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Author(s): Lori Wick
Publisher:  Harvest House Publishers
Price: $2.99       (Ends Oct 3)
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Lori Wick’s Bestselling Kensington Chronicles Series Is Now Available in One eBook Collection!
The four books in the classic series Kensington Chronicles (more than 400,000 copies sold) have now been gathered together into an ebook bundle for the first time ever! The Kensington Chronicles 4-in-1 ebook-only exclusive is sure to please Lori Wick’s longtime fans as well as new readers longing for stories of love and adventure set in the romantic Victorian era.

Enjoy these four full-length novels:
The Hawk and the Jewel
Wings of the Morning
Who Brings Forth the Wind
The Knight and the Dove
Set in the 1800s, each of these stories tells of a young woman discovering adventure, family, and love. Sunny Gallagher, long believed lost at sea as a toddler, is now headed home to England with Brandon “Hawk” Hawkesbury after years in an Arabian palace. Victoria “Smokey” Simmons takes over command of her late father’s ship, and soon finds her dreams of a hearth and home in jeopardy from enemies without and doubts within.


Author(s): Jessica Smartt
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

As parents we want to safeguard our children from the pressures and influences of the world, but also prepare them for age-appropriate realities. How do we find that balance? Jessica Smartt shares ways to be more aware, proactive, and protective, but also adventurous with our kids.

A former English teacher and homeschooling mother of three, Jessica Smartt felt the weight of helping prepare her kids for life, seeking to raise her children with a sense of adventure, self-confidence, manners, faith, and the ability to use technology wisely.

Let Them Be Kids is Jessica’s offering of grace and confidence to moms, providing practical ideas to meet the challenge of raising children. Part story, part guidebook, every chapter includes doable parenting strategies and encouragement for the journey, equipping moms with ways to provide a safe, healthy, Christ-centered upbringing for our children. Her well-researched, tested methods, woven together with her personal stories and witty humor, deliver wisdom on tough topics, such as:


Author(s): Ben Witherington III & Jason A. Myers
Publisher:  IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

In the field of Pauline studies, much has changed over the last twenty years. Since Ben Witherington III first published his influential book The Paul Quest, monumental works have appeared from scholars such as James D. G. Dunn, N. T. Wright, E. P. Sanders, and John Barclay. The New Perspective is no longer new, and the flurry of publications continues across a range of specialized studies. Those interested in exploring trends and issues related to Paul may find themselves in need of a map.
With Voices and Views on Paul, Ben Witherington and Jason Myers have teamed up to provide a reliable guide to the major terrain of Pauline scholarship. Through a distinctive combination of survey and evaluation, they explain and analyze the thought of recent major Pauline interpreters and track developments over the past two decades. They conclude with an assessment of how these studies have advanced our understanding of Paul and where further work is needed.
Voices and Views on Paul offers a helpful service to students, pastors, and anyone seeking to keep up with this dynamic field as scholars continue to wrestle with Paul and his work.

Author(s):  Benjamin H. Walton
Publisher: Kregel Ministry
Price: $2.99       (Sept 11-12)
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There’s no question that the Old Testament is foundational for the New Testament church. But foundational or not, it can be difficult for preachers to pin down useful resources for narrative texts within the Old Testament, much less to skillfully preach those passages to their congregations.

Benjamin Walton provides the practical insight pastors need. In one volume, he demonstrates both the interpretive and homiletical skills necessary to preach Old Testament narratives well. Walton guides the preacher through selecting a text which is a complete unit of thought; describing the scene in a coherent way; determining the theological message of the text; and carefully crafting a meaningful take-home truth. He doesn’t stop with discovering the core message—-the majority of the book focuses on delivering the message drawn from these narrative texts.

Walton’s approach is not just theoretical. It has been read and tested anonymously by groups of pastors, and their feedback has been incorporated into the book. This valuable resource will help preachers put all the pieces together, have confidence in what they’re imparting, and maximize their preaching potential for Old Testament narratives.


In this grab bag, we have 5 devotional e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Sept 14

Ends Sept 30

Ends Sept 30

Ends Sept 30

Ends Sept 30

Fiction (Male)

In this grab bag, we have 6 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Sept 14

Ends Sept 30

Ends Sept 30

Ends Oct 3

Ends Oct 3

Ends Oct 3

Author(s): Karin Spiecker Stetina
Publisher:  Zondervan Academic
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

The Guide You Need to Read Theology Well.

Too many Christians avoid reading theology for fear they won’t understand it or out of a misconception that it’s only meant for the academic elite. Similarly, students in introductory theology classes can feel overwhelmed by the concepts and terminology they encounter.

Yet theology can be read with enjoyment and discernment. In How to Read Theology for All Its Worth, professor, author, and devoted reader Karin Stetina introduces students to the basic skills of intelligent reading, applied especially to theological works. Anyone who’d like to read theology well, whether a formal student or interested layperson, will benefit from the simple steps Stetina outlines.


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