
Daily E-Book Deals: March 2, 2022

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Author(s): Matthew Barrett
Publisher: Kregel Academic
Price: $2.99       (Mar 2-3)
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This newest contribution to the 40 Questions series continues the tradition of excellent research presented in clear, user-friendly writing. 40 Questions About Salvation makes sense of one of Christianity’s most disputed doctrines, covering the most common and difficult questions about election, the order of salvation, and perseverance of the saints.

This volume will help pastors, college and seminary students, and all Christians who want to grow in their understanding of what the Bible teaches about salvation. Each chapter is succinct and readable, with a bibliography of additional resources for those who wish to study further.


Author(s): Wayne Grudem
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Mar 2-3)
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New from Bestselling Author Wayne Grudem

The topic of divorce is a complicated one, even among Christians. The Bible provides some clear answers, but gray areas remain. In this short booklet, theologian Wayne Grudem offers a thought-provoking analysis of what the Bible says—and doesn’t say—about divorce and remarriage.


Author(s): Andrew Crisp & Lesley Crisp
Publisher: N/A
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Are you worn out by negative thoughts?

Many Christians feel locked trapped by destructive thought patterns, whilst knowing that God intends them to be free. There’s a gap between what God promises and what they experience.

What will Mind the Gap do for you?

Mind the Gap is a 21-day daily devotional that will help you to think differently and grow deeper in your walk with God. Each day’s reading will give you accessible Bible teaching, relevant stories and actionable advice.

You’ll learn practical and spiritual steps to help you overcome negative thought patterns and live in peace, joy and freedom as God intends.

Getting free is easier than you think.

What do people say about Mind the Gap?


Author(s): Matt Fuller
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (Mar 2-3)
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Do you have enough time? Most of us feel pulled in too many directions, never managing to do enough.

Matt Fuller liberates us from the drive to do everything; points us to the source of true rest; and helps us assess how we can be productive without being crushed.

If you have ever felt the tyranny of a too-long to-do list, or the terror of a too-empty one, spend some precious time reading this book!


Author(s): Gary Frazier
Publisher: New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (Mar 2-3)
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According to the results of recent surveys, Americans overwhelmingly believe that HEAVEN exists, though a much smaller number believe that HELL exists, with only one-tenth of one percent believing they will go there when they die. Gary Frazier helps readers:

– Discern what beliefs are based on fact or fiction
– Discover the truth in the midst of so much deception
– Understand the depth of Scripture that speaks of HELL more than HEAVEN.

Hell is for Real is a clear search for truth, and truth matters for the simple reason that we all have a divine appointment with death. What if those who do not believe in HELL die one day and find they made a tragic and eternal mistake? Where do we turn for real answers? Should we look to movies, television, and stories of personal experiences, psychics, or religion?

Cemeteries and mausoleums dot the landscape of America as evidence and reminders of the sad reality of death. The good news is there is a source of hope that provides answers for each and every one who cares to seek the truth. Join the search and choose wisely because, eternity is too long to be wrong and Hell is for Real.


Author(s): Jeremy G.
Publisher: Head Covering Movement
Price: $3.99       (Mar 2-4)
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Have you ever wondered why some women cover their heads in church, while men remove their hats? Have you thought about what this practice means and where it came from? It’s not something that was picked up from the surrounding culture. Instead, it comes directly from 1 Corinthians 11 (in the Bible) where this practice is explained in surprising depth. In fifteen consecutive verses, the Apostle Paul explains and defends the practice of head covering. He appeals to apostolic tradition, to the created roles of men and women, to angels, to nature, and to the church’s exclusive position on this topic.

Though head covering was practiced by the majority of Christians throughout Church history, it is now practiced only by a small minority. However, today many Christians are rediscovering this ancient practice, fueling a resurgence of head covering during church gatherings.

From the founder of the Head Covering Movement comes “Head Covering: A Forgotten Christian Practice for Modern Times.” In this book, Jeremy Gardiner will walk you through the Scriptures so you will see how this symbol beautifully depicts the created differences between men and women. You’ll hear the history of head covering, showing that it wasn’t until the feminist revolution that this practice fell out of favor in the Western church. The most popular objections (the cultural view, the long hair view, and charges of legalism) are all answered in-depth. Finally, the book addresses practical questions regarding how this is to be carried out. (more…)

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