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Author(s): Lee Gatiss
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

The Protestant Reformers of the sixteenth century regained, retold, and relied on the gospel of grace — and we can learn from their tragedies and triumphs, their dark deeds and noble heroics. The stories of Ulrich Zwingli, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, John Calvin and Thomas Cranmer remind us of the glorious truths which warmed the hearts and fired the souls of passionate and imperfect people, and how they tried to share the good news of Jesus Christ in their generation. Will it strengthen and inspire passionate and imperfect Christians today to emulate their clarity, their courage, and their compassion for the lost?

Author(s): Abdu Murray
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $3.99       (Ends Sept 6)
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Increasingly, Western culture embraces confusion as a virtue and decries certainty as a sin. Those who are confused about sexuality and identity are viewed as heroes. Those who are confused about morality are progressive pioneers. Those who are confused about spirituality are praised as tolerant. Conversely, those who express certainty about any of these issues are seen as bigoted, oppressive, arrogant, or intolerant.

This cultural phenomenon led the compilers of the Oxford English Dictionary to name “post-truth” their word of the year in 2016. How can Christians offer truth and clarity to a world that shuns both?

By accurately describing the Culture of Confusion and how it has affected our society, author Abdu Murray seeks to awaken Westerners to the plight we find ourselves in. He also challenges Christians to consider how they have played a part in fostering the Culture of Confusion through bad arguments, unwise labeling, and emotional attacks.

Ultimately, Saving Truth provides arguments from a Christian perspective for the foundations of truth and how those foundations apply to sexuality, identity, morality, and spirituality. For those enmeshed in the culture of confusion, the book offers a way to untangle oneself and find hope in the clarity that Christ offers.


Author(s): David Ashley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

How can you “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength,” when you do not have the strength to carry your cross, let alone lift your Bible? Are you a role model or a roll model? Pastor/Evangelist David Ashley, a/k/a The Pastor of Pump, uses his 32 years of personal training experience and combines it with his Masters in Apologetics and Master of Divinity to take ministry leaders and their discipleship program through an intensive, metabolic stimulating, Spiritual boot camp. Ministry leaders will learn the five-sets of essential Biblical doctrine and the 10 repetitions that are designed to lead men to find true strength – at the foot of the cross.

Author(s): Ron Rhodes
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $1.99       (Ends Sept 8)
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Bible prophecy expert Ron Rhodes offers an easy-to-understand yet detailed chronology and explanation of end-times events.

The chapters are arranged around the major end-times themes: the rapture, the tribulation, the millennial kingdom, and the eternal state. Each chapter begins with a list of the specific events it covers, making this an extremely user-friendly chronological guide to end-times biblical prophecy.

Rhodes allows for various interpretations among Christians. Yet the sequence he describes is faithful to the biblical text, based on a literal approach to prophecy, and held by many Bible scholars.

As readers discover that they really can understand Bible prophecy, they will come to love and trust the Scriptures like never before.


Author(s): Michelle Cole
Publisher: Write World
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

We have never seen anything quite like the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the 21st century. God brought His world to a standstill. He interrupted business as usual. He has changed life as we know it. COVID-19 turned the world upside down.

Contrary to beliefs, man doesn’t rule the world; the One who created it does. When we reject God and become lifted up in pride, God knows how to bring us down to size. He knows how to put us back in our place. Is it a coincidence that many of the things that we love doing were temporarily shut down and off-limits to us? The One True God temporarily removed our gods. Christ is in this crisis.

Oftentimes, we see the hand of man, when in fact, COVID-19 is the hand of God. Will we take heed to GOD’S GLOBAL WARNING? Yes, we need to get back to work, but most importantly, we need to get back – to God.


Author(s): Paul David Tripp
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99       (Sept 3-4)
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This ebook edition contains artwork adapted from the print edition to fit the digital format.

“My hope is that this volume will help you to see the Savior more clearly, to understand his grace more deeply, to confess your struggle more honestly, to worship him more fully, and to find in these meditations the motivation to continue to follow the Savior even when he’s leading you into unexpected and hard places.” —Paul David Tripp

Best-selling author Paul David Tripp invites you into his personal reflections on his experience of God’s ever-present grace through the ups and downs of his life. He shares his celebrations, disappointments cry for help, confessions, and confusions in the form of 120 meditations that were written over many years through various joys and struggles.

Vulnerable yet pastoral and wise, these meditations in the form of verse showcase how God’s amazing grace intersects with the mundane, unexpected, messy, and beautiful moments of everyday life.


Author(s): John Knox
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (this week only)
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Come and take a look inside the prayers of the famous Scottish Reformer John Knox. One of the largest oppositions to his ministry, Queen Mary of the Scots is said to have said, “I fear John Knox’s prayers more than all the assembled armies of Europe.” John Knox was one of the Reformation’s greatest prayer warriors, famous for crying out to God and praying, “Give me Scotland, Lord, or I die!”. Various prayers of Knox from six varying themes make up this book, with the sections listed below.

John Knox (ca. 1514–1572) was a pastor whose ministerial labors helped lead the Protestant Reformation in Scotland.

Brian G. Najapfour has been a minister of the gospel since 2001 and has served both in the Philippines and in the United States. He is the author of numerous books including The Very Heart of Prayer: Reclaiming John Bunyan’s Spirituality and Jonathan Edwards: His Doctrine of and Devotion to Prayer.


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