
Tag: When Women Discover the Joy of Their Calling

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Author(s): Angie Ward
Publisher: Navpress
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

You feel it, deep in your bones: God is inviting you to join Him, to participate in His redemptive work in the world. And yet, as a woman leader, you face so many potential obstacles. Lack of clarity over your unique calling. Competing time demands. Changing seasons of life. Challenges such as self-doubt, criticism, and spiritual dryness. With nearly 30 years of ministry experience, Angie Ward knows firsthand the unique challenges that women leaders face as they seek to pursue their calling.

In I Am a Leader, Angie explores the concept of “calling” as it applies specifically to women leaders—those women of influence both in Christian ministry and the broader world: What is calling? How do you discover it? And what does it look like to live out that calling practically amid a multitude of challenges?

Thoroughly researched, theologically and biblically integrated, and uniquely personal, I Am a Leader will resonate no matter where you are on the calling journey: whether you are wondering about your God-given purpose; sensing an inkling of an invitation to a particular ministry; or embarking on the path but encountering challenges.


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