
Tag: Sara Thurman

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Author(s): Sara Thurman
Publisher:  Acts 1:8 Blessings
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

How small steps and little changes can purposefully make your spousal relationship a holy journey.
Are you weary in your marriage relationship and not feeling heard? Does your spouse seem more interested in other things than you? Are disagreements on finances and parenting strategies constant? Do you feel you are going down two different paths with your faith walk but don’t know what to do?

27,000 Miles in Love shares the nitty gritty of Sara and Wayman Thurman’s difficult journey with infertility, bankruptcy, and financial struggles. Although they encountered disagreements and tough decisions throughout their 35 years of marriage and a twenty-year age difference, their marriage was an epic love story, a union of faith which guided them every step of the way.


Author(s): Sara Thurman
Publisher:  Act 3:18 Blessings
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

There was once a little boy who grew up in the sandy red dirt fields of West Texas where the horned toads and rattlesnakes roamed. This little boy did not get told he was loved by his father. In fact, he never was told he was loved or that his dad was proud of him.

He made a promise to himself that when he became a father someday, he would be sure to tell his sons he loved them and he was proud of them, and he did.

With positive words of encouragement, sage advice, and undivided attention, he showered his sons with unconditional love creating a multi-generational blessing’s tradition.

Give Me Some Baby Grins is a heartwarming tribute story of the love and affection a father had for his sons that now pours over his grandchildren and will continue to do so FOR GENERATIONS. It will inspire you to do the same and never spend a day without telling your children you love and care for them.


Author(s): Sara Thurman
Publisher: Acts 1:8 Blessings
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

How does one grieve the loss of a loved one? How does one help others in the grieving process?

Losing a loved one is often our greatest fear in life. We are trying to find our way on unfamiliar grounds, not knowing where it will lead us to. Working through grief is such an unknown journey yet, one we must learn to navigate with new meaning and clarity. Without a one size fits all approach to grieving, we are unsure of what to do in our own grief when it hits us. We often don’t know what to do or what to say when trying to help others grieving a loss either. Thinking we are going to cause more pain, we do nothing to help the bereaving or we try to “fix them”.

By sharing private journal entries of her first 100 days of being a widow, Sara Thurman’s personal journey of grief created the foundation for her new book, Reflecting on Grief and Moving Beyond Pain. She presents her reflections, writings, prayers, and scriptures that helped her anchor through the devastating pain and to rediscover new meaning and purposes in her life.


Author(s): Sara Thurman
Publisher: Acts 1:8 Blessings
Price: $0.99       (Ends Dec 8)
Buy Now!

Have you ever wondered if God loves you? This question has been asked by children of all ages and the answer sometimes is that they feel unloved. We often make the connection with our feelings about God in the heavens, to how we feel about our fathers on earth. If children have grown up in a harsh and unloving environment, they may have made a connection that God also gets angry easily and is not loving.

How Good Can God Be? is an inspiring book to all humans who want to feel the universal emotion of love and shows the example of a loving earthly father to his daughter through the growth stages of life, as a reflection of our loving and kind heavenly Father, God.

Sara Thurman beautifully connects the earthly relationship of father and daughter to the heavenly relationship with God and His children. In How Good Can God Be? the dad includes his daughter in purposeful activities on a big ranch in Texas, where they live, while he teaches her how to garden and to patiently wait for the harvest. He also uses words of affirmation to his adult daughter to declare her identity as a loved child. He makes himself present in his daughter’s life since she was a little girl and watches her become a teenager and young adult, continuing to be involved in her life.


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