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Author(s): Alex Montoya
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Nov 8-9)
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(Foreword by John MacArthur) An interactive guide to passionate preaching through spiritual power, conviction, compassion, authority, urgency, brokenness, your whole being, and imagination.

Author(s): Dolphus Weary
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Nov 1-2)
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Dolphus Weary knows from personal experience just how harmful racial division can be. Growing up in rural Mississippi, he leared that if poverty, hunger, and disease didn’t kill him, racism, bigotry, or the Klan just might. So when a college basketball scholarship gave him the opportunity to get away from the broken, racially divided city of Mendenhall, he jumped at the chance. But he couldn’t outrun racism. Eventually God called him back to his hometown–to the city where the railroad tracks not only separate economic classes but also represent a divide in the church. Believing that prejudice is ultimately a spiritual issue, Weary went back to Mississippi and worked to break down racial divides and promote productive dialogue, greater understanding, and ultimately racial reconciliation. The founder and part-time president of R.E.A.L. (Rural Education and Leadership) Christian Foundation, Weary helps ministries and communities realize that a “kingdom mentality” is possible only when we stop limiting God’s work to a denomination or racial group.

Author(s): Dr Timothy Tennent
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Oct 18-19)
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Invitation to World Missions combines a strong biblical anchor with practical suggestions. This unique text is arranged in three parts according to the Trinity’s roles, relationships, and activity. Tennent questions whether missions as currently conceptualized is adequate and he challenges the reader by building the book around key theological foundations such as “mission dei” and the “new creation” vision for the global church. This volume will call and enable the reader to understand how missions is biblically and theologically basic to Christianity, and how missions is essential to living out an abundant and impassioned life.

Author(s): Various Authors
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Oct 11-12)
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The growing popular perception today is that the Mormon church as just another denomination within Christianity, and representatives of the LDS church often encourage this perspective. Despite points of agreement, major differences exist on foundational theological matters (for example, the Trinity), as well as social and moral issues (such as racial equality).

As former Mormons turned evangelical Christians, each of whom is an accomplished scholar, the four contributors to this volume provide a unique and authoritative corrective. Each contributor shares his or her story of growing up in the Mormon church, and how biblical, theological, moral, or scientific issues forced them to eventually leave Mormonism. The contributors draw on the expertise of their respective academic fields to show how Mormon teachings and practice fall short biblically and rationally.

They also address common objections raised by former Mormons who have lost faith altogether and have embraced atheism or agnosticism–especially under the influence of “new atheists” like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens.


Author(s): Randy Newman
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Sept 27-28)
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Rely on the unstoppable power of the gospel, not your own words

Most Christians have people in their lives who they’re sure will never come to faith. Whether they’re too committed to their sinful ways, too angry at God, or too quick to shut down any mention of the saving grace of Jesus, these long shots don’t seem worth approaching.

But some of the most unlikely converts have the strongest faith stories, and they can be a source of incredible encouragement for Christians who are trying to evangelize those around them. Randy Newman knows firsthand the discomfort that comes with sharing the gospel. He’s been tongue-tied and timid too. But the truth is, we don’t need to sound like the brilliant, charismatic, legendary evangelists.

In this book, Randy shares surprising conversion stories straight from those who took the long way around to Christianity. He considers current cultural trends that make evangelism more difficult today. Then with his characteristic upbeat style, he offers practical ways, and even exact wording, to proclaim the gospel and includes a plan of action.

In the end, Unlikely Converts encourages us to remember that while the Great Commission requires us to share the good news, it does not require perfection, only confidence in the message.


Author(s): Mark Cosgrove
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Sept 13-14)
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The brain, with its nearly one hundred billion neurons, is the most complex structure in the universe, and we are living in a period of revolutionary advancements in neuroscience. Yet scientists and skeptics often frame these findings in ways that challenge the Christian worldview. Many professionals and popularizers claim that human beings are their brains, and that all human behavior and experience are merely by-products of brain physiology.

In The Brain, the Mind, and the Person Within, professor of psychology Mark Cosgrove not only explains what the brain is and what it does but also corrects common misinterpretations and demonstrates that what we know about the brain coheres with the teachings of Scripture. He contends that humans are unities of soul and body in which both the spiritual and the physical interact. From this perspective, he presents informative overviews of contemporary debates about the brain, including consciousness, free will, “God spots,” personhood, and life after death.

The better we understand the brain, the better we understand ourselves and our exquisite design that reflects the wisdom of the Creator. Thoughtful readers will find this to be a fascinating, accessible survey of this unique part of the body and the profound theological and technological issues surrounding it.

Author(s): Tina Samples & Dave Samples
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Aug 30-31)
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“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”-2 Corinthians 12:9

From schlubby sitcom heroes to mommy blogs to online articles, there is a broad cultural perception that men constantly mess up and women must fight an uphill battle to fix them. Men are a burden, constant works-in-progress, pushed toward perfection but always falling short. This book asks a revolutionary question: What if these messed-up men are actually a mighty tool for God?

Tina and Dave Samples remind us that the Bible is filled with a cast of messed-up men—men who struggled and fell, and yet were used by God to accomplish His purposes. In fact, God has consistently chosen imperfect “clay pots” in which to place His light.

David was a poor father. Peter had problems with integrity. Moses had anger issues, Gideon struggled with fear, and Elijah suffered from depression–the list goes on. Messed Up Men of the Bible offers encounters with these ancient men who faced the same emotions and questions that contemporary men face, in order to reveal fresh spiritual insights and hope for modern relationships. Through personal stories, practical advice, and useful exercises, Tina and Dave provide encouragement and hope for women dealing with the messed up men in their own lives.


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