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Author(s):  Kelly Chang Rickert
Publisher:  Quarantine Publications
Price: $0.99       (Nov 25 Only)
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It’s the first Christmas after her parents’ divorce. Helping her Dad decorate for Christmas this year, a little girl named Hope finds a broken snow globe. She recalls the shouting and yelling shortly after she broke the snow globe last year. Shortly thereafter, her mom and dad stopped living together. Hope is convinced she can bring her parents back together if she can repair the snow globe.

In the end, her courageous efforts at repairing the broken snow globe helped her achieve acceptance of her new family arrangement.

Holidays after divorce or separation can be very hard on children. This book was written for them. The story is intended to reassure them that none of this is their fault, and though there may be different living arrangements, both Mom and Dad still love them, and always will.


Author(s): Mark Ashton
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Nov 25-26)
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Christ and His People brings together eight convictions which shaped the ministry of Mark Ashton, a ministry rooted in faithful and humble leadership of Round Church, Cambridge. These eight convictions will encourage others to persevere in ordinary local church, trusting God to keep His Word.

Author(s): Amanda Pittman
Publisher:  David C. Cook
Price: $3.99       (Ends Nov 30)
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Esther Press Presents Stand in Confidence by Amanda Pittman

Culture, church, and life have sold us narratives about who we’re supposed to be as women. If we play the part well, we gain love, acceptance, validation, and significance. When we don’t know which role to play from one day to the next, we sink in insecurity. We feel driven to people-please, downplay, settle, and perform. In all this, we accept less than the abundant life Jesus died to give us.

Amanda Pittman, founder of Confident Woman Co., explains how we can rewrite their damaging self-beliefs with the truth about our God-given identity by establishing the Four Components of Confidence:
Clarity—Embrace our identity and define our design
Connection—Connect with God and connect with others
Competency—Develop our ability and expand our capacity
Conviction—Know our responsibility and use our authority
With a new perspective and focus, we will stand confidently upon the finished work of Jesus and live boldly in our God-given

In this grab bag, we have 6 e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Nov 25


Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

In this grab bag, we have 7 e-books from Baker Academic. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Nov 26

Ends Nov 26

Ends Nov 26

Ends Nov 26

Ends Nov 26

Ends Nov 26

Ends Nov 26

Author(s): Luana Ehrlich
Publisher:  Potter’s Word Publishing
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Mylas Grey is determined to find the person who shot a politician in broad daylight.
There’s just one problem. The killer left no clues behind. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Mylas gets involved in an intriguing case of MURDER . . .
When Mylas arrives in his hometown to spend time with Whitney, he agrees to help his father, a local private detective, examine the files of a politician who was murdered in cold blood.

Mylas gets involved in an intriguing case of murder with NO CLUES . . .
The wife of the slain politician believes her husband’s murder is connected to his duties as a state legislator, but the police find no clues to his murder and no evidence to support her claim.


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