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Author(s): Ken Ham
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Nov 22-23)
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The world around us provides irrefutable evidence of our Creator, but when challenged, can you defend your faith? Do you have answers to your own questions or those of your family about faith, evolution, creation, and a biblical worldview?

Get the important information you need in this compelling third book from the popular Answers series, and learn more about:


Author(s): N/A
Publisher:  Holman Bible Publishers
Price: $4.99       (Nov 22 Only)
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The Ultimate Bible Dictionary is the perfect tool for those who are beginning to study the Bible. Carefully researched and accessible definitions are designed to provide a quick understanding of a term right up front and then, in many cases, go into more detail for those who want this level of description. The definitions are further enhanced by the large number of colorful maps, photos, and reconstructions of biblical objects placed on the same page spread as the definition they accompany.

Carefully researched and accessible definitions
Hundreds of colorful maps, photos, and reconstructions
Concise trim size that is easy-to-carry
Great for personal or group study
The optimal size of the Ultimate Bible Dictionary makes it easy-to-carry and easy-to-use in personal study or group activities. This valuable resource will enhance your understanding of the people, places, objects, and events in the Bible for years to come.


Author(s):  Ewang Nelson Mfortaw
Publisher: N/A
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

It doesn’t take a revelation to realize that these are the last days, and the Christian faith has fallen into apostasy. While some have abandoned the faith to follow deceiving spirits and demons, others are waiting for a Christian revival. For that to happen, however, there needs to be a rebirth of learning.

In this study, Pastor Ewang Nelson Mfortaw examines the teachings of the Bible that can be used to ignite the flames of revival. Through careful consideration, it’s possible to enlighten your understanding of God’s mind and will to attain a true understanding of the Christian faith. You can also discover insights on the Concept of sin, evangelism, the Sabbath , temptation, water baptism, the end of the worlds, and signs of His coming. To facilitate your understanding of the Bible, you ‘ll find psalms and parables as well as quotations from the Scriptures throughout this guidebook.

Get ready to explore the mysteries of the Bible, including the Garden of Eden , the nature of faith, and the wisdom of angels. Learning is the first step for The Spirit of Revival.

Author(s):  Michael P. V. Barrett
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Some Christians find the Old Testament intimidating and irrelevant today because we are under a new and better covenant. In this book, Michael P. V. Barrett demonstrates how vitally important the Old Testament is. Instead of giving a systematic apology for the Old Testament, Barrett simply serves up fifty-two meditations on various passages, allowing us to taste and see how good the Old Testament is in light of Christ’s coming. You will learn how the Old Testament shows us God’s concern for true and spiritual worship, teaches us lessons in the life of faith, and reveals to us the glory of our Redeemer. A real feast for the soul!


Michael P. V. Barrett is vice president for academic affairs, academic dean, and professor of Old Testament at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


In this grab bag, we have 5 e-books from B&H. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Nov 21 Only

Nov 21 Only

Nov 21 Only

Nov 21 Only

Nov 21 Only

Author(s): Gary Chapman
Publisher:  Moody Publishers
Price: $3.99       (Nov 21 Only)
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Real life, encouraging stories embodying the bold, brave, beautiful choice to love.

“To last for the long haul and through the stresses and complexities of life, love has to be more than something we feel. It has to be something we do. We have to demonstrate it concretely in our marriages and families, among our friends and acquaintances, and, yes, even among our enemies. And that’s what this book is about. In its pages, you’ll see examples of people just like you—like all of us—who learned to take the obstacles, the lemons they face in life, and turn them into satisfying, emotional thirst-quenching nectar. These are the success stories that make you want to go out and discover the power of love.” Gary Chapman

If you’re feeling weary or burdened by the call to love, you’ll find strength and hope in the pages of this book. Love is a Choice gives us stories of love in action, inspiring us to go deeper in our relationships. Each story is coupled with 5 Love Languages® insights and application points.


Author(s): Karen Witemeyer
Publisher:  Bethany House Publishers
Price: $2.99       (Ends Nov 25)
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Haunted by the horrors of war, ex-cavalry officer Matthew Hanger leads a band of mercenaries known as Hanger’s Horsemen who have become legends in 1890s Texas. They defend the innocent and obtain justice for the oppressed. But when a rustler’s bullet leaves one of them at death’s door, they’re the ones in need of saving.

Dr. Josephine Burkett is used to men taking one look at her skirts and discounting her medical skills. What she’s not used to is having a man change his mind in a heartbeat and offer to assist her in surgery. Matthew Hanger’s dedication to his friend during recovery earns Josephine’s respect, and when she hears of her brother’s abduction, he becomes her only hope for rescue.

Matt has stared down ruthless outlaws, betrayal, and injury, but when a bossy lady doctor crawls under his skin, his heart is tempted to surrender. And when she is caught in the crossfire, he may have to sacrifice everything–even his team–to save her.

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