
Tag: Head Covering Movement

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Author(s): Jeremy Gardiner
Publisher: Head Covering Movement
Price: $3.99       (Ends June 23)
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Have you ever wondered why some women cover their heads in church, while men remove their hats? Have you thought about what this practice means and where it came from? It’s not something that was picked up from the surrounding culture. Instead, it comes directly from 1 Corinthians 11 (in the Bible) where this practice is explained in surprising depth. In fifteen consecutive verses, the Apostle Paul explains and defends the practice of head covering. He appeals to apostolic tradition, to the created roles of men and women, to angels, to nature, and to the church’s exclusive position on this topic.

Though head covering was practiced by the majority of Christians throughout Church history, it is now practiced only by a small minority. However, today many Christians are rediscovering this ancient practice, fueling a resurgence of head covering during church gatherings.

From the founder of the Head Covering Movement comes “Head Covering: A Forgotten Christian Practice for Modern Times.” In this book, Jeremy Gardiner will walk you through the Scriptures so you will see how this symbol beautifully depicts the created differences between men and women. You’ll hear the history of head covering, showing that it wasn’t until the feminist revolution that this practice fell out of favor in the Western church. The most popular objections (the cultural view, the long hair view, and charges of legalism) are all answered in-depth. Finally, the book addresses practical questions regarding how this is to be carried out.


Author(s): Jeremy G.
Publisher: Head Covering Movement
Price: $3.99       (Mar 2-4)
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Have you ever wondered why some women cover their heads in church, while men remove their hats? Have you thought about what this practice means and where it came from? It’s not something that was picked up from the surrounding culture. Instead, it comes directly from 1 Corinthians 11 (in the Bible) where this practice is explained in surprising depth. In fifteen consecutive verses, the Apostle Paul explains and defends the practice of head covering. He appeals to apostolic tradition, to the created roles of men and women, to angels, to nature, and to the church’s exclusive position on this topic.

Though head covering was practiced by the majority of Christians throughout Church history, it is now practiced only by a small minority. However, today many Christians are rediscovering this ancient practice, fueling a resurgence of head covering during church gatherings.

From the founder of the Head Covering Movement comes “Head Covering: A Forgotten Christian Practice for Modern Times.” In this book, Jeremy Gardiner will walk you through the Scriptures so you will see how this symbol beautifully depicts the created differences between men and women. You’ll hear the history of head covering, showing that it wasn’t until the feminist revolution that this practice fell out of favor in the Western church. The most popular objections (the cultural view, the long hair view, and charges of legalism) are all answered in-depth. Finally, the book addresses practical questions regarding how this is to be carried out. (more…)

Covered GloryAuthor(s): David Phillips
Publisher: N/A
Price: FREE       Buy Now!

In 1 Corinthians 11, the Apostle Paul provides important instructions about two symbolic practices within Christianity. The most well-known of these practices is the Lord’s Supper, found in the second half of the chapter.

However, in the first half of the same chapter, Paul teaches about the relationships between God and His people. He explains that these relationships — and the glory of the Lord — are symbolically represented when men and women cover (or uncover) their heads during times of prayer. (more…)

Headcovering Throughout Christian HistoryAuthor(s): David Phillips
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Have you ever wondered why, just two or three generations ago, Christian women often wore some sort of headcovering while in church? And why men in church always took off their hats when it was time to pray?

Indeed, it is well-documented that the use of headcoverings (during times of prayer) has been the norm for women throughout Christian history. Similarly, the prevailing standard was for Christian men to remove their hats when the local church gathered for prayer. Scripture itself provided for the longevity of these practices, both of which originate from the Apostle Paul’s instructions in the book of First Corinthians. Within contemporary Western society, these practices have greatly declined (and often ceased) only within the last century. (more…)

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