
Daily E-Book Deals: December 16, 2021

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In this grab bag, we have 4 e-books from HarperCollins Christian Publishing. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Dec 16 only

Dec 16 only

Dec 16 only

Dec 16 only

Author(s): Brett McCracken
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99       (Dec 16-17)
Buy Now!

We’re facing an information overload.

With the quick tap of a finger we can access an endless stream of addictive information—sports scores, breaking news, political opinions, streaming TV, the latest Instagram posts, and much more. Accessing information has never been easier—but acquiring wisdom is increasingly difficult.

In an effort to help us consume a more balanced, healthy diet of information, Brett McCracken has created the “Wisdom Pyramid.” Inspired by the food pyramid model, the Wisdom Pyramid challenges us to increase our intake of enduring, trustworthy sources (like the Bible) while moderating our consumption of less reliable sources (like the Internet and social media). At a time when so much of our daily media diet is toxic and making us spiritually sick, The Wisdom Pyramid suggests that we become healthy and wise when we reorient our lives around God—the foundation of truth and the eternal source of wisdom.


Author(s): Terry Toler
Publisher: N/A
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

“Terry Toler is a well written, rising star in fiction.” Michael DeAngelo.

The Universal Church of the Red Planet controls all the religious and political institutions on Mars. Bibles are banned and the people oppressed by religious remissions imposed on them by the church.

The biblical account of the Garden of Eden has been changed so that the official teaching of the church is that Eve ate the apple, but Adam never did. That is used to justify the oppression and persecution of women, by men and the church.

A young girl, Abbey, discovers a copy of an original scribed manuscript of the Bible with the accurate account of the Eden story and sets out to reveal what she has learned to the masses by posting a thesis with copies of the original account on the Vandenberg Church doors under the name Martian Luther.


In this grab bag, we have 6 Christmas fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Dec 31

Ends Dec 31

Ends Dec 20

Ends Dec 11

Ends Dec 31

Ends Dec 20

Womanhood E-Book Deals

In this grab bag, we have 6 e-books for women. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each e-book cover.



Ends Jan 31

Ends Jan 31

Ends Dec 31


In this grab bag, we have 6 e-books on Christian living. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each e-book cover.

Ends Dec 31

Ends Dec 31

Ends Dec 31

Ends Jan 31

Ends Jan 31


Author(s): Tom Whitehead, Kari Whitehead, Emily Whitehead
Publisher: Worthy Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Discover the incredible true story of Emily Whitehead, the first child to receive CAR-T cell treatment for her leukemia — and learn how her family’s faith journey guided them in the fight for her life.
When their five-year-old daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, Tom and Kari Whitehead’s world was shattered. They vowed to do whatever it took to help their daughter, and as they made decisions about how to best treat her, Tom found his faith coming to him in “whispers,” guiding his decisions and keeping his hope alive, while Kari placed great faith in science and the doctors surrounding her little girl. But as Emily’s condition continued to worsen, they both prayed for a miracle.
Then, their miracle arrived, in the form of an experimental treatment called CAR-T cell therapy that, against all odds, saved Emily’s life. Because of Emily’s miraculous recovery, this treatment is now used widely to treat cancer and has gone on to save hundreds of lives and promises to help thousands more. For all the acclaim and attention this important new approach to treating cancer has received, few know the full story of all it took to make this miracle happen.
In Praying for Emily, the Whiteheads share their story, recounting the belief, resilience, and support that got them through the most difficult time of their lives.

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