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Five Minutes to Impact: The Final Flight of the ComancheAuthor(s): David F. Osborne
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

You will stop breathing. Your heart will race. You will whisper, “Dear God, no!” Five Minutes to Impact is every traveler’s nightmare, yet simultaneously an inspiring story of supernatural peace in the darkest hour.
—Jim Congdon, Th.D
Sr. Pastor Topeka Bible Church, Author, Chairman of Jews for Jesus

“Kansas City Center—Comanche eight-five-four-six-papa—we have an emergency.”

With these words, David F. Osborne alerted air traffic controllers his plane and passengers were in serious danger. What began as a normal business trip home from North Dakota turned, without warning, from tranquility to turmoil.

In the darkness of night, the once-powerful, single engine, Piper Comanche 260 airplane began experiencing catastrophic engine failure. Within seconds, the previously well-tuned aircraft was shaking violently putting the plane in a rapid descent while the cockpit was quickly filling with thick smoke.

With an emergency crash landing now imminent, the gripping realization that the pilot and his passengers faced almost certain death had become undeniable reality.

Five Minutes to Impact is a true story of overcoming fear in the face of unexpected crisis, understanding the providence of God in the dealings of man, and renewing our faith in His divine plan for our lives.

Continued Endorsements:

This is the story of a pilot’s worst fears lived out! As a private pilot myself, I caught myself mentally following the story . . . a story of a miracle landing on a dark night with seemingly nowhere to land. Dave tells the story from his perspective—a faith-based worldview intertwined in every aspect of his life. I’m sure that you, like me, will not be able to put down this incredible story. If you know a pilot, give this book to her or him for an inspirational experience.
—Lauren Libby
International President/CEO, TWR International

Five Minutes to Impact is a riveting account of how David survived a traumatic event and emerged with a life-changing message. You will be inspired and challenged by his story.
—Ken R. Canfield, PhD
Author, International Speaker, Founder: National Center for Fathering and the National Association for Grand Parenting

It’s one thing to be gripped by a “nail-biting” true life story you’ve never heard. It’s another to have heard the story and still be glued to the book to the very end. David Osborne’s story is truly one of divine intervention and genuine faith!
—Rosie J. Williams
Author of Repurposed Faith, Contributing Author to Military Families Devotional Bible, Faith Deployed Again, and Military Wives NT, Psalms and Proverbs

The most important moment you and I will ever reach in life is the moment when we realize the question of our eternal destiny. On a dark, cloudy night in August of 2012, Dave Osborne was at peace, even in the face of almost certain death. This ordeal inspired Dave’s thoughtful contemplation. He shares, “We don’t have to live in fear of the present or the future. That was never God’s plan for our life.” In Five Minutes to Impact, Dave shares some of the extraordinary life lessons learned through this ordeal from his perspective as a businessman, father, pilot, and man of faith.
—Lonnie Berger
Author and President of Every Man a Warrior

Author(s): Jeremy Howard
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Your wife needs you.

God calls men to be exceptional, extraordinary, and exemplary. Somewhere between the Garden of Eden and the invention of the latest video game console, this concept got completely lost on a huge population of young men in our modern society.

You’re the Husband seeks to provide a road map for men as they navigate through marriage. God did not design it to be easy, nor did He design it to be perfect or everlasting. Instead, He designed marriage to be full of commitment, sacrifice, and service. He has designed marriage to sanctify.

You’re the Husband examines the biblical pillars of being a husband—where love and responsibility come together to produce a godly marriage.

Snapshots from the Book of RevelationAuthor(s): Theodore C. Danson Smith
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $3.49       Buy Now!

Dr. Theodore C. Danson Smith went to be with Christ in May 2018, after a lifetime of Christian service. Theo—as he was known—had a burning passion for the Word of God and for making its message better known via both the spoken and the written word.

His sermons on the intriguing—and at times mysterious—book of Revelation were preached in various churches throughout Great Britain and were very well received. These sermons have now been put into print as part of Theo’s legacy to the wider church of God.

You now have these in your hand to aid your understanding and enjoyment of the last book in the inspired volume.

They are what they say: Snapshots from the Book of Revelation.

Author(s): Timothy Cross
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

The book of Ruth is a moving story of romance and redemption. It begins tragically yet ends wonderfully.

Why? Because the God of the Bible ‘is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think’ (Ephesians 3:20b).

In the book of Ruth we glimpse the wonderful providence of God at work. The book proves the truth of Romans 8:28 that ‘in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.’

The book of Ruth is a story of romance—a romance between Ruth and Boaz —and also a story of redemption. Ruth, a nobody, became a somebody, eventually marrying into the Messianic line.

How? By the amazing grace of God. And it is the same today!

By nature we are sinners – helpless and hopeless. But by the grace of God in Christ, our sins are forgiven, and we become the adopted children of God and heirs of eternal blessedness – heirs of the very kingdom of heaven. These and others are some of the encouraging lessons we glean in the book of Ruth.

Come then and be blessed by this lovely portion of the Word of God and enjoy the book of Ruth!

biblical leadershipAuthor(s): Ken Collier & Matt Williams
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

There are many different types of leaders—leaders in the business world, in government, in the home, and in the local church. Sadly, many times leadership has been completely contrary to what the Bible teaches.

Many leaders are focused on what they can get from their positions of authority rather than on what they can give to the works in which they are involved. While some view it as a tool for popularity and power, leadership is a privilege. Leadership requires responsibility.

Biblical Leadership teaches biblical leaders how to be people of integrity and humility—leaders who are willing to be different.

Rebecca Stubbs: The Vicar's DaughterAuthor(s): Hannah Buckland
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Rebecca Stubbs, the beloved daughter of a conscientious village vicar in Victorian England, has always enjoyed a sheltered, idyllic childhood. Her parents work tirelessly for their small farm community, aiding both the church and the poor.

When an unexpected outbreak of fever rages through the town, Rebecca must face growing up alone.

As she matures into womanhood, Rebecca finds that she is ill-prepared for her new world. With no home, no family, and few prospects, she is determined to make her own way in life.

As a housemaid at Barton Manor, she struggles to find her place in a world of double standards and man-made rules.

Can she keep her faith strong amidst a lonely life of domestic service? Must she always be a bystander, watching other people s lives unfold and flourish? Or is there something else in store for her servant heart?

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