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Author(s):  Sir Isaac Newton
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

When you think of Sir Isaac Newton, you normally think of a great scientist and mathematician. His contributions to these areas of human knowledge are enormous. The same genius he applies to other disciplines, Newton also brings to bear on ancient history. Like a first rate defense attorney, Newton cross-examines the ancient writers, using their own words against them to expose their logical inconsistencies. He then develops a more sound chronology using scientific method based on logic, observations, astronomy, and just plain common sense.

Newton worked on this project for over forty years, but it was not published until 1728, a year after he died. Master Books is republishing this landmark book in a format and style suitable for today’s readers, and most of secular ancient history before 700 BC will need drastic revision in the light of Newton’s detailed findings.


Author(s): Bethany Turner
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       (Dec 20-23)
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She’s a sunny morning-show host. He’s a cynical ex-reporter. They’re destined to hate each other . . . Aren’t they?

Brynn Cornell has to be stuck in a nightmare. Just last week, she was riding high as cohost of the popular morning show Sunup. She’s America’s Ray of Sunshine—the girl-next-door beauty who drives up TV ratings while never exuding anything but her trademark positivity and poise. All it took was one huge on-air mistake to expose her snarky side to the world and make it all come crumbling down. Now she’s back in her hometown of Adelaide Springs, Colorado, in a last-ditch attempt to convince viewers she’s not the mean girl they think she is. All she has to do is apologize and capture some feel-good footage reminding everyone she’s just a girl from humble beginnings who’s grateful for her big break, and she might manage to preserve both her career and her image. But this town holds painful memories that she’s not ready to face.


In this grab bag, we have 10 e-books from Wipf & Stock. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover. In case you missed it, here is part 1.

End Dec 22

End Dec 22

End Dec 22

End Dec 22

End Dec 22

End Dec 22

End Dec 22

End Dec 22

End Dec 22

End Dec 22

Author(s): David Steele
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Be Killing Sin: The Art of War on the Battlefield of Faith guides followers of Christ on a journey that exposes the vicious monster of sin, explains the posture of sin and expounds on a plan to defeat it. This book leans heavily on the Puritans, those physicians of the soul who cherished God’s Word and offered godly counsel for spiritual soldiers.

Author(s): Todd Hunter
Publisher:  Zondervan
Price: $2.99       (Ends Dec 31)
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Experience deep wholeness in your life that springs forth from the peace of God.

We live in a fearful, anxiety-driven age where the problems and challenges of the world assault us from every direction and every media source, and they far exceed our abilities to respond to them. The sense of desperation that often comes of this leads to discord and violence: from bitter, cutting remarks to the atrocities of war; from pervasive racism to knee-jerk micro-aggressions. It contributes to our current, peace-bankrupt social discourse, leading to patterns of dismissing, dividing from, condemning, or hating people.

But what if the root of these problems is not found out there, in the situations, the information or misinformation of what’s happening in the world? What if they come from here: in our minds, hearts, thought-life, and emotions?


Fiction (Female) Header

In this grab bag, we have 5 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Dec 19 Only

Dec 19-20

Dec 19 Only

Ends Jan 2

Ends Jan 2

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