
Tag: Andy Ripley

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Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: FREE        Mar 3 – 7
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Paul’s letter to the Philippians is rich with wisdom and direction for our time. We learn so much in its few pages about the purpose of Christian suffering. We see God’s hand pulling all the levers and strings behind the scenes, sovereignly directing all that befalls His people. And we see the glorious results as the gospel is more widely preached. Paul writes the epistle from prison in Rome, while he waits to see if he will be executed or set free. We see in the letter many of the real-life difficulties that believers face in the battles for humility, righteousness and obedience. The great Apostle warns us of many of the pitfalls and traps which the world presents to those who would follow Jesus Christ. We see the familiar struggles that we all face as strangers in a fallen world. We see what it takes to make the right efforts to be authentic and real with God. We see the truth about what we must let go of in order to more fully grab onto Jesus Christ. And we see the great need, both in Paul’s days and in our own time, for bold, selfless Christian leadership among us. The over-arching theme of Paul’s letter to the Philippians is the joy that sustains God’s people through all of their appointed trials. Thank God for this short but powerful book which encourages, directs and sustains us.

Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher:  The Source Ministries
Price: FREE       (Ends Oct 13)
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In Second Timothy chapter three, verses one through five, Paul describes the character qualities which will be widely seen in the people of the last days. Although these are not necessarily qualities that are unique to the people of the final generation, as they are common to all generations of fallen human beings, the strong implication is that these evil traits will be dangerously magnified in the final days of history. The men and women of the last days will be more selfish, greedier, more boastful, prouder, more blasphemous, more disobedient, less thankful, more unholy, more unforgiving, more brutal and worse in every conceivable way when compared to previous generations. The complete loss of integrity and good character is what will make the last days so difficult to bear. This book attempts to describe how each of these character traits will impact society and how it is already affecting the world. And how up against the backdrop of this drastic societal decline, we will see the bright and glorious witness of Jesus Christ as it is reflected in the life of His true church.

Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: FREE       (Ends Oct 13)
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For thousands of years, Satan has been marshalling his forces, launching systematic attacks on the sons of Adam. He has launched his barrages against believers and unbelievers alike. For Christians, there is an advantage when facing the evil onslaughts. The Bible details the devil’s methods and tactics. Paul says in II Corinthians chapter two that we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices. We have seen him act to steal God’s word from hearts, to twist God’s word in false teaching, and to sow doubt. We have heard his favorite lies and accusations, we have observed him engendering fear, and we have witnessed him sowing tares among the wheat. But too many followers of Jesus Christ remain unaware of the varied ways that Satan weakens, blinds and sickens them. In this book, many of his modes of attack are laid out, with the goal that believers will be more thoroughly fortified against the father of lies.

Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher:  N/A
Price: FREE        (July 31-Aug 4)
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Thirty days of concentration and focus on how the Lord transforms His people from rescued sinners to determined disciples. If you seem to be stuck in neutral, if you have not been growing as you would like to, if you have wandered off the path and are eager to get back on – reading this book over a thirty day period could encourage you back on track with the Lord. Meditate on each days message throughout the day, and look for ways to apply it to your life. Pray before, during, and after studying the message. Let the word of God resonate in your mind and heart. Most of us do not take full advantage of our opportunities to grow in the Lord. We often fear the cost of genuine discipleship. Maybe some of us get ourselves entangled too much in the affairs of this world, and temporarily lose sight of the value of serving Jesus Christ. Others become complacent, satisfied with the progress that has already been made, and become slackened in our efforts. Whatever the reason we may sometimes fall behind, the Lord knows that we are made of dust and sometimes need a boost. My hope is that the strong messages of these short devotionals will help some to get back to the place where they can say that the Lord is their portion in this life, and truly mean it.

Author(s):  Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

There is a well-kept biblical secret to finding your godly husband. What young, Christian woman doesn’t dream of finding that certain one, that chosen man whom God has selected just for her? In these pages you will discover that secret, as well as the secrets to starting your marriage off on the best possible footing. As with all things in life, if you submit yourself to doing things God’s way, then you are setting yourself on the path of God’s blessing and God’s best. Why not avail yourself of His wisdom in the most important decision of your life?

Author(s):  Andy Ripley
Publisher:  The Source Ministries
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

In Second Timothy chapter three, verses one through five, Paul describes the character qualities which will be widely seen in the people of the last days. Although these are not necessarily qualities that are unique to the people of the final generation, as they are common to all generations of fallen human beings, the strong implication is that these evil traits will be dangerously magnified in the final days of history. The men and women of the last days will be more selfish, greedier, more boastful, prouder, more blasphemous, more disobedient, less thankful, more unholy, more unforgiving, more brutal and worse in every conceivable way when compared to previous generations. The complete loss of integrity and good character is what will make the last days so difficult to bear. This book attempts to describe how each of these character traits will impact society and how it is already affecting the world. And how up against the backdrop of this drastic societal decline, we will see the bright and glorious witness of Jesus Christ as it is reflected in the life of His true church.

Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $4.98       Buy Now!

Whether people have enough food or not, they are always hungry for something. This world is a world of appetites, and human beings are always searching for some kind of satiation. People are constantly looking to fulfill some desire or another. What sin has done to us as a people is this; it has distorted our appetites. It has made the satisfaction of our physical desires to be our primary concern, while minimizing, disguising or even completely obscuring our spiritual needs. What the body wants has become first in our priorities, rather than what the soul needs. One of the great lessons which the Lord taught when He was on the earth was that mankind needs to be hungry for the main thing and not just the other things. Jesus Christ, Himself, is presented as the main thing which we ought to hunger after. Of course, hungering for food, shelter, safety, and desiring to make families, are all significant, necessary and important. But these other appetites must never over-shadow and obscure the greatest of all needs, to be filled up with and to be satisfied with God Himself. Eight sermons to help redirect our distorted appetites. Eight sermons to stir up our hunger for God.

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