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Author(s): Andrew Murray
Publisher: Aneko Press
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Seek to enter more deeply into the perfect reconciliation with God, which is yours by the shed blood of Christ. Live by constantly exercising faith in the assurance that the blood cleanses from all sin and yield yourself to be sanctified and brought near to God through the blood; let it be your life-giving nourishment and power. You will thus have an unbroken experience of victory over Satan and his temptations. He who walks with God will rule as a conquering king over Satan.

About the Author
Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was a well-known South African writer, teacher, and pastor. More than two million copies of his books have been sold, and his name is mentioned among other great leaders of the past, such as Charles Spurgeon, T. Austin-Sparks, George Muller, D. L. Moody, and more.


Author(s): Andrew Murray
Publisher: Aneko Press
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Seek to enter more deeply into the perfect reconciliation with God, which is yours by the shed blood of Christ. Live by constantly exercising faith in the assurance that the blood cleanses from all sin and yield yourself to be sanctified and brought near to God through the blood; let it be your life-giving nourishment and power. You will thus have an unbroken experience of victory over Satan and his temptations. He who walks with God will rule as a conquering king over Satan.

About the Author
Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was a well-known South African writer, teacher, and pastor. More than two million copies of his books have been sold, and his name is mentioned among other great leaders of the past, such as Charles Spurgeon, T. Austin-Sparks, George Muller, D. L. Moody, and more.


Author(s): Olea Nel
Publisher: Clairvaux House
Price: $4.95       Buy Now!

Hankering to go, but needing to stay

A true story about facing the challenges of Christian leadership in a volatile environment of political intrigue and church secession

Twenty-eight year old Andrew Murray has just married Emma Rutherfoord, the girl of his dreams, and is looking forward to resuming his ministry in Bloemfontein with her at his side. But he is barely back in town, when trouble strikes. The small, land-locked Orange Free State throws up a series of nail biting situations in which Andrew is called upon to play a central role. They include:

  • The attempted take-over of the Orange Free State by Marthinus Pretorius, President of the Transvaal
  • The devastation of Beersheba Mission by a Boer Commando during the Basuto War
  • The secession of Psalm-singing (Dopper) members within his own congregation
  • Antagonism towards his bilingual education program at Grey College
  • The need to acquire Dutch teachers for his farm school project

Between dealing with all the tensions outside the home, there is also the small matter of Andrew only knowing his wife Emma for about seven face-to-face weeks before he married her. So on the home front, Andrew finds himself having to navigate marriage with a wonderfully talented wife, but one who knows her own mind.

Added to this is his growing desire to start over again in a new congregation. But although he hankers to go, there are responsibilities forcing him to stay, that is, until God has finished with his training.

Scroll up and grab a copy today.

experiencing the holy spiritAuthor(s): Andrew Murray
Publisher: Xaris Press
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

There are plenty of insights to get your spiritual fire burning in this book, as Murray reveals the Holy Spirit and makes it come alive! Along with the Bible and an open heart, this book can do much to change how we view what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

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Book details:

Crossway Books: Love Your Enemies (A History of the Tradition and Interpretation of Its Uses) by John Piper (vs.) Love Your Neighbor: Thinking Wisely about Right and Wrong by Norman L. Geisler & Ryan P. Snuffer
New Leaf Publishing: Finding the Favor of God by Ronnie Floyd (vs.) 10 Things Every Minister Needs To Know by Ronnie Floyd
Barbour Publishing: Daily Light on the Daily Path (Classic Insights) by Samuel Bagster (vs.) Teach Me to Pray (Classic Insights) by Andrew Murray

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