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Author(s): Beverly Lewis
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Price: $0.99       (Ends Mar 31)
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It’s the summer of 1951, and Maggie Esh is in need of some hope. Sweet-spirited and uncommonly pretty despite struggling with chronic illness, she is used to being treated kindly by the young men of her Old Order Amish church district. Yet Maggie wishes she were more like other courting-age girls so she could live a normal, healthy life.

To make matters more complicated, Dat has recently remarried, less than a year after her mother died. And while her stepmother is kind, Rachel is much younger than Mamm, and she simply doesn’t understand Maggie or her illness the way Mamm did.

When tent revival meetings come to the area, Maggie is curious, and the words of the Mennonite preacher challenge her to reconsider what she knows about faith. Can she learn to trust God even when hope seems a distant dream?


Author(s): Rusty Rustenbach
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $3.99        (Ends Mar 31)
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Inner healing is an important part of the Gospel message. You can supernaturally experience healing by exposing the hidden lies that keep you in bondage. This workbook study presents a framework within which you can learn to pray, listen, and receive God’s healing in a progressive step-by-step process. Its practical instruction, examples, and personal stories can empower you to deliberately listen to God in ways that bring deep nurture, assurance, and inner healing. Jesus said, “The truth will set you free.” Take Him at His word and experience inner healing. Includes questions for discussion and personal reflection.

Author(s): Christopher Ash
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (Mar 4-5)
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What do you think about your pastor? Do you chew over his sermons and wonder if they are clear and helpful? Do you feel he spends enough time with you? In fact, do you ever catch yourself wondering what he does all day?

The truth is, often we think, “What can my pastor do for me?” Far less often do we think, “What can I do for my pastor?”

Former seasoned pastor, Christopher Ash, urges church members to think about pastors not just in terms of what they do – how they lead and pray and preach and teach and so on – but what about who they are. He encourages us to remember that pastors are people and to pray for them as they serve us.

Paradoxically, caring for our pastor will be a blessing to us as well as to them, and create a culture of true fellowship in our church family.


Author(s): Dr. Henry Morris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99        (Mar 4-5)
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The Beginning of the World is an in-depth Bible study of Genesis revealing the scientific proof of Creation. Sadly the unproven theory of evolution is now widely accepted among Christians. Faith in this philosophy subtly, yet assuredly undermines faith in the authority and infallibility of Scripture. In this Bible study resource, Dr. Henry Morris shines a bright light on the synchronicity between the Bible and modern science.

If the first eleven chapters of the Bible are considered allegory or myth, how will new and immature Christians relate to the Ten Commandments? Dr. Morris, the founder of the Institute for Creation Research, recognizes the attack on the foundational message of the Bible as Satan’s long war against God. His professional scientific and biblical research is aimed at defeating the lies of evolution and defending the Bible.

The New Testament directly quotes or alludes to the Book of Genesis no less than 200 times, with half of these referring to the first 11 chapters of Genesis. Jesus Christ quoted or referred to each of the first 7 chapters of Genesis alone. All of these references show that both Christ and the apostles accepted Genesis not only as fully historical but also as divinely inspired.


Author(s): Alex McFarland
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Price: $2.99        (Ends Mar 31)
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University apologist, director, and popular speaker Alex McFarland has spent the last two decades answering questions about the Christian worldview and the Bible from children, teens, and parents. In The 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask About Christianity, he summarizes questions today’s children and teens are asking about God, the Bible, and the problem of evil.

Alex’s experiences have taught him that how adults answer questions about God is as important as, if not more important than, what kids ask. He provides parents with teaching strategies that will help them reach their children intellectually and spiritually. Today’s kids and teens are looking for authenticity, integrity, and straightforward truth. Alex comes alongside parents and gives them tools to effectively answer not only their children’s toughest academic questions but also the questions that plague their hearts.


Author(s): Michelle Keener
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

A Hollywood bad boy. A pastor’s daughter.
What could possibly go wrong?
Movie star Ben Prescott arrives back in Hollywood after causing a scandal with his ex-girlfriend in Rome.

Chased through the airport by paparazzi, he jumps into a limo hoping for a quick getaway. Instead, he finds Lily Shaw, a pastor’s daughter, and preschool teacher. When the paparazzi capture a photo of the two of them together, Ben’s agent demands that he do whatever it takes to keep the story from hitting the gossip pages . . . even volunteer to work at Lily’s church.

Sparks fly as the movie star and the pastor’s daughter work side by side. When Lily accompanies Ben to the premiere of his latest movie, Hollywood takes notice. Under intense media scrutiny and pressure from the movie industry, Ben must risk his career to follow his heart, but Lily wants the one thing he doesn’t have faith.

Mission Hollywood is an inspirational story about love, faith, and second chances.


Author(s): Andrew Wilson
Publisher: David C. Cook
Price: $0.99        (Ends Mar 10)
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In fifty-six short narratives, GodStories explores the beautiful, triumphant, often heartbreaking and always glorious stories that make up the gospel of God—GodStories.

Just as we have one God in three persons, and one church made up of many people, so in Scripture we have one gospel made up of many stories. Inside readers will rediscover the glorious mission of God, freedom from sin, and how the promises of God never fail.

Andrew Wilson brings these GodStories to life with fresh and relevant insights on how the stories of Scripture profoundly affect your faith and theology. Prepare to be stunned and in total amazement at the many-faceted gospel story, the greatest story ever told.


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