
Tag: You Can Move Ahead No Matter What

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Author(s): Gordon MacDonald
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       (Nov 10 Only)
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“It makes little difference how fast you can run the 100 meters when the race is 400 meters long. Life is not a sprint; it is a distance run, and it demands the kind of conditioning that enables people to go the distance.”—Gordon MacDonald
Running Strong
Whose heart doesn’t leap at the sight of a beautifully conditioned runner, effortlessly gliding along, stride-by stride, mile-by-mile? And what runner gets to this place without a thankless—and often lonely—regimen of strategy and self-denial?
Isn’t this the perfect metaphor of what your heart is longing for—running life’s race with intentionality and grace? With strength and focus?


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