
Tag: The Secret To Finding Your Godly Husband

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Author(s):  Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

There is a well-kept biblical secret to finding your godly husband. What young, Christian woman doesn’t dream of finding that certain one, that chosen man whom God has selected just for her? In these pages you will discover that secret, as well as the secrets to starting your marriage off on the best possible footing. As with all things in life, if you submit yourself to doing things God’s way, then you are setting yourself on the path of God’s blessing and God’s best. Why not avail yourself of His wisdom in the most important decision of your life?

Author(s): Andy Ripley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $4.19       Buy Now!

For several years, my wife, Cristina, and I served as missionaries in Brazil. During our time there we were blessed with the opportunity to minister to many youth and young adult groups. We discovered that many of the young Christian folks there were eagerly searching to find their spouse. And some not so young people as well! Seeing the need for teaching them to take a biblical approach to this process, I put together the material, which we were able to teach to many such groups. For the single Christian men, I prepared the material for “The Secret to Finding Your God-given Wife.” For the single Christian women, I prepared the material for “The Secret to Finding Your Godly Husband.”
After receiving many requests to put these into book form, it is finally done. These books serve as guides to help the single Christian understand the biblical approach to seeking a mate. If you know any single Christian man or woman who is searching for their mate, send them a copy. If you are searching yourself, get a copy. I believe it will bless you and help you in the process. Happy hunting!
There is a well-kept biblical secret to finding your godly husband. What young, Christian woman doesn’t dream of finding that certain one, that chosen man whom God has selected just for her? In these pages you will discover that secret, as well as the secrets to starting your marriage off on the best possible footing. As with all things in life, if you submit yourself to doing things God’s way, then you are setting yourself on the path of God’s blessing and God’s best. Why not avail yourself of His wisdom in the most important decision of your life?

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