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Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

GOD IS SPEAKING 2 (THE BIBLE, PROPHETS & PREACHERS) is the second book of a three-part series describing what God has spoken to us through His word, the Bible. The Bible which He has provided for us is the main way in which God communicates His special message to the people He has created. Historically, God has used chosen men (Prophets & Preachers) to preach and interpret His word to us. It is vital to us that we learn to take in the word of God as our daily spiritual food, through reading and through hearing these chosen men of God preach and teach to us from His word.

Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: FREE       Buy Now!

This book combines the three volumes of the GOD IS SPEAKING series into one volume.

GOD IS SPEAKING 1 (FATHER, SON & HOLY SPIRIT) is the first of a three-part series describing what God has spoken to us all through His word, the Bible. Presenting Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, He has spoken many things to mankind. What specifically does He say as God the Father, as God the Son, and as God the Spirit? How does God interact with His people as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit?

GOD IS SPEAKING 2 (THE BIBLE, PROPHETS & PREACHERS) is the second book of a three-part series describing what God has spoken to us through His word, the Bible. The Bible which He has provided for us is the main way in which God communicates His special message to the people He has created. Historically, God has used chosen men (Prophets & Preachers) to preach and interpret His word to us. It is vital to us that we learn to take in the word of God as our daily spiritual food, through reading and through hearing these chosen men of God preach and teach to us from His word.


Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $4.98       Buy Now!

Whether people have enough food or not, they are always hungry for something. This world is a world of appetites, and human beings are always searching for some kind of satiation. People are constantly looking to fulfill some desire or another. What sin has done to us as a people is this; it has distorted our appetites. It has made the satisfaction of our physical desires to be our primary concern, while minimizing, disguising or even completely obscuring our spiritual needs. What the body wants has become first in our priorities, rather than what the soul needs. One of the great lessons which the Lord taught when He was on the earth was that mankind needs to be hungry for the main thing and not just the other things. Jesus Christ, Himself, is presented as the main thing which we ought to hunger after. Of course, hungering for food, shelter, safety, and desiring to make families, are all significant, necessary and important. But these other appetites must never over-shadow and obscure the greatest of all needs, to be filled up with and to be satisfied with God Himself. Eight sermons to help redirect our distorted appetites. Eight sermons to stir up our hunger for God.

Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

GOD IS SPEAKING 3 (VISIONS, DREAMS & VOICES) is the third book of a three-part series describing what God has spoken to us through His word, the Bible. In the Bible eras, certain chosen men received information from God through visions and dreams. These great visions and dreams are written out for us to see in the Bible. They are often breath-taking in their beauty, dreadful in their declarations of judgement, and stunning in their prophetic accuracy. At different times and in different circumstances, God has chosen to speak to His people in different voices; sometimes He has spoken to us with the voice of our father, with the voice of our husband, or with the voice of our judge. Does God still use visions and dreams today? Does He still speak to different people with different voices? These and other
questions ate explored in this book.

Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

GOD IS SPEAKING 2 (THE BIBLE, PROPHETS & PREACHERS) is the second book of a three-part series describing what God has spoken to us through His word, the Bible. The Bible which He has provided for us is the main way in which God communicates His special message to the people He has created. Historically, God has used chosen men (Prophets & Preachers) to preach and interpret His word to us. It is vital to us that we learn to take in the word of God as our daily spiritual food, through reading and through hearing these chosen men of God preach and teach to us from His word.

Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

GOD IS SPEAKING 1 (FATHER, SON & HOLY SPIRIT) is the first of a three-part series describing what God has spoken to us all through His word, the Bible. Presenting Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, He has spoken many things to mankind. What specifically does He say as God the Father, as God the Son, and as God the Spirit?

How does God interact with His people as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit?

Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $4.19       Buy Now!

Paul’s letter to the Philippians is rich with wisdom and direction for our time. We learn so much in its few pages about the purpose of Christian suffering. We see God’s hand pulling all the levers and strings behind the scenes, sovereignly directing all that befalls His people. And we see the glorious results as the gospel is more widely preached. Paul writes the epistle from prison in Rome, while he waits to see if he will be executed or set free. We see in the letter many of the real-life difficulties that believers face in the battles for humility, righteousness and obedience. The great Apostle warns us of many of the pitfalls and traps which the world presents to those who would follow Jesus Christ. We see the familiar struggles that we all face as strangers in a fallen world. We see what it takes to make the right efforts to be authentic and real with God. We see the truth about what we must let go of in order to more fully grab onto Jesus Christ. And we see the great need, both in Paul’s days and in our own time, for bold, selfless Christian leadership among us. The over-arching theme of Paul’s letter to the Philippians is the joy that sustains God’s people through all of their appointed trials. Thank God for this short but powerful book which encourages, directs and sustains us.

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