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Author(s): Susan Mouw
Publisher: N/A
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

This book of poems follows the author’s life in Christ, with all the questions, the worries, the trials, and the triumphs. She questions God, waits to hear His answer and then shares both in her search for wisdom.The poems follow her growth in Christ, with the first one, Twenty-five Years, giving her testimony of all the years she was blinded by the lust for things of this world. One day, her eyes and ears were opened to the truth and love she found in God’s word and in Him. Read about how she found safety and peace in the Lord, even while believing she had found success in the world. “I thought I was happy, my life was full. But my soul despaired. And in a quiet voice, it cried out for that which my mind could not accept. And You answered.” (excerpt from The Light)Read how the Lord answers her when she asks where she can find comfort, and a true friend, “Look to the heavens, child. All the answers are here.My Spirit will be your comfort. I will take away all your fears.I will always be with you to wipe your tears away.My presence is your strength each and every step of the way.” (excerpt from My Comfort)Follow along with this author’s walk with the Lord, as she learns more about His Wisdom, His Grace, and His Love. This author holds nothing back as she shares her experiences while drawing ever closer to her Lord Jesus. Daring to expose the thoughts of her heart in psalm-like praise along the way. It is an experience to which many can relate.At the end of the book, she shares a prayer so that you, too, can experience the wonder, the majesty, and the hope of His redeeming love.UPDATE – 3/16/2020: Rated 4 out 4 stars by professional reviewers at Online Book Club! See the full review here: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=135591

View more poems from The Road to the Cross on my website: http://roadtothecross.org/

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