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Author(s): Joanna Davidson Politano
Publisher: Revell
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

“Politano writes beautifully, evoking the magic of ballet and the theater from the opening turns to the final curtain, leaving readers applauding for an encore.”–Booklist starred review


All theater romances are tragedies. Ella Blythe knows this. Still, she cannot help but hope her own story may turn out different than most–and certainly different than the tragic story of the Ghost of Craven Street Theater. Yet as she struggles to maintain her tenuous place in the ever-shrinking ballet company, win the attentions of principal dancer Philippe, and avoid company flirt Jack, Ella cannot deny the uncanny feeling that her life is mirroring that of the dead ballerina.

Is she dancing ever closer to the edge of her own tragic end? Or will the secrets that are about to come to light offer release from the past?

Mystery and romance make the perfect dance partners in this evocative story from fan-favorite Joanna Davidson Politano.


Author(s): S. K. Wilkinson
Publisher: Aneko Press
Price: FREE       Buy Now!

This is Frankie San’s story. Born in Tokyo to a Buddhist family, Frankie San’s childhood was marked by sickness and quarantine, parental divorce, and fighting for Japan in WWII at 14 years of age. Experiencing major depression, he tried to end his life – but God had a better plan.

Light filled Frankie San’s heart and soul after an American missionary introduced him to Jesus Christ. Through miraculously opened doors, Frankie San traveled to the United States to attend seminary. He overcame cultural and language barriers and prayed for direction for his future. Direction came in the form of busses filled with prisoners.

When Frankie learned where the busses took their prisoners, he surprised the director with his request to visit the prison and perplexed him when he wanted to remain. What happened next was incredible love confirmed by action, as Frankie literally believed and followed through on those famous words from Scripture: Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me (Matthew 25:40).

Frankie San’s life and testimony is unique, heartwarming, and inspiring. You’ll be challenged to love those who can give nothing back, to truly trust Christ as you follow Him, and to persevere despite overwhelming odds. If it’s not too late for prisoners on death row, it’s not too late for you and me. Follow me, said Jesus, and I will make you fishers of men.


Author(s): Eric Demeter
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Pitch the Christian dating rulebook out the window. There’s a better way!

No matter what you might have heard, God didn’t mandate a divine way to date. What He did do, in the Bible, is lay out principles for wise and healthy relational living among believers. His boundaries for us are wise and good. But exactly how you apply God’s principles to your dating life is up to you to figure out. All you need is guidance, not micromanagement.

How Should a Christian Date? doesn’t try to boss you around. It just offers wisdom about the relevant principles in God’s Word. Eric Demeter—a single guy who has given this subject a lot of thought—separates the truths of Scripture from the baggage of Christian dating subculture. He talks to you like a big brother or favorite uncle, not your mother. You’ll cover topics such as:


Author(s): Alistair Begg
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (Feb 9-10)
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Learn from the book of Daniel how to live confidently for Christ today.

What does it look like to live with joy in a society that does not like what Christians believe, say or do? It’s tempting to grow angry, keep our heads down, retreat or just give up altogether.

But this isn’t the first time that God’s people have had to learn how to live in a pagan world that opposes God’s rule. In this realistic yet positive book, renowned Bible teacher Alistair Begg examines the first seven chapters of Daniel to show us how to live bravely, confidently and obediently in an increasingly secular society.

Readers will see that God is powerful and God is sovereign, and even in the face of circumstances that appear to be prevailing against his people, we may trust him entirely.

We can be as brave as Daniel if we have faith in Daniel’s God!


Author(s): Henry Morris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Feb 9-10)
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Despite living in a very connected world today, few of us have any real understanding of the history of nations. Secular scholars and scientists from various fields rarely consult the Bible’s rich history on the subject. Yet if we consider what the Bible has to say about the global community’s past—and future—achievements and mistakes, we discover a saga as fascinating as anything produced in Hollywood.

In God & the Nations, Dr. Henry Morris does an unusual thing: he shows clearly that God is even more interested in the fate of each person as He is about the unfolding of national stories.

Additionally, he delves into the mysterious world of Bible prophecy to proclaim the God of the Bible as truly unique. Morris, through this study of civilizations, reveals the origins and purpose for the whole world!


Author(s): Terry Toler
Publisher: N/A
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!


Mr. and Mrs. Platt are married at a big ceremony in Chicago. They spend their wedding night in the honeymoon suite of a five-star hotel in downtown Chicago. Robert Platt picks up his wife on the balcony to carry her over the threshold and back into their honeymoon suite. Instead, he tosses her over the railing and sends her plunging twenty-three stories to her death.

Homicide detective Cliff Ford is called to the scene. It’s inconceivable to him that a man would kill his bride on their honeymoon night. His skills are challenged as he must unlock the mystery behind a devious mind. A man who has killed before. And will kill again, if Cliff doesn’t stop him.

Book Two of the Cliff Hangers has everything best-selling and award-winning author, Terry Toler, is known for. Romance. Intrigue. Mystery. Suspense. Danger. And an ending you won’t see coming.


Author(s): Joel R. Beeke & Terry D. Slachter
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Feb 8-9)
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Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and a pastor of the Heritage Netherland Reformed Congregation, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Terry D. Slachter is the executive director of Project Philip, a ministry that helps equip local churches to fulfill the great commission through Bible distribution and discipleship materials, and served in parish ministry for over 25 years in the Christian Reformed Church.

“As the fresh sea breeze, these Puritan mentors refresh our senses as they discuss the office, calling, and blessing of pastoral ministry. This small compendium contains more useful guidance than some whole seminary curriculae. Any pastor seeking wisdom, any pastor needing fuel should turn to these godly and biblical counselors. Their ideas, as well as passion, are needed now more than ever. It is so refreshing to hear from real experts, proven pastors—not the hirelings. Like eavesdropping on a Roundtable of worthies, this conversation is priceless (and not overpriced!). Drink from this well often; it will help your flocks, along with their shepherds. I commend this heartily to all our friends and the next generation of pastors.” — David Hall, pastor of Midway Presbyterian Church of America, Atlanta, Georgia


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