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Author(s): Keion Henderson
Publisher: Worthy Books
Price: $2.99       (Ends June 30)
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Discover a renewed sense of God’s purpose and find the courage to pursue your greatest dreams with this comforting guide to spiritual fulfillment and success. Albert Einstein once said, “Problems cannot be solved with the same mind-set that created them.” To resolve our problems and deal with our mistakes, we must be willing to be transformed by God’s process of healing and strengthening. We have a tendency to think of our present situation in polarizing terms: good or bad, up or down. Due to the seasonal nature of our life experiences, this is an easy trap for many of us. We overlook the fact that there are transition times, such as the season between graduation and the amazing job; between divorce and remarriage; between the failure and the success.
The Shift explores the ways we can survive the seasons in between with the courage that comes only when you’re sure of God’s purpose for your life.

Author(s): Denise Wilson
Publisher: Redemption Press
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

When life is over and you stand before God, what will he say to you?

There is no greater tragedy than for someone to go through their entire life thinking they are a Christian only to hear these seven fateful words at death: “I never knew you; depart from me” (Matt. 7:23).

A.W. Tozer said, “It is my opinion that tens of thousands, if not millions, have been brought into some kind of religious experience by accepting Christ and they have not been saved.” How can you be sure that your profession of faith is more than just words? Seven Words You Never Want to Hear explores the mystery of salvation through the Scriptures and personal stories.

Author Denise Wilson invites you to take the challenge that the apostle Paul gave to the church at Corinth—examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. The gospel changes everything—beliefs, lifestyles, and priorities. Has it changed you?

Don’t wait until death to find out if you got it right.


Author(s): Catherine J. Wright
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99       (May 31-June 1)
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Luke’s Gospel was written to transform. In its original context, readers would have seen a portrait of Jesus as an ideal teacher and king, able to shape his people through exemplary leadership. They would have come to the Gospel expecting to be changed for God’s purposes through the imitation of Jesus’ lifestyle and adoption of his teaching. When today’s readers approach the text in the same way, they can be transformed too.
Spiritual Practices of Jesus explores Luke’s portrait of the spirituality of Jesus, focusing on the themes of simplicity, humility, and prayer in his life and teaching. After establishing the likely thought patterns of Luke’s first readers, Catherine Wright considers how Jesus models these three values and then explores how different readers have understood and employed key Lukan passages for spiritual formation, beginning with a first-century audience and tracing the reception of these texts in the ancient church.
Demonstrating a theological interpretation of Jesus’ spirituality grounded in church tradition, this accessible book combines New Testament studies and spiritual formation to provide fresh insight into the biblical text. Wright invites readers to join with Luke’s earliest readers in adopting ancient spiritual practices that still hold the potential to revolutionize our relationships with money, ourselves, others, and God. Luke’s Gospel reveals that as we individually and corporately imitate Jesus, we live lives of greater authenticity, are oriented toward his kingdom, and are transformed by his manner of life.

Author(s): Glenn C. Daman
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 31-June 1)
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Despite the growing number of megachurches in the U.S., 75 percent of churches still have a weekly attendance of 150 or less. Glenn Daman, himself the pastor of two small churches, reminds readers that “the vitality of a congregation is not found in its size or its programs or budget. The vitality of a congregation is found in its fulfillment of God’s purpose for the church.” Offering neither trivial cliches nor quick fixes, Shepherding the Small Church acts as a manual for leaders, offering point-by point suggestions for small church ministry, mission, unity, and more. Chapter-by-chapter suggestions and several appendixes of helpful assessment tools help pastors and lay leadership work through the book together.

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