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Author(s): John C. Maxwell
Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership
Price: $1.99       (May 7 Only)
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Noticeably grow your leadership skills day by day over 365 days through this timeless wisdom—comprised from fourteen of New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell’s most popular
leadership books.

The Maxwell Daily Reader draws its unique power from an ageless truth: the heart of leadership is created through actions, put into practice one day at a time. Each person has inborn potential to be a great leader. Each day’s message will equip readers with the inspiration and advice to unlock every bit of leadership potential within.

Easily accessible and highly actionable, this is the very best of John C. Maxwell. And it will bring out the very best of the leader in everyone.


Author(s): Jonathan K. Dodson
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99       (Ends May 19)
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We live in an age of crisis.
Financial crisis, political crisis, environmental crisis―the list goes on. We’re confronted with calamity every time we read the headlines. But behind each of these lurks another kind of crisis, one we find harder to define: a moral crisis―a crisis of goodness. Behind financial crisis is unrestrained greed; behind political crisis is the lust for power.
To properly address the crises that plague our world, we must be formed as people of moral goodness. We must cultivate virtue. But the cultural headwinds are strong: outrage and fragility, persecution and affluence, injustice and impurity.
In this wise and practical book, Pastor Jonathan Dodson takes us back to the Beatitudes, the centerpiece of Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount. Dodson examines each of the Beatitudes in the context of the new morality that buffets our society today, presenting a compelling portrait of the truly good life, both personal and social.
Jesus’ vision of the good is stunning: heaven meets earth, mercy triumphs over judgment, peace transcends outrage, grace upends self-righteousness. Here is an account, not of dos and don’ts, but of genuine moral flourishing.

Author(s): Deb Weakly
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Every Mom Needs Help—You’re Not Alone

Mom, do you…

…know where to turn when you are overwhelmed or discouraged?
…sometimes feel you are alone?
…desire a deeper faith, richer relationships, and a more organized home?

Join the club!

Help Club for Moms is here with practical, hands-on advice to assist you in loving and serving your family. When you look to the true Helper and source of all knowledge, Jesus, you will gain wisdom for every area of your life—your home, your marriage, your children, and your own spirit.

You will also discover a community of caring women, both in this book and online (helpclubformoms.com), who are eager to share their expertise with you, so you can learn from their experiences and get the most out of motherhood.

Take comfort in the truth that God didn’t design you to do this on your own. Find strength in numbers and hope from the Lord.


Author(s): Mark Jones
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $2.99       (May 6-7)
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“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13

Faith, hope, and love—we hear a lot about each on their own, but how are they related? Why is this triad mentioned so often in the New Testament?

Written in the form of fifty-eight questions and answers, this book reveals how these three theological virtues—also referred to as “three divine sisters”—together serve as the foundation for our whole Christian life. Deeply scriptural, steeped in key theological texts, and modeled after the classic catechisms of church history, this book will instruct our minds, stir our hearts, and motivate us to faith-filled obedience.


Author(s): Tom Threadgill
Publisher: Revell
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

“Threadgill plunges a detective from the San Antonio Property Crimes Division into a deep-laid plot involving murder, kidnapping, and myriad other crimes above her pay grade.”–Kirkus Reviews

Three years ago, a collision between a fast-moving freight train and a school bus full of kids led to devastation and grief on an unimaginable scale. But a fresh clue leads San Antonio police detective Amara Alvarez to the unlikely conclusion that one of the children may still be alive. If she’s correct, everything law enforcement believes about the accident is a lie.

With time running out, Amara must convince others–and herself–that despite all evidence to the contrary, the boy lives. And she will do everything in her power to bring him home.

A fresh voice in suspense, Tom Threadgill will have you questioning everything as you fly through the pages of this enthralling story.


Author(s): Terry Toler
Publisher: N/A
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

If the Son has set us free, then why are so many Christians still struggling with toxic emotions keeping them in constant pain and suffering?

When best-selling and award-winning author, Terry Toler, discovered through Scripture that emotions were meant for present reality, he wrote a book that revealed a new approach to emotional freedom.

Feeling Free is unique with its entirely different biblical approach to mastering emotions based on current reality. The premise is that most people struggle with their emotions because they combine present troubles with past hurts and future worries. That creates an overload of emotional instability.


“This is more than a book. It’s going to change lives.”

“God is going to use this book to set people free. It’s so exciting!”

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