
Tag: Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage

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Reclaiming Our Forgotten HeritageAuthor(s): Curt Landry
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       (June 12-14)
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Sid Roth, Host of “It’s Supernatural,” says…

“Is it possible to take New Testament and denude the Jewish culture and get a full revelation? Of course not. But many Christians go their whole lives without all the pieces of the puzzle. My friend, Curt Landry, shows how the identity theft took place and fills in the missing pieces. Fall in love with Jesus all over again.”

Perry Stone, Founder of Voice of Evangelism, International School of the Word, Omega International, and Manna Fest says…

“Curt Landry’s Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage serves as a timely and groundbreaking take on the roots of the Christian Church and its place in the entirety of God’s Kingdom. As Landry uncovers and unwraps the discovery of his own Jewish heritage and history, he also seeks to do the same for the body of Christ. This book attempts to answer the questions ‘Who are we?’ and ‘Why are we here?’ from the perspective of the whole body of believers. If we ignore some of the full story, we are missing some part of our identity– and in identity, there is power, there is purpose, and there is covenant.

Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage provides a valuable and unique take on this situation. As the body of Christ begins to reconnect with the olive tree onto which it has been grafted and as the fulfillment of Revelation draws nearer, there is no better time than now to learn about and become firmly grounded within your spiritual heritage.”

Chuck Pierce, Author and President of Global Spheres and Glory of Zion International Ministries, says…

“Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage is a journey! This book was like reading a priceless painting in process. Curt Landry motivates each of us uncover our heritage. In process of reading you will ‘see’ how we each are grafted into Abraham’s covenant. My faith soared from page to page. Landry is a major artist painting our roots and causing us to see our fruitful tree blossom! I do not know of a modern book that better displays One New Man. This book will be used by the Spirit of God to tear down the wall between Jew and Gentile. This is a must read!”

Rabbi Curt Landry, founding pastor of House of David Ministries, reveals how understanding the Jewish roots of Christianity leads to a more vibrant, secure, and powerful Christian walk.

The church was created by Jesus, who was born Jewish yet primarily rejected by his family and his people. His early followers were both Jewish and gentile, and the church’s early culture was rooted in Judaism and a Jewish understanding of God’s relationship to his people. Over time, however, Christianity became increasingly more Roman than Jewish, and the church lost its identity.

Rabbi Curt Landry’s personal story is remarkably similar. Born out of wedlock to a Jewish mother and a Catholic father, Landry was put up for adoption. For over thirty years, he had no understanding of his heritage, his roots, or who his parents were. But when he discovered the truth of his story, his life changed completely.

The key to a life of power and purpose is understanding who you are. In this revelatory new book, Curt Landry helps Christians discover their roots in Judaism, empowering them to walk in the revelation of who they really are and who they are born to be. Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage reveals the mysteries of the church, letting Christians grasp the power that comes from connecting with their identity.

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