
Tag: Satan

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Author(s): Franklin Graham
Publisher: Worthy Inspired
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

In the parable of the sower, Jesus foretold all the ways the world would try to reject God’s Word. Rocks will be thrown at the righteous, dirty birds will try to steal your peace and assurance, and briars will try to choke out the clear truth with noise and confusion. Today, the rocks are hardened hearts that have turned from God, the dirty birds are enemies of the Gospel dispelling negative influences, and the briars are the media channels seeking to distract, confuse, and alarm. Satan uses these threats to scorch out, choke out, and steal away God’s Word. Yet God is unchangeable and infallible. His Word is the seed that produces truthfulness, holiness, and obedience-and we are called to plant it, nurture it, and tend it in order to have a fruitful harvest.

fighting satanAuthor(s): Joel R. Beeke
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

If you are a true believer, Satan hates you because you bear the image of Christ and because you were snatched from his power. You deserted Satan, and he wants you back. He wants to sift you like wheat. While we should not overestimate Satan’s power, to our peril we underestimate an enemy who is living, intelligent, resourceful, and cunning.

Every Christian is in a battle that is fierce, spiritual, and necessary between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to know the enemy—his personality, his strategies, his weaknesses, and his defeat at Calvary and his final judgment.

In a day when society has in many ways placed itself under Satan’s rule, when Satanism is flourishing in Western nations, when certain branches of the church are preoccupied with “deliverance ministries,” and when others deny the devil’s existence, Fighting Satan is a sober, practical perspective on this vital subject. Joel R. Beeke states, “We must know our enemy. . . . We must know how to withstand him and what spiritual weapons to take up against him. We must defeat him by faith through lives that bear fruit and spread the truth.” (more…)

Interview with the DevilAuthor(s): Russell Wight
Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

The Bible describes Satan as “the father of lies” (John 8:44). . .so what would he say if he ever told the truth? Find out in Interview with the Devil! This intriguing, substantial study of Satan is presented in an easy-to-read fiction format. Built upon key scriptures that define Satan’s character and motivations, this book supposes a series of journalistic interviews where Satan actually speaks the truth. What really happened during that rebellion in heaven? Why did the devil go after Job? How can you personally fend off Satan? Find out in Interview with the Devil.

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