
Tag: Theology

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Author(s): Stanley J. Grenz & Roger E. Olson
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $4.99        Buy Now!

To many Christians, theology is something alien, overly intellectual and wholly unappealing. Even seminary students are known to balk at the prospect of a course on theology. Yet theology–most simply, the knowledge of God–is essential to the life and health of the church.

In this short introduction, Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson, two theologians who care deeply about the witness of ordinary Christians and the ministry of the church, show what theology is, what tools theology uses, why every believer (advanced degrees or not) is a theologian and how the theological enterprise can be productive and satisfying. They are clear, easily understood book is ideal for students, church study groups and individual Christians who want to strengthen understanding, belief, and commitment by coming to know God more fully.

Author(s): Amos Yong
Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Theology—the attempt to come to a deeper, more faithful understanding of one’s encounter with God—is something to which all Christians are called. In Learning Theology, Amos Yong invites the reader to lay claim to that calling and to see it as yet another opportunity to love God.

Written for those taking their first course in the subject, this book introduces the foundational sources and tasks of theology. It asks what difference theology makes in our lives, how it can influence the way we write and study, and how we understand other forms of learning as part of the Spirit’s leadership. Yong encourages the reader to see all of life through the lens of faith, and Learning Theology offers tools to more thoughtfully and faithfully perform that task.

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