant. But it doesn’t have to.

In Help! My Bible is Alive!, pastor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice brings life back to reading the Bible by helping you personally encounter God through his Word.

With Help! My Bible is Alive!, you’ll learn to . . .
find the meaning of any portion of Scripture;
apply four key questions to every passage;
create valuable habits by workshopping key verses; and
find practical principles as you read parables, poetry, narratives, ancient letters, and wisdom literature.
Take this 30-day challenge and develop habits that will sustain a vibrant spiritual life where the Word of God is alive and active for you.


Author(s): Greg Paul
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

There’s lots of bad religion out there. But the answer isn’t no religion, it’s true religion: living out—publicly and communally—what we say we believe privately and individually. True religion puts flesh on the bones of faith. Resurrecting Religion offers an inspiring, stretching vision for finding our way back to the good news of our faith.

At a time when most people practice their faith in the extremes—either extremely publicly, with a legalistic, combative tone that creates division, or extremely privately, to the point that our faith becomes functionally irrelevant—award-winning author Greg Paul offers a vision for religion that is good for us and good for the world.


Author(s): Catherine McNiel
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $3.99       (Ends Oct 31)
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In this beautiful and broken world, God is here.
The heavens declare the glory of God . . . but are we listening? Yes, God created this world, but sometimes we forget that he hasn’t left—that his redemptive, creative work happens still today, right here under our feet. So when we seek for God and study his truth, how much are we missing if we don’t awaken to all he has placed in the soil and sky?

God made this world of light and darkness, summer and winter, life and death. What does he intend to teach us in these ever-repeating cycles and seasons? Seamlessly weaving biblical truths into everyday life, Catherine McNiel will help you discover an unbelievable reality: God meets and transforms you in the mess and abundance of every mundane moment.


Author(s): Dana Allin
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

A Clear and Personalized Path for Discipleship
Discipleship can feel like a meandering journey—we don’t know what we want, and none of the programs offered seem to get us anywhere.

We need something to orient ourselves, and something to direct our steps toward a clear destination. Simple Discipleship, with its companion assessment tool, offers a plan for discipleship that is tailored to your real life and your personality, and clearly pointed in the way of Jesus.

Most discipleship resources are designed as mass productions—efficient for touching many, but often failing to see individuals grow in Christ. This is the best of both worlds—an assessment tool for your entire church, combined with an achievable, personalized discipling strategy.


Author(s): Bill Hull & Brandon Cook
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $3.99       (Ends Oct 31)
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What is a Christian?
At the most basic level, a Christian is a disciple of Jesus Christ. And yet many Christians today couldn’t tell you what a disciple of Jesus Christ is, or would even think of themselves as disciples. And yet in the Great Commission, Jesus specifically called us to make disciples. Everything else is secondary.

The Cost of Cheap Grace is an extended, sweeping, bold, and bracing call to repentance for where we’ve let secondary things subvert our commitment to discipleship, and a compelling vision for discipleship as the basis of the gospel in all its world-changing, subversive power.

Author(s): Greg Holder
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

The world is fractured. Tensions are high, patience is low, and goodwill is hard to come by. In The Genius of One, author and pastor Greg Holder reminds us of the high-value Jesus and his early followers placed on community and offers guidance for how to see and relate to one another in emotionally and spiritually healthy ways so that we, the church, can fulfill Jesus’ prayer for us and model a better way of loving one another in a fractured world.

Tracing back to a prayer Jesus prayed on the worst night of his life, “That they”—that we—“would be one,” Holder takes his readers on a winding journey from that glorious prayer to the practical realities of everyday life. For those who cling to the hope that God is still at work, this book will both stir a deeper longing for a better way and provide practical steps toward that way.


Author(s): Jerry Bridges
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $2.99       (Ends Sept 30)
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What God Intended for the Body of Christ
Fellowship among believers is more than just talking over coffee after church service. Biblical fellowship in New Testament times—or koinonia—had rich and varied meanings, including covenant relationship, partnership in the gospel, communion with God and others, and the sharing of earthly possessions.

In True Community, bestselling author Jerry Bridges guides you through koinonia and its implications for today’s church. With discussion questions at the end of each chapter, this book will help you dig deeper into what the Christian community in the twenty-first century should look like. You will come away with a new appreciation for fellowship, the church, and what God intended the body of Christ to be.

With a discussion guide for personal or group use.


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