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Author(s): Christopher J. H. Wright
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99        (Oct 24-25)
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John Stott has been a giant on the landscape of the worldwide church for more than half a century. Here, however, are almost three dozen brief, very human-sized portraits of a man who has been a radical disciple of Jesus all those years.

One of the outstanding gifts that God gave to John Stott was an incredible capacity for friendship. Never did the word single seem less appropriate than for this lifelong bachelor. So in these sketches by his friends, relatives, coworkers and worldwide partners in the gospel, we see portions of his life and personality that many have not.

We see the small acts of kindness and service he performed such as regularly emptying wastebaskets and taking hours to find the old, toothless mother of a priest in India. We see the range of his interests, from Woody Allen movies to chocolate. And we see a poignant portrait of Stott as he continues to follow Christ in the midst of age and physical decline.

This volume, edited by Christopher Wright, includes contributions from many international leaders such as Michael Green, Keith and Gladys Hunt, Samuel Escobar, René Padilla, Ajith Fernando, Peter Kuzmic and Mark Labberton. We also find insight from others less well-known to the world but very well-known to one of the great international Christian leaders of our day.

Author(s): Ron Sanders
Publisher: Cascade Books (An imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers)
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

The role of Evangelical Christianity in American public life is controversial. The mythology of America as a “Christian nation” and the promissory note of secularism have proved inadequate to cope with the increasing pluralism, the resilience of spirituality, and the wariness toward formal religion that mark our post-secular age. Christianity and democracy have a complex history together, but is there a future where these two great traditions draw the best out of one another? What does that future look like in a heterogeneous society? Sanders argues that democracy is stronger when it allows all of its religious citizens to participate fully in the public sphere, and Christianity is richer when it demonstrates the wisdom of God from the ground up, rather than legislating it from the top down. In this reality, the Evangelical church must return to Christianity’s prophetic roots and see itself as a “community in exile,” where participation in the political is important, but not ultimate–where the substantive work of the church happens “after the election.

“Ron Sanders’, After the Election, is an extraordinary book, filled with sound analysis, charitable engagement, and wisdom . . . Religious discourse needs the pressure of the democratic concern for every citizen, and our democratic processes need the ‘thicker’ ethics that religious life provides. This book is the place to start in order to think well about religion and politics.”
–Gregory E. Ganssle, Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University  (more…)

Author(s): Jim Kraus
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

A wonderfully quirky, heart-breaking, heart-warming and thought-provoking story of a woman’s dog who not only talks to her, he talks to God. Recently widowed Mary Fassler has no choice except to believe Rufus, the miniature schnauzer, who claims to speak to the Divine. The question is: Will Mary follow the dog’s advice, and leave everything she knows and loves? Is this at the urging of God? Or is it something else? Will Mary risk it all or ignore the urgings of her own heart?

Author(s): Ronald J. Sider & John Borelli
Publisher: Cascade Books (An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers)
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

For centuries, evangelical Protestants and Catholics have hurled harsh epithets at each other. But that has changed dramatically in the last forty years. In 1960, many prominent evangelicals opposed John Kennedy for president because he was a Catholic. Today, Catholics and evangelicals work together on many issues of public policy.
This book records one important process in this transformation. In 2004, the board of The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE–the largest representative body of evangelicals in the US) unanimously approved For the Health of the Nation as the official public policy document for its public policy efforts representing 30 million evangelicals. When scholars read this new ground-breaking document, they quickly realized there was a widespread agreement between the NAE’s official public policy document and the official public policy positions of American Catholics. The result was a series of annual meetings held at Georgetown University and Eastern University that brought together prominent Catholic and Evangelical scholars and public policy specialists to explore the extent of the common ground. This book reports on that dialogue–and its contribution to the increasing Catholic-evangelical cooperation.

“While many today are familiar with the new, more positive relationship developing between Roman Catholics and evangelicals, few have expected to find convergence in the areas of justice and social policy. This collection of essays, edited by Ronald Sider and John Borelli, shows how the two communities are learning from each other in their efforts to address the common good. It’s both an honest exploration and a sign of hope.”
–Thomas P. Rausch, Emeritus T. Marie Chilton Professor of Catholic Theology, Loyola Marymount University

“Catholics and Evangelicals for the Common Good brilliantly weave theological reflection with political and religious history to articulate the challenges now confronting both communities in the public square. Every essay acutely analyzes the present by way of turning our attention to the future. Dialogue is admirable, but social action is essential. Here are gathered doers of the word and not merely hearers. This volume offers not to sound bites and slogans, but moral guidance and intellectual nourishment.”
–E. J. Dionne Jr., Professor in the Foundations of Democracy and Culture, Georgetown University

“Here is a collection of principled essays written by leading Catholic and evangelical scholars seeking to find common ground on some of the most pressing and divisive issues of our time. This volume is needed, rare, and welcomed. I commend it to thoughtful Christians everywhere.”
–Timothy George, founding dean of Beeson Divinity School of Samford University

John Borelli is Special Assistant for Catholic Identity and Dialogue to the President of Georgetown University, a position he has held since 2004. He served sixteen years at the Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Ronald J. Sider is a Distinguished Professor of Theology, Holistic Ministry, and Public Policy at Palmer Seminary at Eastern University and the President Emeritus of Evangelicals for Social Action.

Series Sale (Female) E-Book Sale lady girl ladies

In this grab bag we have 3 e-books from The Bow Street Runners Trilogy which were written by Michelle Griep. The prices and sale dates that the publisher has provided are under each ebook cover.

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Author(s): Tim Chaffey & Jason Lisle
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Oct 23-24)
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As the modern Church struggles to find a place of relevance for a new generation that already has massive demands on its time and attention, more and more young people raised in the Church are leaving it – failing to find the answers to their questions of faith and life, beset with doubts raised by issues that the Church chooses not to address. Opting to skirt the controversy of Genesis as literal history, the biblical authority of the Holy Word is called into question and reduced to a collection of mere stories. More popularly considered an issue for schools or in the public realm, the conflicting views on the age of the earth also remain a pivotal issue within the Church – as it has for over two centuries.

Was the Creation week literally six days?
Does science really point to old earth?
Does the issue really matter for Christians?
Should this issue even be discussed within the Church?
Join authors, Dr. Jason Lisle and Tim Chaffey, as they put forth a case against an old-earth interpretation of Scripture. A comprehensive biblical, theological, and scientific critique of old-earth creationism, the book presents its compelling testimony in layman’s terms to create a powerful debate that leads to unquestionable truth.

Author(s): Gordon D. Fee & Douglas Stuart
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $2.99        (Oct 23-25)
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Reading the Bible need not be a haphazard journey through the strange and bewildering territory. Like an experienced tour guide, How to Read the Bible Book by Book takes you by the hand and walks you through the Scriptures. For each book of the Bible, the authors start with a quick snapshot, then expand the view to help you better understand its message and how it fits into the grand narrative of the Bible. Written by two top evangelical scholars, this survey is designed to get you reading the Bible knowledgeably and understanding it accurately.


In an engaging, conversational style, Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart take you through every book of the Bible using their unique approach:

  • Orienting Data–Concise info bytes that form a thumbnail of the book
  • Overview–A brief panorama that introduces key concepts and themes and important landmarks in the book
  • Specific Advice for Reading–Pointers for accurately understanding the details and message of the book in context with the circumstances surrounding its writing
  • A Walk Through–The actual section-by-section tour that helps you see both the larger landscape of the book and how its various parts work together to form the whole. Here you are taken by the hand and told, “Look at this!”


How to Read the Bible Book by Book can be used as a companion to How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. It also stands on its own as a reliable guide to reading and understanding the Bible for yourself.


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