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Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99 (April 13-14)
Honored in 2006 as a “Year’s Best Book for Preachers” by Preaching magazine.
Creation in six days
Woman from the side of man
“Sons of god” taking “daughters of men”
A massive disaster and an animal rescue boat of biblical proportions
Abraham, Sarah, Hagar and the ongoing saga of a dysfunctional family
These are just a few of the episodes that Genesis conjures up. But we miss the point if we focus on what seems strange to us. And we distort the message if we demand that this book answer questions that are strange to it. To read Genesis intelligently, we must consider the questions, the literature and the times in which Genesis was written.
In How to Read Genesis Tremper Longman III provides a welcome guide to reading and studying, understanding and savoring this panorama of beginnings–of both the world and of Israel. And importantly for Christian readers, we gain insight into how Genesis points to Christ and can be read in light of the gospel.
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Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.
Book details:
Kregel: First Ask Why: Raising Kids to Love God Through Intentional Discipleship by Shelly Wildman vs. When They Turn Away: Drawing Your Adult Child Back to Christ by Rob Rienow
Intervarsity Press: How to Read Exodus (How to Read Series) by Tremper Longman III vs. How to Read Genesis (How to Read Series) by Tremper Longman III
New Leaf: World Religions and Cults Volume 2 by Bodie Hodge & Roger Patterson vs. Christian Reading Companion for 50 Classics by James Stobaugh
Good Book Company: Can Science Explain Everything? by John Lennox vs. Is Jesus History? by John Dickson
Harvest House: This Outside Life: Finding God in the Heart of Nature by Laurie Ostby Kehler vs. The Ultimate Guide for the Avid Indoorsman: Life Is Better in Here by John Driver
Christian Focus: Assurance: Overcoming the Difficulty of Knowing Forgiveness by John Owen vs. Christians Are Forever!: The Doctrine of the Saints’ Perserverance Explained and Confirmed by John Owen
Reformation Heritage: The Beauty and Glory of the Christian Worldview by Joel R. Beeke vs. The Beauty and Glory of Christian Living by Joel R. Beeke
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Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99 (Feb 10-11)
Better is a dry morsel with quiet than a house full of feasting with strife. A perverse person spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends. Go to the ant, you lazybones; consider its ways, and be wise.
Everyday we make choices on the path of life. Proverbs are memorable capsules of wisdom, chiseled in words and polished through use by those who have traveled that path ahead of us. But the proverbs of the Bible make a greater claim than “a penny saved is a penny earned.” They are woven into the web of divine revelation, rooted in the “fear of the Lord” that is the beginning of wisdom.
While many proverbs speak to us directly, we can gain much greater insight by studying the book of Proverbs as a whole, understanding its relationship to ancient non-Israelite wisdom and listening to its conversation with the other great voices of wisdom in Scripture–Job and Ecclesiastes.
In How to Read Proverbs Tremper Longman III provides a welcome guide to reading and studying, understanding and savoring the Proverbs for all their wisdom. Most important for Christian readers, we gain insight into how Christ is the climax and embodiment of wisdom.
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Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.
Book details:
Kregel: My Dearest Dietrich: A Novel of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Lost Love by Amanda Barratt vs. Soldier Who Killed a King by David Kitz
Intervarsity Press: How to Read Proverbs (How to Read Series) by Tremper Longman III vs. How to Read the Psalms (How to Read Series) by Tremper Longman III
New Leaf: The Archaeology Book (Wonders of Creation) by David Down vs. The Fossil Book (Wonders of Creation) by Gary Parker
Good Book Company: Not Forsaken: A Story of Life After Abuse: How Faith Brought One Woman From Victim to Survivor by Jennifer Michelle Greenberg vs. Where was God when that happened? by Christopher Ash
Christian Focus: Preaching with Spiritual Power: Calvin’s Understanding of Word and Spirit in Preaching by Ralph Cunnington vs. Unashamed Workmen: How Expositors Prepare and Preach by Rhett Dodson
Moody Publishers: On Bended Knee: Praying Like Prophets, Warriors, and Kings by Crickett Keeth vs. Warfare Praying: Biblical Strategies for Overcoming the Adversary by Mark I. Bubeck
Reformation Heritage: Christ and the Law: Antinomianism at the Westminster Assembly by Whitney G. Gamble vs. God’s Ambassadors: The Westminster Assembly and the Reformation of the English Pulpit, 1643-1653 by Chad Van Dixhoorn
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Author(s): Tremper Longman III & John H. Walton
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $4.99 (Ends Oct 9)
“The flood continued forty days on the earth; and the waters increased, and bore up the ark, and it rose high above the earth . . . and the ark floated on the face of the waters” (Gen 6:17-18 NRSV). In our modern age the Genesis flood account has been probed and analyzed for answers to scientific, apologetic, and historical questions. It is a text that has called forth flood geology, fueled searches for remnants of the ark on Mount Ararat, and inspired a full-size replica of Noah’s ark in a biblical theme park. Some claim that the very veracity of Scripture hinges on a particular reading of the flood narrative. But do we understand what we are reading? Longman and Walton urge us to hit the pause button and ask, what might the biblical author have been saying to his ancient audience? The answer to our quest to rediscover the biblical flood requires that we set aside our own cultural and interpretive assumptions and visit the distant world of the ancient Near East. Responsible interpretation calls for the patient examination of the text within its ancient context of language, literature, and thought structures. And as we return from that lost world to our own, we will need to ask whether geological science supports the notion of flood geology. The story of Noah and the flood will continue to invite questions and explorations. But to read Longman and Walton is put our feet on firmer interpretive ground. Without attempting to answer all of our questions, they lift the fog of modernity and allow the sunlight to reveal the true contours of the text. As with other books in the Lost World series, The Lost World of the Flood is an informative and enlightening journey toward a more responsible reading of a timeless biblical narrative.
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In this grab bag, we have 10 e-books from the Digital Short Series which were published by Zondervan.
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