
Daily E-Book Deals: February 23, 2021

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Author(s): Michael R. Licona
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99       (Feb 23-24)
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The question of the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection has been repeatedly probed, investigated and debated. And the results have varied widely. Perhaps some now regard this issue as the burned-over district of New Testament scholarship. Could there be any new and promising approach to this problem?
Yes, answers Michael Licona. And he convincingly points us to a significant deficiency in approaching this question: our historiographical orientation and practice. So he opens this study with an extensive consideration of historiography and the particular problem of investigating claims of miracles. This alone is a valuable contribution.
But then Licona carefully applies his principles and methods to the question of Jesus’ resurrection. In addition to determining and working from the most reliable sources and bedrock historical evidence, Licona critically weighs other prominent hypotheses. His own argument is a challenging and closely argued case for the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, the Christ. Any future approaches to dealing with this “prize puzzle” of New Testament study will need to be routed through The Resurrection of Jesus.

Author(s): Thor Ramsey
Publisher: Cruciform Press
Price: $2.99       (Feb 23-24)
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It’s become a modern question because of the traditional doctrine: How can God be both loving and wrathful?

In The Most Encouraging Book on Hell Ever, Thor Ramsey (an author, pastor, and comedian…but don’t let that fool you) tackles this question by probing deeper. Avoiding the caricatures of God as either a Frankenstein out to crush you or a Santa Claus ready to grant your every wish (as long as you’ve been really, really good), he asks, “What changes about God if this traditional understanding of the doctrine of hell changes?” As it turns out, everything changes.

If you think a God without hell is more loving, this book will surprise you. While many believe that by eliminating hell they’re getting a new and improved God, this new thinking is more troubling than the old doctrine itself. The new doctrine of hell being sold today is only good news at the most superficial level, leaving us with a wrath-less God who tolerates evils that make even the average atheist cringe.

What if hell itself is good news about God? What if hell highlights everything we find glorious about God? What if the loss of hell leaves the world with a smaller God? Discover why the church needs a new and different breed of hellfire-and-brimstone preacher in the pulpit today. If you can’t imagine how the doctrine of hell could ever make you say, “Praise God,” this book (often funny, but deadly serious) lays out the biblical vision.


Author(s): Dr. Audrey Davidheiser
Publisher: N/A
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

When your faith tells you what’s right, but your feelings are spoiling for a fight . . . how do you deal with difficult people?

Racing ahead regardless of your feelings may seem like the responsible thing to do. However, trying to live biblically while sidestepping feelings is like driving with the handbrake on—you can’t get very far, and you’re miserable the entire time.

Dr. Audrey recommends a smoother ride. Drawing from over a decade of counseling experience, she reveals:

· How to release that handbrake and work with your feelings

· What makes some people difficult

· Why getting angry makes matters worse

· How to determine if you should attempt reconciliation


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