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Author(s): Rob Rienow
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (April 13-14)
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When an adult child leaves the church and turns away from the faith of his or her childhood, parents are left with feelings of failure, confusion over what happened, and fear of what may happen next. Statistics show the breadth of this problem: As many as 75 percent of children who grew up in Christian homes leave the church by the time they are twenty-five (Barna Group).

Writing with compassion and honesty, author and family pastor Rob Rienow comes alongside hurting parents to share a powerful message of hope: it’s never too late to point an adult child’s heart toward God. He challenges parents to accept that they are the shortest distance between their child and Christ, and though they may not have planned for it, parents can–and should–still play a proactive role in leading their child back to faith. Rienow directs parents to four tangible steps:
-Offer your heart to the Lord
-Turn your heart to your child
-Draw your child’s heart to yours
-Point your child’s heart to Christ

Full of engaging stories, insightful action steps, and inspiring Scripture, When They Turn Away is a biblically-based, practical book that teaches parents to forgive themselves, forgive their children, seek forgiveness from their children, and–ultimately–be able to affirm that there is “no greater joy than to know [your] children are walking in the truth” (3 John 4).

Considering using When They Turn Away in your church or small group? Get the companion DVD Video series, “Never Too Late” here on Amazon!


Author(s): Brian Goins
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99        (April 6-7)
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Everyone admires people who play hurt, from the superstar athlete to the journeyman player who finishes the game even when hurt, sick, or falling apart. Everyone looks up to these athletes and wants to mimic their “never give up” attitude. Except when it comes to marriage. Most husbands are willing to take a bullet for their wives in a life-and-death situation; but when his bride fires the bullet–hurls an insult, disrespects him in public, ignores his foreplay in private–he’d rather throw in the towel than play through the pain.

Playing Hurt is a biblical playbook for marriage that speaks in the language most men understand—the language of sports. Using a sports analogy to explain the motivation, means, and methods of playing hurt, author Brian Goins shows men how to overcome the temptation to stay on the bench. Playing Hurt is more about inspiration than instruction. It’s about finding the motivation to stay in the game, despite the pain. It’s about becoming like the One who knew more about nails and thorns than any superstar athlete. Using Ephesians 5 as a biblical basis, this book will call husbands to be the heroes they long to be–men who play hurt in order to win at marriage.


Author(s): J. Dwight Pentecost
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99        (Mar 23-24)
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Jesus Christ was the world’s greatest teacher, and His teaching is still with us today in His parables. Eternal and heavenly truths are taught by means of these vivid, everyday stories that appeal to everyone. The parables of Jesus Christ have long challenged expositors, for in their simple form profound truths have been revealed. But the very simplicity of the parable form can be a deceptive snare to interpreters. Instead of considering the context in which the parables arose and the background against which they were spoken, many have pressed the parables to teach viewpoints that were in their minds as interpreters but that did not originate in the text itself. In THE PARABLES OF JESUS, J. Dwight Pentecost takes a balanced, sane, and systematic approach. He describes the setting of each parable, that is, the context in which it is spoken and the background against which it was delivered. Pentecost then explains the problem or question each parable addresses and the solution it contains. Since the parables were primarily designed to instruct, the emphasis is placed on the teaching rather than on the application. Here is J. Dwight Pentecost, expositor and teacher, at his best.

Author(s): Thomas E. Woodward & James P. Gills
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99        (Mar 9-10)
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In this creative and inventive book, authors Thomas E. Woodward and James P. Gills take readers on an exploration of the human epigenome. Acting as tour guides leading visitors through a 3-D model of a human cell, Woodward and Gills bring to life the human molecular makeup. Readers (as visitors) will get up close and personal with the minute details of human molecular structure, including E. coli, flagellum, a DNA helix, an RNA molecule, and more. By seeing it with their own eyes, readers will gain a better understanding of their genetic systems and a better appreciation for the Creator who put this all into place.

Author(s): Charles C. Bing
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99        (Mar 3-4)
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Simply by Grace is an easy-to-read introduction to a core Christian belief. By looking at the major questions and issues that surround the concept of grace, Charles C. Bing helps readers understand and appreciate this God-given gift and how simple it really is.

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