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Author(s): Hope McCardy
Publisher: N/A
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Ladies, God wants to bless us with a wealth of wisdom. He greatly desires for us to be wise and knowledgeable, whether we have to deal with simple matters or difficult circumstances at home, in ministry, at work, or with friends. God is eager to anoint us with the ability to be aware, alert, and balanced in the running of our lives. He so wants to bless us with the Fruit of the Spirit – helping us to pursue excellence in daily living.


God innately made women tender and loving, natural nurturers of humanity – bringing honor and glory to His name. However, left alone, we (and the rest of the human race) are prone to being selfish, self-centered people who have the tendency to do perpetually silly, unproductive things. Our minds are often consumed with what is right for me: what I want for myself, what makes me feel comfortable, what I should be entitled to, or what I think I deserve. And our culture often promotes and encourages such unhealthy mindsets. Still, in the midst of such an unwholesome standard of living, women are called to be helpers, to foster positive growth, and to teach others: encouraging resilient godly legacies.


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