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Author(s): Loraine Boettner
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Originally included in his Studies in Theology, Loraine Boettner’s The Trinity is a comprehensive yet readable work on the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. 

Author(s): John Owen
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Evangelical Love, Church Peace, and Unity was written at a time when John Owen found it necessary to speak of a sinful decay of love among professors of the gospel in this nation. It deals with the importance of these virtues at all levels of church life. Owen believed the Church needed more love because without it, more and more arguments and schisms would occur and unity would be dissolved. Schisms were almost impossible to overcome, Owen said because neither side was willing to sacrifice its pride. (Courtesy CCEL)

Author(s): Thomas Guthrie
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $1.50       Buy Now!

Though Thomas Guthrie is primarily known for his work with the poor, ‘The Gospel In Ezekiel’ shows Guthrie’s skill as a pastor and preacher to take part of the book of Ezekiel and show the Gospel and Christ in the texts. This book will both comfort and convict the person to seriously consider where they are in a relationship with the Lord.

Author(s): Louis Berkhof
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

In this work, Louis Berkhof explores the history and theology of assurance of salvation through faith, showing how a Christian should be assured of their salvation through trusting Christ. This is a phenomenal book to read if you are doubting your faith.

Author(s): Loraine Boettner
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

In this work, originally a series of articles, Loraine Boettner shows how the Bible does not only contain the truth but is the truth, the very word of God. He delves into the theories of inspiration of the Bible and explains the supposed contradictions contained in it as well.

Author(s):  John Owen
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Owen’s massive ‘Exposition of Psalm 130’, contains some two hundred pages devoted to forgiveness and assurance. He writes here as one who, himself, has longed to know these privileges. This section is, in the words of one of his biographers, ‘As full of Christian experience as of rich theology … to a great extent the unconscious transcript of his personal wanderings and perplexities, and final deliverance.’ Possibly no better work exists on this area of Christian experience. (From CCEL)

Author(s): Saint John Chrysostom
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $1.50       Buy Now!

The sermons of St John Chrysostom are noted as classical commentaries on the Christian life. Knowing well the realities of life in the world, the temptation of rich and poor alike, this great orator – “the golden-mouthed” – addresses the questions of wealth and poverty in the lives of people of his day. And yet, as the modern reader is confronted with his words, it becomes apparent that he too is being addressed; Chrysostom’s words are words proclaiming the truth of the Gospel to all people of all times. The message of the story of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) is brought home to every person in these six sermons of Chrysostom with clarity, insight into the human dilemma, compassion, and judgment.

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