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Author(s): Kate Hurley
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $0.99       (Ends July 21)
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Will I always be lonely if I end up alone?

You thought you’d be married by now, but you’re not. Even though your friends in relationships love to tell you that singleness is a gift, this gift comes with its share of fear, grief, and still-to-be-answered prayers.

Life coach and singer-songwriter Kate Hurley has been there, and now she encourages you to open yourself to new opportunities and relationships of all varieties. Getting Naked Later will help you…
find a family in your friends, church, and community
stop viewing the pursuit of a partner as a formula that demands a solution
hand over control of your life to God, finding peace in the knowledge that He has a plan for you
You don’t need to give up on romance, but you also don’t need to live on standby, expecting someone else to give your life meaning. Learn how to stop waiting and start embracing your life—right where you are.

This is an expanded edition of the previously released book Cupid is a Procrastinator.


Author(s): Glynnis Whitwer
Publisher: Revell
Price: $1.99       (Ends July 31)
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No matter how much we accomplish in a day, we nearly always feel a little guilt over what we didn’t do. Taming Your To-Do List exposes a seismic shift in society: from one in which most of us were proactive to one in which we carry the burden of having to respond–to every email, text, tweet, and message we receive. This creates a cycle where everyone else sets the priorities for our days rather than us directing our own lives. The result? We procrastinate, putting off the important stuff for later while we tend to the “urgent” stuff right now. It’s time to take back your schedule! Ready to tame your to-do list? This book shows you how.

Author(s): Paul Basden & Jim Johnson
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $2.99       (July 9-10)
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Are You Prepared to Talk with Your Child About…?

Discussing difficult topics with kids has never been easy, but in today’s world, it’s more difficult than ever. Gay marriage, terrorist attacks, pornography, police shootings, and yes, sex, are just some of the complex issues children will encounter in our current culture. When your child asks questions, will you have answers?

Tough Stuff Parenting will equip you to have thoughtful, age-appropriate conversations with your child. The biblically-based wisdom and practical tools you’ll find inside will help you confidently engage your kid in meaningful dialogue. And when questions arise, your child will look to you first for answers instead of friends or the Internet.

Make a lasting connection with your kid by learning how to effectively discuss life’s most complicated topics.


Author(s): Peter Horrobin
Publisher: Chosen Books
Price: $1.99       (Ends July 31) Pre-Order Deal
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On the cross, Jesus prayed these dramatic words: Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. He set a powerful example for us, demonstrating that forgiveness is possible even in the face of the worst that human beings can do to one another; and it frees us from hurtful and damaging human relationships. Forgiveness is the key to restoring our relationship with God, and it is the beginning of our life adventure with Him.

This liberating teaching from Ellel Ministries founder Peter Horrobin explores the most powerful prayer on earth–the prayer of forgiveness, even toward those who don’t seem to deserve it. As we learn to set forgiveness as a foundation stone of our faith, we can rise above the bondage of bitterness. Here you will find words of healing for your past and the ability to walk through new doors of freedom in your future.


Author(s): Mike McKinley
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (July 8-9)
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Christians often spend time arguing that Jesus rose, but we forget to appreciate why it actually matters.

In the follow-up to his brilliant book on the cross, Passion, US pastor and well-known author Mike McKinley considers the revolutionary consequences for each of us of Christ’s resurrection, ascension and the sending of his Spirit.

Walk through Luke 24 and Acts 1-2 and discover how the reality that Jesus lives can and should change every aspect of our world.

Whether you’re a new or a mature Christian, let the joy, peace, confidence and purpose of the resurrection flood into your everyday life.


Author(s): Henry Morris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (July 8-9)
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Scientists choose whether they will believe God’s word or discount it.

– Explore over 101 biographies of groundbreaking, influential scientists with their Christian testimonies
– See how the belief in a Creator inspired the earliest explorations of science and still impacts the work of Bible-believing scientists today

Science and faith are often considered incompatible in the academic world today. One is seen as representing truth, while the other is viewed as fanciful according to the skeptical, science-centered culture. But the reality is that thousands of scientists, in fact, many of science’s greatest “founding fathers,” believed openly in God as they worked and studied His created world. Learn how their discoveries led them to even greater depths of faith and how their beliefs influenced and inspired their work.

There is nothing in science that can ever prove that God does not exist and, therefore, no way that science can disprove Creation. For so many in the past, the answer was that their faith was inseparable from their science, a powerful point to encourage believers and challenge the skeptics.


Author(s): Joanne Bischof
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       (July 8 Only)
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Two handsome brothers. An age-old Appalachian feud. And a love that may tear the Norgaard family apart.

After the tragic death of her husband, Aven Norgaard is beckoned to give up her life in Norway to become a housekeeper in the rugged hills of nineteenth-century Appalachia. Upon arrival, she finds herself in the home of her late husband’s cousins—three brothers who make a living by brewing hard cider on their three-hundred-acre farm. Yet even as a stranger in a foreign land, Aven has hope to build a new life in this tight-knit family.

But her unassuming beauty disrupts the bond between the brothers. The youngest two both desire her hand, and Aven is caught in the middle, unsure where—and whether—to offer her affection. While Haakon is bold and passionate, it is Thor who casts the greatest spell upon her. Though Deaf, mute, and dependent on hard drink to cope with his silent pain, Thor possesses a sobering strength.

As autumn ushers in the apple harvest, the rift between Thor and Haakon deepens and Aven faces a choice that risks hearts. Will two brothers’ longing for her quiet spirit tear apart a family? Can she find a tender belonging in this remote, rugged, and unfamiliar world?


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