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Author(s): Cee Braynen-Thomas
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

The overarching reason for why we pray is simple: We want God to hear us! Not only do we want God to hear us, we also hope that one day, He will answer.

The foundational guidepost to prayer is given to us by the Holy Bible which is our ultimate blueprint. Follow this guide, which includes the Seven-Point Prayer Blueprint and watch your prayer life transform! This dynamic book will explore how to pray using the Bible as the ultimate blueprint, offering useful lessons and techniques along the way.

The goal of this book is to:
– Transform your prayer life for the better
– Offer hope
– Increase your faith, and
– Ultimately lay a pathway for you to grow closer to God.


Author(s): Charles H. Spurgeon
Publisher: Aneko Press
Price: FREE       Buy Now!

Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass. – Joshua 21:45

Faith’s Checkbook is a one-year devotional meant to encourage you to take God at His Word – to take hold of God’s promises by faith. Each day you will be presented with a specific promise from the Bible, along with accompanying exhortation by Charles Spurgeon.

This is your “spiritual checkbook,” if you will. God’s bank account of provision is ample, and it cannot be overdrawn. Every situation you might face is equally met with a promise that, if accepted, will sufficiently see you through.

“God has given no promise that He will not redeem. He does not offer hope that He will not fulfill. To help my brethren believe this, I have prepared this little volume.”
– Charles H. Spurgeon

About the Author
Charles Haddon (C. H.) Spurgeon (1834-1892) was a British Baptist preacher. He started preaching at age 17 and quickly became famous. He is still known as the “Prince of Preachers” and frequently had more than 10,000 people present to hear him preach at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. His sermons were printed in newspapers, translated into many languages, and published in many books.

Author(s): Susan Mouw
Publisher: N/A
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

This book of poems follows the author’s life in Christ, with all the questions, the worries, the trials, and the triumphs. She questions God, waits to hear His answer and then shares both in her search for wisdom.The poems follow her growth in Christ, with the first one, Twenty-five Years, giving her testimony of all the years she was blinded by the lust for things of this world. One day, her eyes and ears were opened to the truth and love she found in God’s word and in Him. Read about how she found safety and peace in the Lord, even while believing she had found success in the world. “I thought I was happy, my life was full. But my soul despaired. And in a quiet voice, it cried out for that which my mind could not accept. And You answered.” (excerpt from The Light)Read how the Lord answers her when she asks where she can find comfort, and a true friend, “Look to the heavens, child. All the answers are here.My Spirit will be your comfort. I will take away all your fears.I will always be with you to wipe your tears away.My presence is your strength each and every step of the way.” (excerpt from My Comfort)Follow along with this author’s walk with the Lord, as she learns more about His Wisdom, His Grace, and His Love. This author holds nothing back as she shares her experiences while drawing ever closer to her Lord Jesus. Daring to expose the thoughts of her heart in psalm-like praise along the way. It is an experience to which many can relate.At the end of the book, she shares a prayer so that you, too, can experience the wonder, the majesty, and the hope of His redeeming love.UPDATE – 3/16/2020: Rated 4 out 4 stars by professional reviewers at Online Book Club! See the full review here: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=135591

View more poems from The Road to the Cross on my website: http://roadtothecross.org/

Author(s): Anne Hope
Publisher: N/A
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Winner of four book awards in the last 6 months. Now on sale at Amazon! Faced with the task of raising a daughter as a single parent after the death of a spouse, this unforgettable memoir tackles an impossible question: how do you teach the critical life skills of trust, love, forgiveness, humility, mercy, unselfishness, and grace to your child when you never learned them for yourself in a normal family setting?

If there is one lesson we can learn from this remarkable memoir, it’s the importance of faith. Using God, the only father she ever knew, as a plumb line, we walk with the author (often with great humor) as she journeys through “bent pages” of her story while teaching her child the skills of life even when she did not fully understand them herself. We are captivated as her daughter falls in love with God, the father who is introduced to her. And with God’s grace, and through the eyes of her trusting child, the author ultimately learns these very life skills for herself. This compelling and uplifting narrative is a story of resilience and self-discovery that is profoundly moving.

Author(s): Anne Hope
Publisher: Covenant Books
Price: $4.99       (Ends Dec 24)
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Could your ten earliest memories make you who you are? Well that’s what a psychiatrist friend once told me. He also said that by recalling the most important decisions you have made in your life that these will have a bearing on future decisions to change the course of your life for the better. I decided to examine those very memories and decisions for myself in Bent Pages.

From the time I was a child, one of my habits that drove others in my family crazy was to bend the corner of a page down on a book I was reading if it contained information I wanted to remember and look back on. It was easy to tell which books I had read and had been inspired by…there would be many bent corners. This book is a snapshot of the bent corners of pages in my life that have inspired and taught me. They are moments I never want to forget, even if painful. They have made me who I am. And I would not change that for the world!


Author(s): Deb Weakly
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Every Mom Needs Help—You’re Not Alone

Mom, do you…

…know where to turn when you are overwhelmed or discouraged?
…sometimes feel you are alone?
…desire a deeper faith, richer relationships, and a more organized home?

Join the club!

Help Club for Moms is here with practical, hands-on advice to assist you in loving and serving your family. When you look to the true Helper and source of all knowledge, Jesus, you will gain wisdom for every area of your life—your home, your marriage, your children, and your own spirit.

You will also discover a community of caring women, both in this book and online (helpclubformoms.com), who are eager to share their expertise with you, so you can learn from their experiences and get the most out of motherhood.

Take comfort in the truth that God didn’t design you to do this on your own. Find strength in numbers and hope from the Lord.


Author(s): Sheri Hunter
Publisher: Baker Books
Price: $1.99       (Ends Nov 16)
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When her husband, Mannard, unexpectedly passed away at just 50 years of age, Sheri Hunter was devastated. With her whole world falling down around her, she turned to her friends. Years before, she and these Dare Divas had gone on a whitewater rafting trip. Now they sought out other adventures–zip-lining, skydiving, mountain climbing, and more. Through these death-defying activities and the unwavering support of her friends, Sheri slowly found the strength to move forward in life.

More than just a memoir, this empowering female travelogue pairs emotionally resonant, confessional storytelling with spiritual takeaways, challenging readers to engage fully in their own lives, surround themselves with friends who will support them, and face life’s challenges with courage and faith.

If you’ve ever experienced a sudden loss or upheaval in life, Sheri’s story will reassure you that even if life as you knew it is over, the future God has for you is always full of new adventures.


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