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Author(s): Thomas Goodwin
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $1.50       Buy Now!

In this work the Puritan dives deep into the excellency of the gospel showing its greatness above the law and everything else, showing how Jesus is the centerpiece of the gospel.

Includes linked footnotes and table of contents.

Author(s): William Wileman
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

To many, the name of John Calvin brings to mind a religious despot whose teachings give a distorted version of the biblical God. That idea and image could be nothing further from the truth. This short biography of the great reformer who helped bring the gospel to light to the world shows that Calvin wanted no power and had no power and was a hunted man by the bloodthirsty Roman Catholic Church for wanting the world to have liberty in Christ.

Author(s): A. W. Tozer
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

At the hidden center of man’s being is the dwelling place of the Triune God.  It is such a private, intimate place that no one can intrude but Christ, and even He will enter only through an invitation of faith. Once the Spirit enters the core of the believer’s heart and establishes residence there, man becomes a true child of God. But baptism, confirmation, receiving the sacraments, church membership, etc., mean nothing unless God has truly inhabited the soul.

In Man: The Dwelling Place of God, Tozer reveals what it truly means to have Christ within us—like leaving your old life behind, understanding the Bible, making godly choices, loving God for Himself, Christian fellowship, and more.

Thoughts On Religious ExperienceAuthor(s): Archibald Alexander
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

The nature of spiritual experience is probably both the most interesting and the most difficult subject in Christian literature: interesting because it concerns human life in all observable stages from childhood to death, and embraces all the emotions and behavior possible in a man regenerated by the Holy Spirit; difficult because the adequate treatment of the subject makes immense demands upon the author. To trace sanctification and backsliding, as they appear in human consciousness, presupposes a sound biblical theology as well as a spirituality of mind and a pastoral knowledge broad enough to interpret all the varieties in type which occur.

Twenty years a pastor and preacher in a revival era, then forty years a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary (commenced in 1812 when he was the sole instructor), Archibald Alexander brought to this volume the best wisdom of his life. From his own observations, and from case histories drawn from Christian biography, he follows his subject with the hand of a master. He was, in Dr. Theodore Woolsey’s words, ‘The Shakespeare of the Christian heart’. Primarily concerned with what ought to be the impression made upon the life by scriptural truths he has nothing of the vague devotionalism of the religious mystics. But within this biblical context, a wide variety of experiences passes under review, along with a consideration of the practical problems involved in an understanding of the new-birth, Christian growth, spiritual conflict, and kindred subjects.

This is a lucid and fascinating volume almost alone in the field which it covers.

Author(s): Charles Spurgeon
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Praying is one of the most important pieces of a Christian’s life in the six sermon’s in ‘The Power of Prayer’ collection Spurgeon shows why it is powerful and how a believer might go about prayer.

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